Right now there is a sense of inevitability to the 2024 election, that once again, the GOP will put Donald Trump on the top of the ticket. You may recall the same sense of inevitability from the 2016 election, where pollsters were giving Hillary Clinton a 96% chance of winning the election. There was no way a complete joke like Trump could ever win, right? With the exception of Michael Moore and a few other voices crying in the wilderness, we were told what was going to happen and when the opposite took place, it was stunning.

Maybe Lady Karma wants to teach Trump an unforgettable lesson and that’s how the 2024 GOP primary is going to go down. Maybe Trump won’t get on the top of the ticket. Steve Schmidt has views on the matter and he should know. He’s been in politics long enough and knows how to game scenarios if anybody does. The Warning:

Who can potentially beat Trump? And, where are the only two questions that really matter in the looming GOP primary?

The answers are obvious and have been for some time.

Senator Tim Scott can beat Trump in Iowa.

If that happens, it has the potential to propel Christie forward in New Hampshire against a weakened and beaten Trump. Should Trump lose to Scott in South Carolina the MAGA era will be over in an instant — though the recovery will take many years.

Donald Trump is about to be indicted in the state of Georgia and federally for his role inciting the January 6 attacks. His shtick is stale, and he will never be able to stay away from the debates, during which he will be savaged by Chris Christie. Presently, he is behind President Biden in potential rematch polling, and his mental spiral will likely worsen with more legal difficulties.

This is intriguing. I have believed that Trump would stay away from the debates because he’s done nothing but telegraph that on Fox News and any other outlet that will give him a platform. His rationale is that he’s the shoo in candidate, why should he debate? But, if he is no longer the shoo in, then he would have to get on stage to defend his turf and then Christie can make meatloaf out of him. That would be a debate worthy of Pay Per View.

Anything can happen in the months ahead, and those include the emergence of Tim Scott as the GOP frontrunner. No matter who is the candidate, they will be a person who made tremendous compromises during the Trump era on foundational issues. Each person running was weak when they should have been strong. They were dishonest when they should have been truthful. They were transactional, and collaborated with extremists because it was good for their political careers. Each person was tested. Each failed the test. Such is the rancid state of America’s Republican Party. Each candidate is tainted and weak. Despite this, all are better than Trump.

Tim Scott is another Trump toady. It’s been speculated he’s in the race for the same reasons Nikki Haley is, which is to be the vice presidential candidate. Nevertheless, he is better than Trump, hands down. All of them are, as Schmidt says.

America needs two healthy political parties in a two-party system. The Trump era broke American politics, and it will take a long time to fumigate the system. Every person of good faith and goodwill should hope for this.

This is true enough. Trump broke the system. And the mechanisms of the constitution were there to get rid of Trump, but a corrupt and enabling GOP stonewalled those mechanisms, through an impeachment, and an insurrection and a second impeachment. Trump could have been removed from office with either impeachment, or after the insurrection, he could have been removed under the 25th Amendment and probably would have, if the two-party system was fully functioning. If inciting an insurrection in the nation’s capitol doesn’t prove a president is “incapable of discharging his duties,” then I don’t know what does.

MAGA could die in South Carolina and a Black man succeed Donald Trump. If that happened it would be wild, absolutely wild. Let me tell you what I love about this idea. If Trump can’t get the GOP nomination, you know that his ego is going to make him run as a third party candidate, whether as a write-in or something else. That would defuse any threat that No Labels would present, should No Labels get on the ballot. Trump running as a third party candidate would virtually assure a Biden victory, even if No Labels was running a candidate that could bleed votes away from Biden.

I hope this happens. This would knock Trump so far off his game it would be like Darth Vadar spinning out into space at the end of the first Star Wars.

Here’s Steve Schmidt talking about this subject and after his commercial he holds forth on Ron DeSantis’ joke of a reset at a plush, high end resort in Utah.


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  1. I guess I just don’t see a man of color winning a caucus/primary in Iowa or S.C. At least not a republican one. I suppose it’s possible on the level it’s possible I could win the lottery. lol

    • The Republicans nominating a Black man seems pretty wild to me, too. But Iowa is not sewed up for Trump. It’s also not sewn up for DeSantis. This is possible.

  2. I don’t understand how MAGA would die if Tim Scott beats Trump in Iowa. Tim Scott is MAGA himself. It’s true that as long as Trump is around, he will be the leader of MAGA. But people have been pointing out for years that MAGA will not disappear simply by putting Trump out of action.

    • Yeah, but there is NO WAY that the die-hard MAGAt will ever accept a “lesser” being; Scott is such simply by virtue of being Black. Now, on a statewide level, that’s one thing, especially if/when Trump is backing the Black guy–MAGAts will vote for him because their Lord and Master dictated it but when Scott is vying for something that their Lord and Master also wants/expects, then Scott must pay for his defiance.
      And, frankly, Scott will NOT have that easy a time in SC since Nikki Haley is also from there. Unless Haley falls by the wayside before the first primary/caucus, the pair could cancel each other out and allow Trump to claim victory.
      As for Iowa, it’s likely the same thing in terms of MAGA. I don’t see Scott winning Iowa especially if the caucuses have more than 20% of the participants being MAGAts. MAGAts won’t accept anyone other than Trump if Trump is available (it’s not like medicine or food where a “generic” brand is as good as the name-brand; with MAGA, it’s more a case of “accept no substitutes”).

      • Come on, they were fine with Alan Keyes, Kanye West, Herschel Walker. Vernon Jones, who called himself “the black Donald Trump,” was backed by Trump.

        Tim Scott has already been successful as a republican in South By God! Carolina.

  3. The entire MAGAt ethos is built upon the bigotted backlash from the presidency of a black man.
    There’s no way on God’s endangered planet that the MAGA GOP will choose a black candidate for president, nor even entertain one on the ticket as VP.

    • And by the way, I understood the question to be not whether Tim Scott could win the GOP nomination — which I don’t think he, or frankly any other candidate beside Trump could — but whether if he did win it (or even looked strong by winning Iowa), that would mean the beginning of the end of MAGA. I don’t see how it would because Tim Scott is MAGA himself.


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