If you thought Mike Pence was the only religious wingnut you had to worry about running for president (assuming he does) you thought wrong. Tim Scott is on the same wavelength. Scott touts himself as a positive force in politics, a Black man living the American dream. “From cotton to Congress in three generations,” he has been heard to intone.

Forget about Mr. Positive, unless you think that a theocratic government is the way to go. Shades of Jeff Sessions. How is Jefferson Beauregard III these days, anybody know?

The Constitution doesn’t say that. I am so tired of people lying about what the Constitution says and does not say. With respect to religion it says you are free to worship however you choose or not at all. It says nothing about the church being above the state and running the state — except in the theocrats’ dreams.

I hope Mother talks Mikey out of running and making a fool of himself and maybe she should talk to Timmy as well. They have about the same chance of winning the nomination, maybe 2% if they really bust it.

On the other hand, do you recall how people were saying that Trump could put Tim Scott on the ticket with him? That might be in the offing, if Scott is feeling particularly career suicidal. He should absolutely have a word with Pence about that. Pence could advise him that he needs to mug whenever the cameras are around, and look at Trump in such an adoring manner that pundits will say, “If a man ever looks at you the way Mike Pence (or Paul Ryan or Lindsey Graham, or….) looks at Trump, marry him.”

We shall see. I’m just waiting for DeSantis to throw down the gauntlet to Trump this month and watch the blowback from that. DeSantis is supposed to appear in Iowa on May 13 and Trump has booked a rally for that same night, in the same town, to draw the crowds away from DeSantis. Let the games begin.

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  1. Trump was probably thinking if he went with a black guy it would be Herschel Walker. But that thought got flushed with burnt steak and hamberdur turds long ago. Scott? Maybe. Frankly, I think there might have been times when Trump was kinda weirded out by Pence’s adoring gaze thing. For us old farts who remember the Reagan years Pence was a reminder of Nancy Reagan looking at her Ronnie. Trump maybe wondered if Pence was about to burst out of the proverbial closet. We’ve had more than a few examples of RWNJ ” homophobic (in their rhetoric at least) turning out to be closeted gays. I’ve wondered more than once about Pence. Hey, I don’t care how he swings but if he is in the closet then it’s long past time for him to come out. Then again, he might well be terrified of what “Mother” would do to him!

  2. Government should be kow-towing to religion? Where in the constitution does it state this? I do not even get how a person with an IQ of less than 60 would derive such asininity from the first amendment. How fucking stupid are these people?

  3. Spike…they’re stupid in a lot of ways but the powers behind them are not. The super rich hate democracy and feel their ill gotten gains are God ordained, and the unwashed masses are here to be used for profit. Since alot of people only see the surface and hear what they want, a black man/’preacher’ will pull in votes for a white supremacist party. I wish they were wrong. They’re not.


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