Yesterday I wrote that once again Trump continued to amaze, coming up with excuses for his possession of stolen classified documents that were the stupidest words ever uttered. I’ve got to stop saying that, because every time I do, within 24 hours, Trump comes out and trumps himself.

Today’s stupidity comes in 3 parts, and we’ll start with the funny one. Traitor Tot, continuing to play the part of Baby Herman from the movie Who framed Roger Rabbit, whined out today that As President, I had the absolute right to do anything I wanted with those documents! When I heard that, I could almost see that fat lower lip sticking out and trembling. And as Lone Star said in the Spaceballs movie, Ohh, Princess. You’re ugly when you pout!

Which is pure, unadulterated bullshit. True, Trump could declassify documents as President, but there’s nothing to suggest he followed the process to do so. FUX News tried to come to the rescue in intoning Nixon’s famous line in his David Frost interview, When the President does it, it isn’t a crime. First, Nixon wasn’t talking about stolen classified material. Second, it was bullshit when Nixon said it, and it’s bullshit now.

The second two come in the form of a truly imbecilic letter. A Trump legal beagle sent the DOJ a snippy letter stating that, when the FBI did their sack and pillage raid, they took off with boxes of confidential information covered by attorney-client privilege, as well as boxes containing documents that were covered by, wait for it, Executive privilege! The letter demanded that the FBI locate those boxes and return them most riki-tik!

Give me a second to jam an ice pick into my ear so I can give this the stupidity it truly deserves. First, why did it take The Cheeto Prophet a week to claim that the documents were improperly seized? And even if they did, So what?! Does he honestly believe that there wasn’t attorney-client information on Rudy Ghouliani’s phone when the FBI seized it?, or in those cartons of boxes confiscated from Michael Cohen’s office? That’s what the FBI Scrub Team is for. They’re uninvolved agents and lawyers that review every document, and anything that is privileged is removed and returned before the investigation sees it. It happens often enough that there’s a procedure for it, fer Crissakes!

And now back to Trump’s favorite dead horse to flog, Executive Privilege. Why? The SCOTUS has already ruled that executive privilege sits with the current President, not the last one. Whatever he claimed privilege on, that died when he left office. If he wanted it to remain privileged, he would have had to petition Biden to extend the courtesy and leave them privileged. He never did.

But here’s the McGuffin. Even if Trump did, and even if Biden agreed, it still doesn’t matter! Because of the Presidential Records Act. According to the act, every scrap of paper generated during a presidential run must immediately be turned over to the National Archives upon leaving office. Those are our records, and the National Archives keeps them for us.

Now, the National Archives often releases some of those papers for display at Presidential Libraries, which is fine. Because the Archives controls the storage and display of documents at the libraries, the chain of custody remains unbroken. Privileged or not, Trump never had the right to take one piece of paper to Florida with him, so he could drip burger grease and catsup on them.

At this point it’s becoming clear. Trump doesn’t know whether to shit, go blind, or wind his watch. As a result, I get the feeling that he’s wandering around Mar-A-Lago, bouncing off the walls, and wearing shitty watch with a sticky stem. The only good thing in all of this is that Donnie Depends keeps talking. And every time he opens his mouth, it’s pennies-from-heaven falling into the laps of the FBI and DOJ. Keep it up Bonzo, you’re knocking it out of the park!


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  1. I’d feel a lot better if there weren’t approx. 74 M idiots who also feel he can do whatever the fuck he wants–with the docs or anything else he puts his ridiculous tiny hands on. It’s not only horrifying that former guy doesn’t know his ass from his elbow, it’s also because his followers don’t know whether their asses are drilled, punched, or reamed.

  2. Benedict Arnold gave the plans to West Point to the British for a command in the British Army…….for which George Washington implied that he would give up his own command to personally hang Arnold.

    Benedict Donald stole highly classified information, for what nefarious reason remains to be determined….and that question is the only thing that needs to be explained….….everything else, at this point, is just bullshit.

    ….and if he too had traitorous intentions, let the punishment fit the crime.

    This shit isn’t funny or comical buffoonery anymore…..this is treason.

    • Arnold had actually been a good officer and a brave one serving Washington. As a reward he got a choice posting in Philadelphia and like others in such positions he used his authority to some personal advantage. But, egged on by his British Loyalist wife he got a little too greedy and brought attention to himself. He still had Washington’s favor and Washington privately assured him that although he (Arnold) would have to “take one for the team” he’d be taken care of when the dust settled. Arnold (again seemingly influenced by his wife) felt humiliated and grew bitter. The posting at West Point was actually his path to redemption but he’d gone too far down the road (so to speak) with the British and couldn’t get past his having publicly been singled out. The British offered more rank/authority and right away and that’s what led him to set up West Point to be taken over by the British. We were fortunate the plot was discovered just in time.

