The Ultimate Humiliation?


This is almost too delicious to think about. In fact, it’s so intoxicating that I am starting to seriously consider not going to bed at all tomorrow night. I had planned to sleep, and have Teri set the alarm for 8:30 Wednesday morning, to watch the swearing in. But sometimes events force changes.

It has been widely reported that El Pendejo Presidente is planning himself one helleva grand send off from Andrews Air Force base on Wednesday morning, and all on our dime. Trump wants himself a red carpet, an honor guard, a military band, a military parade, and for dessert, a fly by of military jets. And then he’ll finally waddle up the stairs to Air Force One for the last time, and slink back to Florida with his tail between his legs.

Personally, I don’t see this happening, it’s far too militant. The US military takes great pride in separating itself from partisan politics, or any kind of politics. Military members take an oath to the constitution, and the President is the duly elected commander in chief. To put on this kind of a gaudy, Pyongyang kind of spectacle would make it appear as if the military were paying homage to the and not the office or the constitution. I just don’t see them doing that.

But it is starting to appear as if there might be some sand that’s been thrown into the gears of this glorious send off. Rachel Maddow is reporting that things are not going quite as scheduled. Apparently, what happened is, that the White House compiled a list of loyalists, and sent them personal invitations to show up at Andrews on Wednesday morning. So far, so good. But the invitation invited each recipient to bring up to five guests with them! Holy shit! How small is this friends list that they have to tell these poor suckers to drag along five other losers who owe them favors in order to fluff up a crowd?!?

But that isn’t the worst of it. According to Rachel’s reporting, there is only a trickle of RSVP’s coming in, with recipients promising to show up. How apropos is that? You send your entire life screwing everybody you come into contact with, and then, at the lowest moment of your life, when you desperately need the support, everybody suddenly has Brazilian Bikini Wax appointments that they just can’t break.

I’m sorry, I just can’t do it. We have spent four of the longest years in the history of mankind suffering through this buffoonish poltroon. I can’t sleep through the prospect of having television cameras record for posterity Donald John Trump, rolling up to an almost totally empty tarmac at Andrews Air Force base, especially if it’s raining, and having to surveille a largely naked landscape on his way up the stairs. I’ll sleep when I’m dead. This is too good to miss!

If you enjoyed this article, you might also like to check out President Evil, and the sequel, President Evil II, A Clodwork Orange . They comprise a pretty much daily report from the front of the 2016 GOP primaries, as well as the general election

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    • I think we should call the office of the checkbook, conveniently operated by our OWN House …
      I was mad as hell when I heard this single operating cell cretin wanting this show … told my wife I refused to pay for it, however, I WOULD pay for a Red/White/Blue fly over the Capitol as soon as Joe and Kamala are checked into the WH … giving THEM the salute instead of Putin ass breath, would add a huge insult to himself that might just be the last blood pressure spike, the stumbling incoherent A** H*** can tolerate … so sad …

      • From Wiki: “In 1915 The Rogue’s March was a prescribed item throughout the American Army, Navy and Marine Corps; the piece was played when a thief or other man is expelled the camp in disgrace.It appeared in 1917 drill regulations for machine-gun companies heading for World War I, and in 1927 drills in the Navy”

  1. It will be hilarious to see Ted Nugent and the pillow guy seeing the Tangerine wankmaggot off. Maybe Vanilla Ice will sing the star spangled banner…

  2. Who ever wrote this is crazy as hell. Trump will always be Americas president. All you ones that voted for biden will see that all the other countris will pick on us because is not tough enough to run america. Again i don’t believe that there are 85000000 peopke in America that would vote for a liser l8ke Biden. God bless America we need God now more than evet. The election was stolen.

    • If tRump hadn’t killed over 350,000 Americans, maybe he would have won. He’s a one-person death panel, not to mention all the other disgusting, deplorable, depraved aspects of the ‘man’, not the least of which is he’s a whiny butt loser. LOSER! And you, James, grow up and get a life, a real one this time.

    • Ur right. Wrong year. 2016. Of course, u guys, in moscow, knew that before we did. Ur useful idiot is done. B very careful about anything he tries to sell you from here on. I know, former presidents have access to a lot of information. Ask urself this: how can u ever be sure we aren’t using trump as a useful idiot?

  3. The election was stolen in 2016! How do you think tRUMP won the 1st time around? Its all about business tactics & staying in power. Not the amaracan people & certainly not Christians. They cheat, steal and lie, to become rich!

  4. Irony on steroids. Pillow Guy gives Trump an official sendoff. Nation sleeps well now that Trump is gone, but Trump’s life will now be one legal nightmare after another. Hallelujah!

  5. Hey James and Ben
    Did you go to school? Your spelling is that of a first grader, also your comments are ridiculous. Keep your comments to yourself.


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