Tell me if you’ve heard this before: Donald Trump kvetches about President Joe Biden regarding his mental acuity then speechifies in front of an audience and commits a flub-a-thon of his own. One that makes whatever gaffe Biden uttered seem insignificant. Because they usually are.

I mean, after all, #45 is the “covfefe president,” he’s the windmills/cancer president, he’s the president whom, you may recall, described Hurricane Florence as “one of the wettest we’ve seen from the standpoint of water,” because yes he says hilariously, epically dumb things like this. You know, things Joe Biden would never be caught saying because he turns right around and returns Trump’s disfavor by mocking him.

And Trump was in especially fine form at a National Rifle Association event earlier Friday in Pennsylvania, where he flubbed up a storm, according to Raw Story. The fun began when he mispronounced the word “subsidy,” right after he’d criticized Biden’s competency. Biden-Harris HQ didn’t fail to notice.

Then Trump had trouble with the word “dollar.” Either that or he was inventing a new currency.

“Because he understood tariffs. I charged him hundreds of millions of dino-dollars China paid to the united states,” he said.

Raw Story’s David McAfee also noticed Trump’s wonky grammar while also getting his days wrong. I guess it was a two-for-one special.

“Also in the speech, trump said that he had a nice and simple life before he ran for president, when he wasn’t in the spotlight every single time he ‘said one word a little bit mispronunciation.”

Now remember, this is the dude who wanted to arm teachers—and of course, the NRA loved this idea.

While Trump’s speech was flubtastic, it was also quite disturbing as he promised to roll back Biden-era gun restrictions, telling his gun-loving audience that “no one will lay a finger on your firearms,” if he becomes president, according to Politico.

“every single biden attack on gun owners and manufacturers will be terminated on my very first week back in office, perhaps my first day,” Trump said.

So school shootings be damned, Trump couldn’t possibly care less as long as those NRA “dino-dollars” keep flooding into his campaign. As this 2022 story demonstrates, Trump and a number of other Republicans have benefitted from NRA largesse.

Whether he’s coherent, or incoherent, Trump is fun to mock but he’s also scary because he’ll do whatever he can to be reelected in 2024. Even at the mercy of our children.

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  1. I think he was trying to invent his own currency. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 But yeah, he’s full of it.

  2. Of course he wasn’t in the spotlight before 2015. Before that asinine t.v. show they called a “reality” show (never mind much of it ended up not in the show after editing thereby proving “reality” shows are anything but) trump was a multiple bankruptcy loser which was why the creators of that nonsense chose him in the first place. Hardly spotlight-worthy. Had the msm continued with that sort of sensible behavior and treated him like the loser and fool he is we wouldn’t be in this troublesome spot we are in today. The owner of every news outlet in the country responsible for blasting this idiot all over the airwaves, etc. in 2015-2016 needs to be up against the wall and not even when the revolution comes–NOW.

  3. Trump doesnt know who is president…Haley didn’t remember the date of the attack on the World Trade Center…September 10th??? WTF??? Biden is looking great!


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