There is a word that you need to learn, if it is new to you. Kakistocracy. That is “government by the least suitable or competent citizens.” That is the essence of MAGA and it most certainly is the essence of Donald Trump.

As a matter of fact, the MAGAs would do well to rename themselves the KaKas, because that is what they are, the Kakistocracrats. Plus, that’s what they smeared on the walls and floor of the Capitol when they attacked it on January 6, and so the name resonates.

Most of us took eighth grade Civics. We learned the basics of government. Trump did not. Ergo, he wants to “impeach” Mitch McConnell. Not censure, not reprimand, not expel, no Sir, he wants to impeach the man. One of Trump’s college professors said about Trump, “He was the stupidest goddamn student I ever had.” We believe it.

Now let’s talk about pots and kettles. Trump himself “signed into law $4.2 trillion of debt over a comparable budget window and $4.7 trillion from 2017 through 2029,”  according to the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget  — but that was not an impeachable offense.

And let’s forget about budget and debt for a moment and talk about the calendar. Yes, Virginia, it is November 3, 2022 and yes the midterm election is still November 8 and yes indeed, the titular head of the Republican party, it’s 2024 standard bearer, we are told, calling for the impeachment of the Minority Leader of the Senate, is a case of first impression.

And don’t bother poor Unprecedented. No, Unprecedented just collapsed on the road after foaming at the mouth for several minutes, with steam coming out her ears and her mane falling off. Unprecedented has been overworked ever since Trump came down the escalator and she wants to retire. Go find yourself a new word to beat to death, Unprecedented has done her part.

That said, anybody want to lay odds that Trump is going to do another six impossible things and probably half of them will be (whispers) unprecedented before Tuesday?

Trump is oblivious.

Or, maybe he really can’t do any more damage. Maybe it’s done. Maybe the MAGAs will vote for the MAGA candidates, and the non-MAGA Republicans will flip a coin whether to $hit or go blind? Who knows?

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    • If the above is an example of your generation’s “best minds” (I know it’s not but…), I’d hate to see its worst. Frankly, as those best minds go, this bit from Camus sums up what I’ve seen of too many of them, regardless of political affiliation: “Every man is guilty of the good he did not do.”

  1. This description of Newt Gingrich in Rolling Stone Magazine during the Clinton impeachment describes this crowd: “…a Classics Illustrated grasp of history, marinated with superhero fantasies.”

  2. I suspect a majority of women, political party aside, are fed up. I also believe that even here in Texas, a majority of people are done with MAGAs. Mike Collier is a former republican, now democrat running for lieutenant governor. He has been endorsed by quite a few old guard republicans. I certainly hope this resonates with people and the MAGAs are resoundingly defeated in the midterms.

    • it is interesting that the pop up ads I see on politizoom are anti Mike Collier and anti Rochelle Garza. Glad their ad money is supporting the site, but also they are helping with their name recognition when they are relatively unknown.

  3. Allen Ginsberg & the Beats changed the cultural history of this country. If u haven’t read Howl then how can u pass judgement? What do you actually know about the late 50s moving into the 60s? Were you here? Have you read any of their writings or just the internet? Read it and understand it was banned as was William Burroughs because of the narrow mindedness of this country, which we now have in spades because of widespread ignorance & self appointed ‘experts’. Not saying you are but your comment is ironically an example of such.

    • The ignorance and prejudice of this country has always been there so kindly quit kidding yourself that it’s new. The only difference between then and now is the lack of excuses from perpetrators of same. Both Boomers and Gen Xers have frankly got a lot to atone for in failing to do more, hence the Camus quote.

      Odds are Zoomers would take one look at the extended version of the opening quote of Howl you cited and rightly sneer. It’s the words of someone who comes to visit the ugly places every once in a while that other people have to live in. Where was all that awareness and agony from your generation’s best minds when it counted AKA well before this point? Mine did little better and we’re going to be around longer than yours. I’m expecting an earful over that for which I have no good answers. What Greta Thunberg said about Zoomers not forgiving their elders for a devastated environment? That lack of forgiveness applies to SO many other poisonous legacies we’re leaving them.

      • leave us gen x out of it. We are ignored for everything. We will never guide the boat, as the boomers yell at the millenials and gen z and they yell back. Gen x just keep the oars in the water hoping for the best.

    • Then there’s Naked Lunch, considered by some to be William S. Burroughs’ seminal work. Quite a few years since I read it; not sure what I’d get out of it now.

  4. Bare. You answered no questions I asked. Your generation doesn’t vote, read books, you live with your parents, don’t serve in the military and comment on works you haven’t read. Ginsberg challenged all the cultural norms of politics, sexuality, religion, and substances. That’s why the poem was banned. He also challenged the censorship and won. We protested Vietnam & helped end the war. Civil rights activism changed the damn law, passing civil rights and voting rights. We helped kick Nixon out of office. You are in no position to comment on a time you neither lived or studied. Sad you don’t know more about ginsberg, the Beats, the San Francisco music scene, the psychedelic scene, the political writings of hunter s Thompson, ken kesey, etc. Not knowing means you don’t know much about American cultural history. I think you would find it interesting if you took the time. After all everything has evolved from that time. Fact.

  5. Oh & the irony of quoting from Rolling Stone magazine started in that era, in California, & being put on the map by gonzo, i.e., Hunter S. Thompson. Wonder if you even knew that?


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