I would be a liar if I didn’t tell you that the hair on my arms started to stand up typing that headline. A dangerous bridge got crossed right now. This is not normal. And of course Newsmax is all over this, this can get them some views maybe. This is a dangerous game that’s going on in this country. Donald Trump turned politics into trash TV. Trash news outlets have thrived on his watch and they’re desperate to see him reelected. Mainstream outlets are still stuck in the mire of olden times, pretending that everything is a horserace election, because that’s the reporting style they were taught. Is anybody going to call enough? And if so, who would be the appropriate party?

Here’s Trump’s spokes-hag Liz Harrington, defending the indefensible.

And guess who’s coming out of the woodwork now? The sovereign citizen crazies.

And I can’t tell if this is satire or on the level. It’s hard nowadays.

The crazies are gearing up for some big showdown.

Trumpty has been quiet as the tomb today, except to do one post trashing DeSantis’ handling of Hurricane Idalia. Maybe they took his phone away or changed his meds, or both. This time yesterday he had made over 50 posts and that number more than doubled before midnight.

The GOPers never went after Hillary? Umm….does anybody here remember a hearing where she testified for 11 hours straight? Or did I dream that?

In any event, it’s nutzo time in the land. Trump is in meltdown and he’s ginning up the crazies. Brian Kemp took a stance and in response MAGAs are tweeting, “Kemp just declared war on MAGA” and “Kemp is a communist piece of shit.”

It’s not Republicans v. Democrats anymore. It’s not even Americans v. Republicans. It’s adults v. children. It really is that simple. And the orange toddler who started all this is going to have to go away for a lonnnng time out. He has made a horrible mess. And unfortunately, the United States government was his playpen.


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  1. Well…I guess we’ve come full circle. The citizens, comfortable in our isolation, didn’t want to help Europe when the nazis began their murderous campaign. We bought the lie, even crowning Hitler as Man of the Year in 1938 on the cover of Time magazine. Seven years later WE had to pick up a gun and shoot the bastards to stop them. Even so, by the time it was over 9 million people were exterminated in the death camps. These modern day child killers are the SAME EVIL BASTARDS! Because 400,000 boys sacrificed their lives, we can now just get off our collective arses and VOTE every nazi republican out of power. If we fail to do so, then we are back to picking up a gun once the horror begins. Make no mistake…WE HAVE SEEN THEM IN ACTION for a long time. We know they only care about power and money and have no morality. When this evil wart threatens evil…believe him. This is one time he is telling the truth.

    • For what it’s worth, Time’s selection for “Man of the Year” has NEVER really had much to do with a person’s moral qualities. Other “illustrious” winners have included Joseph Stalin, the Ayatollah Khomeini, Vladimir Putin, and Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger (they shared the honor one year).

      After the Ayatollah’s being “honored,” Time faced some significant pushback over the naming and has since been a bit more circumspect in the naming of the recipient, largely based on how Americans view the person. (There’s some indication that Time had intended on naming Osama bin Laden the “Man of the Year” in 2001 but opted for Rudy Giuliani to represent America’s “response” to 9/11.)

  2. Actually 1941-1945 we had to fight. By seven years later it was somewhat over. That doesn’t factor in we then helped nazis escape punishment due to the politics of the nuclear age and the cold war. We, as a species, have been hanging by a thread since.

  3. I call him Traitor Tot for a reason. It is obvious to anyone with two working brain cells that he is a traitor! And he acts like a two year old when he doesn’t get his way. Because of his (mostly) dysfunctional family, he never grew beyond the Terrible Twos!

  4. The qualifier is ‘if’, no bones about it. He’s simply projecting his level of desperation. It’s his way of screaming for help, to his brethren and enablers – what’s left of them. He’s a royally pork’d unit, and he knows it. His only move left now is a dwindling political one – a strategy that confirms he’s welded his mind, body and soul to a destructive, traitorous, non-democratic system. He’s a failed and failing failure, and continues to fail.

  5. His buddies the Saudis who gave vampireboy several billion are now going to execute a man over tweets that criticized them over human rights abuses. They executed 148 people last year and 90 something this year so far. I wonder how Trump and the boys would go about it? I wonder how many they’ve done we don’t hear about? Think this isn’t a civil war? Better think again. Use your power to vote to stop this evil cancer on every level!!!

    • Way back in 1988 when I was taking paralegal classes, A woman I had always believed to be sane and reasonably smart informed me that the South didn’t lose the Civil.War.
      After 12 years in GA,I can tell you there are a lot of highly armed idiots who long for Civil.War Part Deux–and some of the people in the military(Navy Wife for 15years) agree with them.


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