Right now we’re just about 3 1/2 months from midterm election day, and less than that to the start of early voting. But we’re close enough in now so that some of the broad brush strokes of the borders of the 2022 midterm puzzle are coming into focus. And the landscape for the Democrats doesn’t appear to be quite as bleak as we feared.

CNN is reporting that several senior GOP operatives and strategists are starting to openly complain that not only may the GOP not retake the Senate in November, but that they might actually lose seats, solidifying their minority. The same grumbling can be heard from House strategists as well.

Their biggest Gripe? What else, candidate quality. They bitch that Trump’s insistence on ramming personally hand picked, unelectable candidates is killing them. Moderate incumbents are moderate for a reason, because it’s what their state or county constituents want. And turfing them out with mouth foaming Trump acolytes isn’t working out so well.

Early polling in states past their primaries bears this out. In Georgia, Raphael Warnock, considered one of the weakest Democratic incumbents of the cycle, leads Trump endorsed ghost campaigner and former NFL tackling dummy Herschel Walker by 10 points.

In Pennsylvania, it’s more of the same. Democratic Jon Fetterman leads tv cruise ship doctor Mehmet Oz, whose campaign slogan appears to be Trump endorsed me! by 6 points. And Democratic gubernatorial candidate Josh Shapiro leads Trombie racist Doug Mastriano as well. GOP moderates started fleeing Mastriano after he marched in a July 4th parade with a bunch of 3%IQ’ers marching behind him waving their flag. And in Ohio, Democrat Tim Ryan leads Hillbilly Vance by 2 points.

And right now, cash doesn’t appear to be the GOP’s friend either. In the 2nd quarter of the GA Senate race, Warnock out fundraised walker by $16.7 million to $6.3 million. But not a problem when you’re only campaigning on far right radio and tv shows. And as I wrote weeks ago, the day after Mastriano was declared the primary winner, rich GOP shitpokes either closed their wallets, or started cutting checks to Shapiro. And since the SCOTUS overturned Roe v Wade, the DNC has been reaping a cash bonanza.

But SCOTUS and the GOP itself may well have given the Democrats an even greater gift than cash. MSNBC is reporting that since the SCOTUS decisions, the DNC, the DCCC, and state Democratic party arms are being deluged by people wanting to know how to help. How do I canvas neighborhoods, how do I phone bank, how can I help an individual candidates campaign? And that’s the kind of gift that money can’t buy. Enthusiasm on the ground.

Because while cash may be King, it’s boots on the ground that are the ace. A television or radio ad, a fundraising blast in your email, an ad on Facebook, or a card in your mailbox are all the same thing, a nuisance. But a knock on your door, followed by a smile and a handshake or fist bump when you open the door, is personal, and it makes you think that the person actually sees you, and that your opinions and words matter. That’s how the Democrats won the House in 2018.

That’s all for now. But I’ll update this periodically, as more primaries are completed, and more state race polling and FEC filing information becomes available. But be of stout heart, all is by no means lost. Don’t touch that dial.


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  1. Beto in Texas broke fundraising records with over 27 million raised in the last quarter. He is of course still behind abbott but is only 5 points down and closing according to recent polls.

  2. Walker is likely the only PoC GA,Red necks would vote for. And I know my in-laws, including SiL with all but dissertation,will vote for him. If they were actually Christians instead of twisted,,racist,misogynists,the vote for Warnock would be overwhelming.


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