This was anticipated. Donald Trump recently endorsed No Labels and of course he did. His one and only chance to get back into power is if he can bleed off enough votes from Joe Biden to where he squeaks back into office. No Labels is the disaster waiting to happen and so it makes perfect sense that Trump is endorsing it.

It’s sad, but again on point, that Joe Manchin is flirting with this. It would be better for him and democracy as a whole if he would walk away and run for yet another senate term.

Huntsman may also take a shot at the No Labels ticket, if Manchin decides not to.

The bottom line of No Labels is that yes, it’s a laughing stock, but there’s nothing funny about the fact that third party candidates bleed off votes from the Democratic contender. And that’s all that No Labels wants to do, regardless of what high sounding rhetoric it spews.

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  1. Wow! The cover image used for your article here makes Trump look like he’s just realised he’s going to be sucked into a wormhole that’ll unambiguously drop him into another dimensional existence – one that comes steeled by the force of law.

  2. Okay. An update on the “Read more” overlay.

    I just got on about 10-15 minutes ago with the 7 most recent articles–going back to Denis’ “Trump Loses in Court Again” and running through Shapiro’s whine about Snow White and Trump’s treating Judge Cannon like a schmuck to Rudy’s latest bit of stupidity and DeSantis’ latest little stunt and Margarine Traitor Greene’s surprising endorsement of President Biden and, of those, the Shapiro, Cannon and DeSantis pieces came up “clean” while the rest had the overlay. Now, though, going back and checking, those pieces are all showing the overlay.

    Ursula, what’s going on here?

    • Sorry this is still an issue for you. As I told you yesterday it’s being looked at, but this tech stuff gets complicated when some users have the same thing you’re seeing and others don’t. So please, give it some time.

    • This was something that was done without my knowledge or permission. I personally have never seen this button so I don’t know what all the fuss was about. I may ask the person who did it for some kind of a private demo.

      I see the same button all the time at Yahoo News and am not sure why it’s such a BFD when it’s done here. Can somebody answer that question for me?

      • Because the button doesn’t work for one thing, it doesn’t take you anywhere. In the meantime, the page it covers is locked up, not available to read. I’ve had to pass up several articles because of it. It IS a BFD. I’ve seen sites where in order to read the whole article you have to click on ‘Read More’ or some other such button. If the button works, that’s one thing. When all it does is block you from reading the article at all, well, I’m sure that’s not what you had in mind.

        • You’re saying that when you push the button it doesn’t allow you to read the story? Now this is new information. It makes sense people are upset if they can’t read the story. I didn’t know that.

          Is this what you are telling me? Because I will go to the person who did this, without my knowledge and start rattling legal sabers. But I want to have the facts straight first. You’re saying that stories were “locked up” and when you pushed the blue button, nothing happened. Correct?

      • I’m not sure really what you’ve seen at Yahoo News (I don’t go through Yahoo News) but I will admit I see a “Read more” button when I’ve gone to AOL’s news feed (which, admittedly, frequently comes from Yahoo).

        The “BFD” as you seem to be suggesting is that when I have seen that “Read more” button, it’s done in a kind of “Paul Harvey” way. In other words, you read ONLY a paragraph or two and there is NOTHING more beyond the “Read more” button–certainly I’ve never had a freaking OVERLAY that grays out the screen.

        The only other scenario I’ve seen like this–in my immediate experience–is with Billboard’s online site. I’ll get “news items” in my email inbox and I click on the link and it takes me to the site. *IF* the news is on the “free” part of the site, it appears and I can read the whole thing in full. *IF* however, the news is on the “Pro” part of the site (the subscription service), I may be able to read a paragraph or two as the page is loading but once it loads, either everything I’ve read just disappears or the first two or three sentences remain (with a note that the article is “Pro” only).

        For me, my experience here hasn’t been like Carol O’s. When I click the “Read more” button, it just basically refreshes the whole page. What REALLY bugs the hell out of me, though, is when I’ve done that and I post a comment. When the page refreshes then (after the comment shows up), then that “Read more” overlay comes back. Also, the simple inconsistency is annoying. As I noted above, I was able to read a few articles earlier this morning without the “Read more” overlay but other articles, the overlay showed up (and, the overlay showed up when I went back to those articles which, just minutes earlier, didn’t display it).

        Now, it may have been dealt with by this point, since it didn’t show up when I came back here–to this particular article–to see if there’d been a reply to my earlier post. But, I’ve got some other articles lined up (starting at the “Breaking: Trump Claims He’s Gotten New Target Letter” article going to the “Trump is a ‘Target’ for J6”) that I haven’t yet perused so we’ll see.

        I wasn’t intending some kind of “stink” here–just wanting to know why it SUDDENLY started with NO warning.

  3. Another measuring stick of the abject stupidity and intellectual laziness of the American voting public. All you who voted for Ralph Nader, Jill Stein, and now this man behind the curtain…let’s be really clear…YOU ARE HELPING THE NAZIS KILL US ALL. Any questions? Of course not. As Dylan once sang, ‘you don’t ask questions when God is on your side’. This next statement is a fact, not my opinion…if you keep the soulless oligarchs in power, they WILL push us past the tipping point in climate change due to their greed and YOU and your progeny will see the planet turn into Venus. There is no life on Venus. The best estimate by scientists is we’ve got about eight years. The rate at which we are going in that direction says we have less time than that. Therefore, anyone who votes republican in 2024 is an evil, child killing nazi. Fact. Time to smarten up. This isn’t a goddamn reality show. It’s the real deal.

  4. If somehow the Republicans get the backbone to nominate someone other than Tre45on, look for No Labels to suddenly change their nominee to Trump.

    No Labels, QAnon, Deep State, and Antifa are all wholly-owned subsidiaries of the Trump Organization.

      • Specializing in false-flag operations. Go back and look at those who tried to turn BLM protests into race riots. Those are all Trump supporters flying an ‘Antifa’ flag.

        • OK, now I understand. Wasn’t sure exactly where you were going with that but I agree that a lot of what Antifa were trying to do was co-opted by undercover Trump/MAGAts to make things worse.

  5. An antifascist group IS NOT the same as the rest Danny. Try getting your facts straight. The only deep state was the one fat boy put in place. Don’t be an example of the blatant stupidity I discussed.

    • Michael Flynn was in place LONG before Trump ever ran for office. As was Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas. There are people in government that have always been opposed to the notion that the people should lead instead of kings and king-makers. This is the true Deep State. And these people bought into Trump has their best hope of seizing permanent power.

      Sure, Trumpy takes ‘swings’ at them, but they know it’s just part of the act . Just like his ‘attacks’ on Fox News, there a wink if you catch it, they both know its just for show.


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