“Macho macho man, I wanna be a macho man.” We are told that a certain 77-year-old criminal defendant who moonlights as a DJ identifies with the Village People and plays their music constantly — when he’s not trying to be a macho man himself and miserably failing. Yes, Donald Trump made himself look bad again in court today when he asked his lawyer to ask the judge to turn up the thermostat. And the judge said “no.” OMG. Somebody said “no” to a request from Trump. Does that mean that the entire planet is not an extension of Mar-a-Lago? Say it isn’t so.

Oh, and that courtroom was cold on other levels, friends. Oh my yes, it was a cold and harsh environment for poor Donald. He heard himself described the way that people who are not part of his MAGA cult or her movable cheerleading section actually see him. That must have stung. Bigly.

In its first week, Donald Trump’s criminal trial is forcing the former president, a man who famously surrounds himself with sycophants, to sit quietly and listen to the unfiltered opinions of those typically kept at arm’s-length: People he might call his “haters.”

During jury selection, Trump has heard himself described by those under consideration as racist and sexist and a narcissist. He’s been presented with social media posts calling for officials to “lock him up.” He’s been told, to his face, that he’s “very selfish and self-serving.”

It is a wildly overvalued stock for a platform that made less than $4 million dollars last year and managed to lose $58 million. It has been speculated that Truth Social might fold before Election Day. That will make Trump a man without a platform before he becomes a man without a presidency. Again.

But long before we get to that destination, Trump has to get through this trial. And after literally three court days he is miserable. He can’t stay awake and the room isn’t comfortable enough for him. Maybe he can wear a sweater or a vest under his jacket.

A.J. Delgado, who actually worked for Trump’s campaign in the past, mocked the lack of perceived manliness associated with complaining about cold.

“How cringe. Dude, you have a jacket on. Stop being such a beta,” she said Thursday.

Former federal prosecutor Elizabeth de la Vega also chimed in.

“Someone needs to send Trump a wearable blanket with armholes so he doesn’t get cold in the courtroom,” she wrote Thursday. “Fleece would be appropriate for him.”

@TheSGTJoker also added, “You know what a REAL man doesn’t do? Whine and cry about how cold the courtroom is.”

Conservative Army Iraq War Veteran Peter Henlein laughed at the situation.

“Lol, Trump is complaining the courtroom is too cold. What a little b—-. Can we all stop pretending this pampered baby who has never experienced a day of hardship in his life is some kind of ‘tough guy’?” he wrote in response.

Let’s see what his gripe is tomorrow. This complaint just blew up in his face. It must be tough to fit in when you’re used to being the one to call all the shots.


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  1. When I hear captain bone spurs being described, I think of a marshmallow left in the rain. The toughest thing he ever faced was the birth canal. That may explain his misogyny. Someone PLEASE get the old man a sweater…you know…the green zip up kind Mr. Rogers wore every afternoon.
    ‘I could make a better man out of a banana.’ Kilgore Trout,(Kurt Vonnegut).

  2. An abandoned military base in the Aleutians converted to a prison for the world’s most corrupt leaders. That’s where I’d like to see trump go when he’s finally convicted. He can share a bunkhouse with Putin and Orban, and they can fight it out for a bed closest to the kerosene stove.

    • Shemya would do nicely. It’s way the hell out in the Aleutians, a 2 mile by 4 mile little island that once served as a base for recon flights during the cold war. Those functions were moved to other installations in the mid 1990s and Shemya AFB was essentially shut down, at least for military purposes. Due to its location a limited capability to operate as a refueling and emergency landing location for commercial aircraft has been maintained. It’s a little slab of grass covered rock out in the middle of nowhere and old, abandoned barracks for the crypto personnel and aircraft maint. folks could be refurbished. Or razed and a small prison could be built. The infrastructure such as water & sewer, electrical and so forth could easily be brought up to snuff. I suppose hardship pay for guards would make it more expensive to operate but what the hell. It’s just the kind of place that some prisoners deserve to be. And stuck way the hell out there on some dot in the ocean it’s not the kind of place journalists will flock to to conduct interviews!


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