First rule, never talk about Fight Club. Second rule, never talk about Fight Club   Fight Club

First rule, never spend money except on me. Second rule, never spend money on anybody but me   Donald Trump

Here we go again. Midterm election day is 200 days away, and the Democrats have an uphill struggle if they want to retain the House and Senate. And yet, all is not lost. Because in both cases, we have a secret weapon, one Traitor Tot. We’ll take them one at a time.

First things first. His Lowness really loves playing Kingmaker. He sits in Mar-A-Lago, and waits for sniveling sycophants to come down and kiss his ring, and probably his ass, in return for his precious endorsement. I believe that I heard on MSNBC today that Glorious Bleater has already bestowed more than 100 endorsements on the worthy. Big. Fucking. Deal. I have already written extensively on the fact that in most cases, his endorsement isn’t worth wiping your ass with.

But let’s just spotllght a few of them, especially in the Senate, along with a gubernatorial race. Trump has endorsed Senatorial loser David Perdue in his run against GOP incumbent Governor Brian Kemp. This is in revenge for Kemp daring to certify the Georgia election results in 2020. Recent polling shows Perdue down 11 points. And if Trump voters love Perdue so much, why isn’t he still a

Now onto funnier things. Trump recently endorsed Hillbilly Elegy moron JD Vance, a multi billionaire equity fund investor for Ohio Senate. This has so many problems for the GOP that it’s not even funny. But what does Trump know about Politics?

Vance is pootling around in the middle of the field, not even near the lead, and depending on the poll, not even in the running for a runoff. But according to a GOP pollster and Democratic strategist today on MSNBC, the Democrats are praying for Vance to pull off the upset.

The only Democrat to win statewide in the last 10 years is pro labor, kitchen table populist Sherrod Brown in the Senate. And the likely Democratic candidate, Tim Ryan, is a political version of Sherrod Brown’s kid brother. Putting Ryan up in the general election against a multi billionaire equity investor who, in 2016, called Trump America’s version of Hitler would be a gift from God.

In Pennsylvania, Trump decided to take a walk on the wild side, and endorsed quack talk show sensation Dr Oz. More problems. Oz is struggling just to keep his empty head above water in a GOP primary field. And Pennsylvania just turned blue in 2020. An unqualified hack like Oz would be a gift from God for a qualified Democratic candidate.

Now onto the House. The Cook Report is still predicting that 50-65 competitive or highly competitive seats that will decide the House. And most of those are critical suburban swing districts. And of course, Trump has already made endorsements in many of them to ensure loyal toadies getting to the general election.

And now I apologize, but we must briefly swing into a little math. There are reasons why we have organized national parties in the United States. They oversee the umbrella of operations over the entire electoral map, supplying money to candidates here, and manpower and tactical support to others. And all of that takes money.

Right now, according to the latest FEC filing I saw, the RNC has just shy of $60 million in their war chest. That isn’t a mammoth amount of coin for a national midterm election, especially when you factor in tight House races the GOP really needs. In the meantime, according to the same filings, The Cheeto Prophet has just over $100 million in his leadership PAC. And there’s a good reason for that.

Immediately after Trump’s loss, he set up a Leadership PAC. This is the loosest, most corrupt PAC there is. He instantly started hammering the sheeple to donate to fight the fraud! And pocketed the moolah. And in so doing, he abrogated the donation process to come directly to him, and not the RNC. This was back when he was still on social media, so the impact was immediate and far reaching. And he hasn’t stopped. He still has his massive email and text contact list, and every blast he sends out is directed for the money to go to him.

Basically, Hair Twitler cut the RNC out of the fundraising game. And other GOP candidates are following him. And Trump isn’t sharing. From what I’ve heard, a Trump endorsement comes with a check anywhere from $1000-5000. Just enough for a single district wide mail blast. And Trump isn’t likely to pony up anymore going forward. Which leaves the RNC scrambling to fund close races with thin gruel.

Hopefully the Democrats in House races will do what they did in 2018, run candidates who eschew corporate contributions. Their grassroots contributions will clobber their opponents, most of thom couldn’t get the Bulgarians to take free missiles from them. And The Lincoln Project and Miles Taylor’s group are waiting to slam the message home against Trump and the GOP. Keep punching, and keep the faith.



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  1. It will be fascinating to watch what the cockroaches do when the TV cameras turn to the January 6th committee hearings. Watch the camera follow them in slow motion. Trump will become Mr hankey the talking turd on Southpark. He leaves a shitstain everywhere he goes.

  2. I hope you’re correct in your assessment, but the thing is it’s way more complex than you’ve made it out to be. Varies Trump endorsed candidate to candidate.

    First off, a few the TFG endorsed candidates are self-funding Billionaires who don’t need $ from either the RNC or from Trump’s PAC.

    Second, many more of the Trump endorsed candidates who are not self-funded are getting million dollar donations from all kinds of GOP PACS and also from billionaire Trump supporters such as Stephen Schwarzman and Richard Uihlein. Heck, 63 billionaires poured millions into Trump PACs in 2020:

    Third, TFG has spawned other copy-cat GOP Senate and House candidates who have plenty of $ to spend who wish to be the next Trump, are just as crooked as Trump, but don’t have or care to have Trump’s endorsement.

    So money has rarely been an issue for House or Senate level GOP candidates who emerge from the primary – whether they are Trump endorsed or not.

    Finally, while lots of $ helps a lot, there’s a case to be made that the amount of money spent beyond a certain point does not ensure an election win. For example, $142.57/vote was spent for 2020 Maine Senate race D candidate Sara Gideon, and only $56.89/vote spent for Susan Collins and Gideon still lost by 9%.

    I do hope democracy prevails, which will likely mean Ds must somehow hold both their Senate and the House slim majorities on Nov. 8, 2022.


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