It’s a few weeks before Halloween and every day that Donald Trump has been in office is All Fool’s Day, but this is a bit much even for him. Trump was planning to make a reappearance in public life, after his sojourn at Walter Reed hospital, dressed as the Man of Steel. For reasons known only to it, the New York Times buried the lede at the end of the story:

The gathering [today at the White House] was also the latest effort by the president to show he was not as sick as news outlets, including The New York Times, reported last weekend, when he was said to have been administered supplemental oxygen. In a Fox News interview on Friday night, Mr. Trump denied that he had experienced any trouble breathing and said he was no longer taking any medications.

In several phone calls last weekend from the presidential suite at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Mr. Trump shared an idea he was considering: When he left the hospital, he wanted to appear frail at first when people saw him, according to people with knowledge of the conversations. But underneath his button-down dress shirt, he would wear a Superman T-shirt, which he would reveal as a symbol of strength when he ripped open the top layer. He ultimately did not go ahead with the stunt.

At the White House on Saturday, Mr. Trump took note of the teal blue shirts the attendees wore, pointed to the crowd and said, “I want to put one of them on instead of a white shirt.”

You go right ahead and play dress up, Donald, because in the very near future your sartorial choices may be limited to an orange jump suit. Just ask Paul Manafort. They wouldn’t let him dress up in his ostrich vest anymore — or even a business suit.

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    • It’s all about attention to him. The man is a sublime fool. He has no concept about what being president is — which is why this has worked for him as well as it has, paradoxically. If he had a clue what the job required, he wouldn’t have gone near it with a ten foot pole.

      • There will be parodies and movies about tRump’s stupidity for at least a generation. Think Police Academy but with a White House theme. ? Who will play Eric? Kayleigh MAGAninny? Pence? It will be super fun!

  1. The total irony is that, in the current comic book continuity, EVERYONE knows that “wimpy” Clark Kent is Superman. (Comic writer, Brian Bendis, made the decision to have Superman make the “big reveal” nearly a year ago and that decision has had some serious consequences in the DC universe.)

  2. Funny thing is I actually had the lyrics to a dumb-as-hell 1990s country song going through my head a few days ago called “Honky Tonk Superman”: “Look, up there on that neon sign,/It’s a bird,/It’s a plane,/Lord, he’s lost his mind!”

    Yes, I was thinking about Trump when I recalled that. No, I had no idea how apt those lyrics were until now. Yeezus!

  3. My first reaction was that he looked in the mirror and saw himself in a t-shirt with a stretched the hell out, distorted S and realized what a bad idea it was. Then I remembered that hugely embarrassing appearance in White Tie walking down the corridor next to the Queen, and with all the other men in White Tie with properly fitted tails and waistcoats – that didn’t have six inched of white sticking down that’s not supposed to show! He really did like like a freaking redneck rube! So it’s possible he actually did think he looked good in a t-shirt and had to be talked out of it.

    • I’m pretty sure his mental image of himself is when he was 21 and still capable of playing decent – not pro quality – baseball. Which is why he keeps getting clothes that don’t fit correctly.

  4. If he’d tried that, he’d have fallen over sideways, and everyone would have laughed at him even harder than if he hadn’t fallen. You have to be delusional to think he even resembles a superhero…and he *is* delusional.

  5. Years ago Monty python’ s FLYING circus did a skit on twits/silly morons trying to win a contest by shooting themselves. The group shot some folks, birds, & other stuff but no one was able to win. Ladies & gentlemen…we have a winner!

  6. Well, actually this makes sense in a perverted way: this is the guy who said to Rush Limbaugh that he is very healthy. And. Young. Young–really. So young I guess that dressing up as Superman tracks with his being a seven-year-old kid and not a 74-year-old has-been.


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