      For Arnold however there was no going back. Promises of a good life after the war in Britain were not fulfilled and he wanted to come home. And he tried to gain forgiveness for his treason. Interestingly enough both in Britain and here his fellow Masons shunned him. Treason is an unforgiveable action in Freemasonry and results in expulsion. (I happen to be a Past Master of my hometown Lodge. Still as far as I know the youngest to have served in that role which I completed at age 26 just before heading off to the Marines) In a delicious bit of irony, Washington himself was present at the Lodge where Arnold was granted an appearance to plead his case. Though he’d never served as Master of a Lodge (it’s quite an honor and takes some years of working your way up to be elected) there is a custom of allowing distinguished individuals to “Preside in the East” for part of a meeting. So, Washington himself held the gavel and presided over the proceedings. Arnold was of course turned down. As I said, treason is a BFD in Freemansonry and even beneficiaries (in this case the British) had no use for Arnold in polite society.

      Hope this gives folks a little better understanding of things.

      • May I suggest watching Turn : Washington’s Spies.

        While taking artistic liberties they throw in enough actual history to keep it most interesting.

        I would recommend it to anyone, whether history buff or not.

        • I wish I could afford a cable package that would allow me to access such things. I’ve heard it’s pretty good. Not as you say documentary/actual history level but close enough to give a decent flavor of things at the time.

          • I live in the sticks, no cable, not broadband and no satellite access….(in the trees)….I purchased it on on EBay on DVD, you can get the entire 4 seasons now.

            I bought Major Ben Talmadge’s dragoon uniform jacket worn in the show and have it in my living room “museum” under an autographed photo of actor Sam Numrich in character.

            It is a very entertaining show and a little bit of everything for every viewer.

      • One major detail left out of your account was Arnold was a hero in the battle of Syracuse, I believe, & was permanently injured leaving one leg slightly shorter. He felt he deserved a promotion, & at the time so did Washington. However, congressional approval wasn’t given & Arnold felt betrayed. Of course, Washington couldn’t even get congress to properly feed & clothe, & pay his ragtag troops. Everyone has heard of the winter of Valley Forge. Everyone except Maga ‘patriots’, who don’t know a goddamn thing about the history of the country they supposedly love. Yeah. Sure. Sit down & read David McCullough’s 1776. It’s a great history book. May he rest in peace.

          • Thanks. I couldn’t remember which battle. Didn’t know about the statue.Wow. Also, history shows if the British didn’t have such a stick up their arse, and offered Washington a commission, he would have been a British officer & we would be a colony still. Of course I love John Lennon’s take, where he said, talking about us, “you think you are so clever, classless, & free…you still look like fucking peasants to me”. The truth stings. I’d settle for 74 million peasants instead of a nazi loving cult.

    • One thing to remember…So far at least, there is no indication that Trump shared anything with anybody…I an only imagine that it’s the next stage of the investigation///

      • For some reason Murf, I just can’t see him wanting to use the documents to create a leather bound, gold embossed scrapbook with “Memories” on the cover.

        …..there is no innocent explanation.

  3. He spends his summers at Bedminster, not Merd-a-lago. Almost every new excuse he comes up with contradicts the previous one. As to the violence he seems intent on fomenting, so far only a couple of brain-dead cultists have taken up arms and tried single-handedly to rewrite the Civil War. There does seem to be a lot of doxxing of the federal magistrate, the FBI agents and their families. It’s like they are saying to each other, “Here’s the info, go take care of it,” “No, you do it.” I think we have the J6 prosecutions to thank for these idiots taking a beat and considering do they want to spend the next 5 years or more in prison.

    I’m not surprised it took his crack legal team almost a week to try to come up with something. You get what you pay for and he doesn’t pay.

  4. Thanks, Murfster, for pointing out — in plain words that anyone can understand — how feeble all of Trump’s responses to the document seizure are. Copies of this article should be distributed to all Republican Senators and Representatives. If anything could make them shut up, this blog could!

  5. As has been previously pointed out, how did he come to declassify documents that the FBI only recently planted at maga lardo? The man’s an idiot.

    • He didn’t declassify anything…He’s so stupid that his standing order was if he took secure documents out of the secure Oval Office up to his unsecured private residence, they were automatically declassified…Total bullshit, but now you understand the nature of the tihng…



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