This is shaping up pretty much the way that it was anticipated. Donald Trump has made no bones about his feelings for Mitch McConnell — and vice versa, we might add — so with the battle lines drawn, both parties are getting into action to secure their vision of the GOP for 2022. For his part, Trump is starting out tonight with a $10,000-plus per plate dinner for Mike Lee, who is facing reelection next year. And who should be up there on the dais with him? None other than Matt Gaetz and Lauren Boebert.

Maybe they can do a little bingo for entertainment, and instead of numbers, give QAnon clues, ya spose?

Then Trump intends to head out to CPAC later in the month and this will be his first formal appearance off the reservation. CPAC was where Trump hugged and kissed the American flag, if you recall. We don’t want to even speculate what he might do this year. Axios:

What we’re hearing: Trump plans to directly attack President Biden’s new immigration plan and will talk about the future of the Republican Party, a source familiar with his speech said.

  • The former president will criticize what he’ll argue is the Biden administration’s “disastrous” amnesty and border policies, and vow to remain a key leader in the conservative movement to fight against Biden.

  • His speech comes after Trump ripped into Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, promising to battle the GOP leader’s 2022 midterm picks.

Shoot out at the GOP Corral, Black Mitch v. the Mango Kid, coming soon to a TV set near you. My money’s on Black Mitch.

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  1. Literally millions of Texans are in need of serious aid as I’m writing this. Especially water and food just to make it through the next week or two. Then they will be facing home repairs for water damage from busted pipes and over time many who thought they might be ok with minimal repairs will learn that entire walls and sections should have been ripped out because of hidden water damage that led to black mold. FEMA assistance only goes so far. That’s just for homeowners. Since this is Texas we are talking about and the GOP’s disdain for regulations those who rent apartments and houses will spend as little as possible to repair damage and I shudder at the long-term health crisis that will emerge.

    My point is that if fundraising is going on, and especially a big, ritzy fundraiser at 10k a plate and where plenty of additional pledges will be made to PACS for the re-election of a GOP Senator in a freaking ruby red state is NOT what is known as “good optics.” It’s pretty boneheaded in fact and I hope to hell that we keep highlighting the work of Democrats like Beto O’Rouke, AOC, the Castro brothers and others that have already been providing assistance!

    And maybe, just maybe out in heavily Mormon Utah where folks do take some of the stuff about helping neighbors in need out seriously if we can’t get a Democrat elected for Lee’s seat, a less bat-shit cray Republican will take Lee out in the primary. Another Mitt Romney type is far from ideal but it would be a big improvement over LEE!

  2. Shouldn’t there be some kind if penalty for desecrating a flag like that? I usually don’t criticize someone’s sexual ways, but I never have understood a man’s sexual desires toward a US flag. Maybe the flag can sue him.

  3. Hmmm I’m wondering about that weird price tag on the dinners: $10,600 instead of the customary nice round figure. But it makes sense if the $600 is going to Lee & the $10,000 is going to Trump.


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