The Worst Response Possible. Here Come Those “Unintended Consequences” Again


Sweet Jesus, can’t I leave you guys alone for 5 little minutes? I unplug the set at 2 pm on Wednesday to start our move, get it back on the job at 5:30 today, and in the intervening 5 days everything goes to hell in a hand basket? I am going to maintain a very narrow focus on this, because there is just so much that I don’t understand, and can’t comprehend and connect the dots to yet, and I don’t want to make a horses ass out of myself. But just with what I saw today, there is a huge red light flashing in front of my eyes right now.

Even with just a sketchy grasp of the facts, it is no wonder to me that El Pendejo Presidente is thumping his flabby chest and swinging his little mushroom dick again. After all, right now he’s getting his ass kicked by Joe Biden, he’s getting his ass kicked by the coronavirus, and he’s getting his ass kicked by the economy and unemployment. And what does Trumpenstein do every time he’s confronted with uncomfortable truths? Go for a distraction of course! And the civil unrest following yet another ham handed death of an unarmed black man at the hands of white police is the mother of all distractions.

But because Trump has no more sense than teats on a boar hog, he’s going to fuck this up too, and with potentially tragic consequences. Trump wants, as I understand it, to use an 1807 law to bypass posse comitatus, and send thousands of heavily armed active duty US military forces into US cities to help to protect peoples 2nd amendment rights? I’m not sure that that one is going to make sense even when I finish getting caught up, but whatever. But that one thing alone set alarms going off in my head, and I’m not even talking about the dreaded possibility of state national guard troops and US active duty forces facing off against each other. That’s grist for another mill.

Look, the GOP has been lazy, slothful, and dismissive of their constituency since long before Trump. And when a major political party is dealing with a lower education base, with no ideas, no programs, and they tend to talk like a bunch of hyperactive 7 year old’s who got into the pot brownies, they have to use more subtle tactics. And one of the things that the GOP has stooped to is to cater almost exclusively to their base’s rampant paranoia.

And one of the things that they have hammered home most mercilessly to their addle brained acolytes is that the government is your enemy! Every time that the Democrats start to make any kind of a serious attempt at controlling anything, the GOP starts screaming about the Democrats trying to squash the peoples rights, especially their 2nd amendment rights! They mutter darkly about black helicopters with silenced rotors, and black Chevy suburbans screaming up to the curb to run in to take away your guns! And the sheeple lap this shit up like kittens with a pint of cream.

And now Trump wants to send thousands of heavily armed troops into the streets of American cities to restore law and order. Don’t they get it? And I’m not just talking about Traitor Tot, I’m talking about the GOP writ large. There is an entire fucking cottage industry that has sprung up around GOP paranoia. I’m talking about alleged freedom militias, bunches of drunken layabouts spending weekends running around in the woods practicing half assed military maneuvers, and blowing the shit out of junkers that until last week graced their yards.

And now Trump wants to send thousands of US troops, in full fatigues, into the highways and byways of the country to restore law and order. Do they really not get it? These people are armed, and they don’t care which party holds the White House, or congress, the government is their sworn enemy! They have been groomed for generations to distrust the government, and any sign of the military means a government incursion into their rights. You want an example? Just look at the reaction of these y-chromosome mutants when the Bureau of Land Management moved in to seize a bunch of cattle that the asshole Bundy clan had grazing on federal land. Assholes laying on a bridge had long guns trained on duly sworn federal officers. These dickheads have no sense of humor about this shit, and they don’t fine tune. Anything in a uniform is an enemy.

Believe me, I would love nothing more than to chortle, and to rub the GOP’s nose in what goes around, comes around, or maybe the timeless classic, As ye sow, so shall ye reap, but I can’t. Because this delusional dotard is about to set in motion a scenario that literally pits American against American, and once that starts, who knows where it ends? And he’s doing it for the worst possible reason, the sadly endless quest for racial equality, and the all too frequent failures. Hopefully sanity prevails in the places it matters the most, but I’m not holding my breath. Trump has already covered that.

To know the future, look to the past.before the insanity of the 2020 election, relive the insanity of the 2016 GOP primary campaign, and the general election, to see how we got to where we are. Copies of President Evil, and the sequel, President Evil II, A Clodwork Orange are available as e-books on Amazon, at the links above. Catch up before the upcoming release of the third book in the trilogy, President Evil III: All The Presidents Fen

Follow me on Twitter at RealMurfster35

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  1. I’m reminded of when the East German troops were called in to end the protests before unification and they ended up joining the protests.

    As a former member of the Army and Army National Guard I can say that firing upon unarmed Americans would be viewed upon as an illegal order and most likely disobeyed from the top of the food chain on down.

    Trump-O had better watch what he wishes for….he might just get it. Especially considering ALL of the rats are holed up cowering in one basement bunker…….Sic Semper Tyrannis!!!

    • I’m not worried a bout the troops…I’m worried about the fucking peckerwoods and rednecks…If they open fire first, then all bets are off…

      • The cowardly redneck sh!tstains are cowering under their rocks sniveling and shaking with fear. Those azzholes like hearing their tooth rattle as they flap their gums but when the rubber hits the fn road they all disappear……just like we all knew they would.

        Those ARs are making up for shortcomings in both guts and girth.


        • Yeah, Blue, they’ll target the unarmed, vulnerable and weak but they’d never go for somebody who could join them in a game of bullet tag. Andrew Vachss called it decades ago: bullies don’t want to fight, they want to beat a victim.

