If you’ve wondered how Donald Trump’s popularity has dwindled amongst evangelicals and how far down that base has shrunk, this you’ll love to hear: There are twelve disciples behind Trump, just like there were back in the day with the one whose name the MAGAs trash on a daily basis, pretending they follow Him when they do just the opposite.

Trumpty is not going to be happy to hear that. Twelve is not a big number and Trumpty likes big numbers. Tell you what we’ll do Trumpty: we’ll ask Jesus, right here on this website, if he’ll teach us that gag where he multiplied the loaves and the fishes and made enough food for everybody, because if we can’t use that trick, I surely don’t know what you’re going to do for voters.

Here’s a voice screaming from the soon to be Trumpless void.

No, I don’t know what “Toto’s Mailbox” means, I was hoping that one of you could tell me. (Psssst: lower left hand corner. You’re welcome.) My best guess about Toto’s Mailbox is when the house fell on the Wicked Witch, somehow the mailbox fell on this raving lunatic pastor, because he lived next door. So that must mean he’s broadcasting from Oz.

Now, back to the main issue, Trump and his twelve buddies, let’s reason through this, shall we? If there are twelve apostles, then one of them has to be Jared, I mean Judas, and sell Trumpty out, right? This is not sounding so bad.

My favorite part of all of this is when Vaughn himself starts to waffle about how imperfect Trump is, but then he says, “If God is alright with the man, then so am I.” Talk about assuming a fact not in evidence. Where does this guy get the idea that God is alright with Trump? Just because he’s still walking around free, hasn’t been struck by lightning, hasn’t been sent to prison yet?

Lastly Vaughn says, “I’m not tired.” Maybe you’re not, but everybody else seems to be. Tired of Trump.

Oh well. Let’s see what Trump’s reincarnation on Twitter and Facebook are like. That should be illuminating. Amusing, at the very least.

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  1. Living proof of how far people who have fallen for what was to sane people an obvious con will go to convince themselves (and is some cases like this others as “proof” they weren’t conned because others think the same way) that they weren’t played for suckers. It’s hard to admit to yourself, much less to others that you got taken. That’s why I’m never surprised at how these goobers double and triple down on their Trumpism. But you pointed out the most important thing, the thing that has this dumbass so worked up. It’s the part about not always agreeing with what Trump does/says but if god is ok with it then he will be too. That’s tellling, because it means he’s asking god WTF? Am I hearing you right god? That’s some scary, even terrifying territory for this kind of person. That realization of “Oh shit god! I’ve questioned YOU! Please, please PLEASE don’t consign me to hell. Please give me a chance to redeem myself.” Hence a video like the one you posted.

  2. Former guy was transactional. He gave the RWNJ’s everything they asked for and they gave him all of their support and ordered their followers to support the nimrod. These people are going to support him still because not doing so means they were wrong and so was G_d. Yes, they are this arrogant…or this criminal which is more likely.


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