Trump Appoints DOJ Crim Chief, With Ties to Russia


The last three days have been loaded with important news, critical news – it’s still critical news that kids are separated from their parents, still. We just cannot keep up. But, it’s the weekend now, and I thought you would appreciate knowing that two days ago, Trump appointed someone, and the Senate approved, a new head of the DOJ Criminal Division, one that has never prosecuted a case ever, for crying to a godless universe, AND – you know this is coming – just last year, just last year, worked as a lawyer for Alfa Bank, you know – the Russian one? The one that ALL PUTIN’S TOP OLIGARCHS USE!

His name is Brian Benczkowski, which is the name of someone I’d rather have as the goalie of my hockey team than …never mind. I have little room to talk on this one.

Jesus Christ with the 13 angry Democrats, is there anyone, anyone at all, on the Republican right, that doesn’t have closer ties to Vladimir Putin than say someone like ohhhh, Joe F’ing Biden or some American leader?

And boy, wow, did this guy barely make it over the finish line. The Senate voted 51-48 to stop debate and nominate him.

Okay, but don’t panic quite yet. It seems like – even though we apparently cannot find someone on the right that doesn’t have overlap with Putin – this guy is not necessarily a bad guy. Rod Rosenstein supported him. If we know one thing at all, it is that Rod Rosenstein is no friend of Trump, or House Republicans, and Rod says this guy is a very good attorney, conscientious, and will do fine. So, if Rosenstein says this guy can do a good job and is not a Russian agent, I think we’re forced to give him the benefit of the doubt that he’s at least not ON THE TAKE, or part of a Trump attempt to cover this all up.

On the other hand, there’s the part about him never once having been a prosecutor, never once prosecuted a case, which one would think would be good experience to have if one is going to be the head of the DOJ CRIMINAL DIVISION. That seems like one of those “only Trump” things, because I’m sure there are many people with experience as a prosecutor that Rod Rosenstein would also support.

The guy was also a high up in the Bush Administration.

He also said he would not commit to recusing himself from the Russia investigation. He is still lower on the rung than Rosenstein, so it’s not like he’s going to fire Rosestein, but I’m sure we’d all feel better if he said he would. Still, Rod says he’s okay.

But, know what? If the guy really is kind of a good guy, for a Republican anyway, it’s almost worse, that even HE couldn’t avoid serious business with Putin and powerful Russians. He defended what is practically Putin’s personal bank! That’s how intertwined top Republicans are with Putin now! Everyone has “ties,” it would seem, even the semi-good guys that we know aren’t closeted agents.

Just wow, some things ….


***My twitter  handle, still accepting new followers: @MiciakZoom

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