It’s interesting how our culture has one set of rules for the wealthy and one for the poor, or even middle class. If a poor man was given to continuous screaming fits, even in his home, let alone publicly and on social media, he would be put on a 72-hour hold and if the behavior persisted, stronger measures would be taken.

But if you’re rich, you can get away with flipping out every day if you feel like it. Donald Trump is proof of that. Today he came out of hiding to gripe, once again, about how egregiously he is being treated.

The plain truth of the matter is that all of these issues began long long before Trump announced his campaign last November.

Part of what has him upset is one of his employees, a spokesperson, was interviewed this week in Florida in connection with Trump’s legal issues.

Here’s the rest of the tweet  “—a decline led by Joe Biden and power hungry Democrats. I will not be intimidated by this weaponization of government. For me, the need to unite our nation and make America great again has never been more clear than it is today. That starts with re-electing President Donald J. Trump, a purpose I will not be deterred from pursuing.”

Good for you, Taylor. Knock yourself out.

Poor Bedeviled Donald, so many lawsuits, so little time. And who is the architect of all this adversity? No, it’s not the Deep State. It’s Trump himself. Alas, he will die never having grasped that basic fact.


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    • His niece Mary nailed it with the words “Too much and too little” which was part of the title of her book about her infamous uncle Donnie.

  1. If was somehow able to get close enough for Trump to see me today I’d hold up a sign and shout the single word on it: DICK-tator!

  2. The biggest mystery on earth? How a public, supposedly living in a democracy, driven by rational thought, can’t discern fact from fiction, even WHEN THE GODDAMN FACTS ARE AVAILABLE. Frankly,
    I’m sick of this phucking country and it’s history of HYPOCRISY!!!! Sick to my phucking soul.

    • Hey! Don’t accuse the whole nation of being like the MAGAt cult!!! They may be screaming, but they are still a minority!

  3. If you don’t want to do the time, don’t do the crime.

    Advice Trump has long ignored, karma is catching up with him.

    • You are right , Trump has always been a crook and a liar . He’s lied about his wealth , he’s cheated on his taxes, he’s cheated on his wives and he’s stupid …

  4. Yet Nonya…black folks are not safe anywhere. The number of military weapons and guns on our streets have doubled in the last twenty years. The number one killer of children is guns. Nixon, the top traitor/criminal in the early 70s, criminalized cannabis to lock up uppity black activists and antiwar demonstrators CONTRARY TO THE KNOWN FACTS AT THE TIME, laws that still stand today, creating tens of millions of political prisoners! Meanwhile, the Sacklers, directly responsible for the tsunami of overdose deaths, get immunity and a slap on the wrist. We lock up more citizens than any country on earth. Women have less rights today than when I was at Carolina in the early 70s. The planet will kill us all if we don’t stop the fossil fuel industry. We have nazis sitting in Congress and the Supreme Court. I could go on, but my point is: who allowed all of this??? The phucking majority. That’s who. I’m afraid the evidence is on my side, not that I’m happy about it. It’s heartbreaking, AND DIDNT HAVE TO BE THIS WAY!


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