        • I don’t doubt that many of them are the cowards you say they are. But not all of them. Not by a long shot. In fact, some of them have spent time on active duty themselves. They tend to be higher ranking in their “militias” and bear in mind that unlike days of old when generals and their lower ranking officers led from the front in modern times the higher ranking one is the further they are from the line of fire. But THESE assholes will make it seem like they are right there behind those fighting, almost close enough to touch them so a lot of these goobers would actually open fire.

          Think of the leaders of these groups like you would of TeeVee “Evangelical” preachers like Franklin Graham, Jerry Falwell Jr. and the lot. They stoke division because it helps them raise money so they can live lavish lifestyles, and have power over others. Without the conflict they are nothing, and worse it’s damned near impossible to get the kind of donations they are addicted to. Such people don’t want significant conflicts to ever end because if major disputes are settled they won’t be “important” any more. That’s why some truly bloody conflicts have lasted generations in some places. Arafat turned down a chance to put the peace train on the tracks in Israel. I happen to think he was at a point in life where he wanted to but his top people who were reaping the benefits of being his top people would have killed him and he chickened out & the moment was missed. And look what has happened since. They had the same thing going on in northern Ireland. There were leaders on both sides who would have faded into irrelevancy (and maybe worse once followers took stock of all the lives and treasure wasted) so one side or the other would provoke a fresh round of outrages to keep the “troubles” going.

          What I’m saying is that some of these groups are well armed including with military grade weapons that included explosives, mines, anti-tank missiles and so on. Their leaders are revered and they live in cult-like worlds, largely isolated from others. If the order is given a lot more of those goobers will fight not just our troops, but kill and loot nearby towns in the process.

  2. The first bad thing the mayors, etc. are doing is declaring curfews. Second, is massing the militarized police and the guard around the protesters. The third is not having the police guarding property instead of harassing and intimidating protesters. Our cops just have no class or real smarts. They don’t want them to be smart and the supreme court has said they can hire dumb people over smart people.

    • From where I’M sitting blueman, the problem is that [pretty much all of the poluc e departments have already BEEN militarized…The top recruits into the academies are former MP’s, already inculcated with an adversarial attitude rather than a public servant policing attitude…US vs THEM is alrfeady in their heads, and reinforced once they hit the streets…

      • I’ve said this many times before, a sociologist friend of mine told me, anyone who wants to be in the police should probably not be in the police. Being police should be more like jury duty, you have to do it even though you don’t want to. My best friend is a police officer, hates his job, maybe pulled his gun once in 20 years. Likes to talk to people. Anyone who sees police work as an adrenaline rush exciting job is not in the right profession.

        • My cousin-in-law is a statey and loves being cop so he can help people. He’s lived a life of public service so I get the desire to be a cop despite the stresses. One of my best friends is a Police Commander in charge of cybercrime investigation. But, almost all of my cop friends I know from the Scouts, and all are levelheaded, calm, and kind people who generally try to live by principles of Scouting (wish more former Scouts did).

          It’s the sociopaths you have to watch for. The RWA scale is probably a good measure to use to prevent sociopaths from joining.

    • Curfews do get the law-abiding people out of the way of the people wanting to cause trouble. Also, there aren’t enough cops to protect everything that can be looted or burned.

  3. Back when Clinton was president there used to be a permanent billboard on highway 35 between Austin Texas and San Antonio. ‘Beware the Black Helicopters’. This was a few years after Waco. When Jade Helm exercises were planned for Texas, the governor abbot had to reassure west texans that the Texas national guard would be monitoring the military exercises. I guess if the military is only rounding up black and brown people then the hill country crazies will be okay. They better not try to disarm any 2nd amendment white guy in camo with a long gun slung over his shoulder.

  4. Remember the whole Jade Helm thing? It was about training down in TX but even way the hell off in WV where I lived at the time the goobers were all freaked out & cleaning out the ammo in Wal Mart and other stores – and buying some extra guns too of course.

  5. The only reason Trump got away with this in DC is because it has no governor to override him. To do it in other states, he’ll have to get the governors to sign off on it (and who thinks that’s likely after his deranged conference call AND this?). I think he’s decided that he’s going to lose and no longer cares who he pisses off. This is the political equivalent of room trash.

    • The mayor of DC is angry, and so are some of the surrounding areas who had cops called in and feel it was done under false pretenses. Most of the violence was by federals, like the park police and the CBP.

      • Oh, yeah, P J, no doubt. Anybody getting up to any heinous behavior best pray the cell phone’s pointed somewhere else when it goes down.

        • You know, I’ve been wondering how many more of these horrible events happened before cell phones, especially phones with cameras and video capabilities. This orange lump of crap taking up space in the White House needs to go sooner rather than later.

          Do you think there’s any chance of him resigning, forced or otherwise, before the election?

          • Only if the GOP-T senators suddenly become willing to do what’s right, instead of making excuses for not doing anything.

          • Yeah, I’m with Old, I’m afraid. It’s way past the expiration date on any benefits resignation could bring about. We’ll just have to push out in November.

  6. And now Trump wants to send thousands of US troops, in full fatigues, into the highways and byways of the country

    I disagree. Trump wants to send these troops into the cities, to brutalise the protesters there. Especially the non-white ones.

    His gun-worshipping base will fully support this, with their only regret being prevented from participating (if indeed they are).


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