The National Enquirer ran a story last week about how the Trumps were divorcing. Of course I took that with the requisite bucket of salt but now I’m wondering if, like the broken clock, the Enquirer was actually right about something. I don’t believe that they’re divorcing but I do believe that Melania may be renegotiating her pre-nup.

As posted here yesterday, Donald Trump was a no show at the beginning of the E. Jean Carroll rape trial and his own lawyer said, “I’m not sure,” when the judge hearing the case asked him if Trump intended to attend the trial. Then of course there was the heated tweet that Trump sent out, saying he would absolutely not attend any debates, because he shouldn’t have to, being so far ahead in the polls.

Both of those comments struck people as odd, but they’re nothing compared to the fact that Trump may not even attend Melania’s birthday party at Mar-a-Lago. Reportedly, his attendance is conditional upon whether he’s “available.” So what is Trump doing these days, living in a tower with his cell phone and only coming out for an occasional Big Mac between posts on Truth Social?

Or, maybe Melania doesn’t want to celebrate her birthday with the guy who made all the headlines with Stormy Daniels and who is currently making more as a defendant in a rape trial. Could it be that even Melania has a breaking point? People:

But as for Wednesday, Donald is expected to celebrate Melania if his schedule allows him to be in Mar-a-Lago.

“If Donald is here, he will be joining the family to celebrate his wife’s birthday. Despite what you hear, the Trumps are a close family,” the source adds.

Another source tells PEOPLE: “Don’t be fooled by the former president’s outspoken manner and dominant influence on those around him. He respects and admires his wife.”

“He wants to make Melania happy,” the source says, adding: “They have a more than suitable partners arrangement.”

A “more than suitable partners arrangement.” The marriage is garbage but the partners arrangement is sound. Good.

And Melania may fly the coop soon, anyway.

Another source believes that Melania might leave the country on holiday soon, and may look to “take Barron to Europe this summer.”

“Melania is in charge of Barron and his well-being and no matter what else is going on in her life, he plays the lead role,” the source tells PEOPLE.

Now parse through this: Donald Trump is running for president, Ron DeSantis is expected to announce the same the end of next week, and Melania is taking off for Europe? Not great optics. But then Melania not moving into the White House for months in 2017 was not great optics, either, and she did it.

Let’s see what the Couple From Hell, the King and Queen Of Cruelty decide to do next. It will be yet another side show if Melania decides to take Barron abroad and abandon Daddy to his campaign, alone. And Daddy may pay handsomely for her not to do just that.


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  1. She is probably going to Europe to gain leverage. In order for her and Barron to return, he may have to make concessions in the pre-nup. I wouldn’t be surprised if she stayed in Europe permanently.

  2. Wouldn’t it be interesting if Melania were to appear as a “surprise witness” at Carroll’s trial and revealing that Donald raped her before their marriage?

    Not really sure if that would be legally possible as spousal privilege laws are a bit murky and they seem to vary by jurisdiction. I don’t think Melania could testify against Donald if he’d actually told her, “I raped that woman” but I think she could testify to any criminal behavior she’d personally witnessed or been on the receiving end of. (It’d really be interesting if the existing prenup featured language that had been keeping Melania quiet about any assault. We know that Trump’s many NDAs contained blatantly unenforceable language but his lawsuit-happy ass could keep most folks from ever considering breaking or violating those terms but Melania might not really have quite as much to lose now as she did a couple of years ago–especially, given Trump’s very murky financial situation.)

    • Generally speaking,a,spouse can’t be *required* to testify. But she can if she wants to. I loathe Melanoma,but I think she is smart and mean enough to.inform Donnie Donuts that if he doesn’t want her staying far away from him during his primary campaign and even worse,, he needs through the nose. Fly to Paris with Barron. Make the arsewipe pay through the nose.
      You know,,I have to wonder if #45 can even get it up without Viagra. Spill the tea,,Melly,spill the tea. Time for a nasty tell-all.
      Of course she may be terrified that what happened to Wife #1 will happen to her. And some of his devoted nut burger fans or his Mob connections (especially the Bratva) are quite capable of making that happen. If I were her, I would hire 24/7 security without ties to tfg. O would trust the Secret Service who seem to be a bit him.


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