This can only get worse for the GOP. I called it Trump’s Armageddon clock for a good reason. Because that scraggly guy in the white robe with the long beard carrying a sign saying The End Is Coming is camped out on the driveway to Mar-A-Slobo.

Two weeks from today, at 9:00 a.m., one Donald John Trump stops being a human being, and instead becomes a criminal defendant who is referred to in court with a docket number. Coming from a cop family, and having criminal lawyer friends, I already know that the whole purpose of the criminal justice system is to dehumanize the defendant to keep him or her docile and dependent. Whatever preferential treatment Trump got at booking and the initial appearance, come March 25th, he’s just another skel in the system.

And the same day, March 25th, is Traitor Tot’s last day to post his $454 million surety bond to be able to appeal his civil fraud conviction. Trump, the eternal cretin, is busy trying to play Let’s Make A Deal with the judge on the amount of his bond, even though the judge doesn’t have anything to do with it, the 120% is a state law.

At this point, Traitor Tot doesn’t know whether to sh*t, go blind, or wind his watch. He’s trying to campaign for President at the same time he’s trying to come up with a cool $454 million he doesn’t have. He offered the state a $100 million cash surety bond, claiming that he can’t possibly scrape together $455 million, but at the same time, it took him until the last possible day to find an insurance company willing to front his $91 million bond in the Carroll case. And both the Democrats as well as the media are screaming for full transparency as to who is actually underwriting the bonds, since Trump apparently a broke ass bum.

Trump is a man suffering death by 1000 cuts. Not only is he trying to reduce his liability on the two civil cases, since he’s already been judged liable, but he’s also trying to campaign for President, and he’s facing upcoming hearings that can affect his trial dates on the federal and Georgia state charges. Trump is a man beset by a plague of gnats.

And nothing is going to get better going forward. because, for the first time in his sad, misbegotten little life, Traitor Tot can’t use Daddy, his money, his status, or his bluff and bullsh*t to stop this train from rolling down the tracks. The justice train is pulling out of the station, and Trump is locked in the caboose.

If I’m Trump’s handlers, or whatever pathetic wienies he has pretending to control him, starting on Sunday, I tie him to a fainting couch if I have to, and keep hum on a Xanax IV feed. because as his trial date nears, Traitor Tot is only going to become more unhinged. Sh*t, he already spent time on FUX News and a weekend rally anonymously bitching out E Jean Carroll, and he may be one short step from another defamation suit, which wouldn’t even require a trial, since he’s already been found liable, the jury would only be empaneled to assess damages.

There have already been multiple medical consultants and experts that have been on the networks, evaluating Trump and have spoken gravely about the onset of dementia. But rest assured. From this point on out, Trump is going to find a camera at every opportunity to air his petty grievances, and for once they’re going to be happy to accommodate him. Because with every word he will show his manifest incompetence for office.

I thank you for the privilege of your time.

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  1. The number one campaign tool for the Democratic Party.

    Donald and his speechifying.

    Him or Biden. Insanity and drooling incoherent madness versus competence, ability and sanity.

    • Donnie writes the commercials for the Dems and the Lincoln Project. Buy time on Fux News, OAN, and Newsmax. Ignore CNN. His cult won’t care, and wavering Independents are the ones we have to reach and deprogram. This election isn’t about loving Biden, but about being scared shirtless and loathing Trump.

  2. I wonder if they think he will lose anyway, the powers that be may try and get him declared incompetent to stand trial. He won’t end up in the White House, but at least won’t end up in the Big House either.

  3. From Edward Arlington’s poem: Richard Cory, about a rich man, made famous by Paul Simon’s song:
    My mind was filled with wonder as the evening headlines read: Richard Cory went home last night and put a bullet through his head.

  4. I doubt an insanity defense would apply here, especially because Trump wouldn’t like it. It would be admitting that he isn’t “perfect”. He is a malignant narcissist.

    Insanity defenses,are only raised 1%of the time, and when it is used, only about 39 cases,a year succeed. Even with mild to.moderate dementia he would likely still.know that what he was doing was illegal and wrong. There are exp staffers who were at meetings where it was made very clear to him that the election was not rigged and attempting to overthrow it was a crime. Psychopaths comprehend that certain behaviors are crimes; they just don’t care.


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