The. Truth. Will. Win. Out.


Whatever you do, just don’t give up hope. I know Georgia is a kick in the ass, but I’m betting that large chunks of it will be thrown out in court. But earlier this week, I heard the most positive, uplifting news I have heard in a long time, and I wanted to share it with you. And it is a powerful example of just how potent His Lowness’ social media ban is.

Back when the first vaccines were being given emergency use authorization from the FDA, and the Biden administration was drumming up enthusiasm to get shots in arms, there was a dark cloud on the horizon. In order to get the fabled herd immunity that will allow us all to go back to living more or less normal lives again, medical experts said that you need from a 73-80% vaccination level to accomplish it.

And we weren’t getting there. Thanks to the far right media, led by FUX News, and aided by other far right news sources, as well as QAnon fucktards, and Vlad the Imp, the far right was going balls-to-the-wall to throw shit all over the safety and efficacy of vaccines. And it was working. Polling showed at the time that 35-45% of GOP voters who were swearing that they were opting out of vaccination when it became available. And that would be enough to stall us from reaching herd immunity as a population.

But the winds, they are a-changin’. As the vaccines became more readily available, and the rate of vaccinations has ramped up, researchers and pollsters and reporters are starting to check back in with people who swore they would not get a vaccine. And a lot of them are now singing a different tune.

There are a couple of reasons that researchers, pollsters, and reporters have noted. For a minority of them, their change of heart was family driven. Basically, family members told them that if they ever wanted to see anybody in the family face-to-face again, they had better get vaccinated, because otherwise they were persona non grata. But that was a minority.

When they finally got the majority of the people who had changed their minds on the subject of getting vaccinated, they were sheepish at first, but finally spilled the beans. And it turns out that for a majority of people who changed their minds, did so because of the three day a week coronavirus briefings being broadcast by the Biden administration!

Person after person related how hearing experts like Dr Anthony Fauci, Dr Rochelle Walinsky, and Andy Slavit talk calmly and dispassionately about the current status of the virus, the progress that has been currently made against the virus with vaccinations, the future plans for combatting it, and the new therapeutics for treating people who contract the virus so that they don’t end up in the ICU and die, did the trick. The conversation was far too intricate and detailed to actually be a bullshit Democratic hoax. This was the real deal, and people started to believe it.

I cannot even describe what a high this gives me! I have no doubt that some of these people still watch FUX News, or watch or read other far right forms of media, replete with bullshit. But when presented with three times a week dispassionate, clinical, straight forward facts, the wall was broken. These people are living, breathing proof that there is a difference between reality television, and actual reality, and when they are confronted with the comparison, the truth will win out.

We have President Joe Biden to thank for this small miracle. Biden made the determination to start having three weekly coronavirus briefings, and that they should be televised. And in doing so, Biden literally covered the far right mountain of bullshit with an avalanche of cold hard facts and logic. And it worked.

So, never give up hope. Sure, there is a hard core base of Trump supporters that are unreachable by simple facts and logic, but they are in the minority. There is a far larger block of soft Trump supporters out there that just weren’t all that into him in the first place, and they are susceptible to plain facts. And facts will win out. Especially when Trump is a muzzled pit bull in a cage. And the more facts we can roll out, the more minds we will change, and the weaker the GOP will become. Don’t touch that dial.

Follow me on Twitter at @RealMurfster35

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  1. I think another factor is that so many people have now been vaccinated (not nearly enough but it’s still a lot of people) those who had a “wait and see” attitude are deciding it’s safe after all. I haven’t talked to my sister (a retired R.N.) in a while but she was always hesitant about getting an RNA based vaccine. She literally stated that with that new of technology that she wasn’t going to be a guinea pig and wanted to see if people had reactions in significant numbers. And she added even if that didn’t happen right off the bat it could be a long time before it was proven to be safe to take such vaccines. Given her age (a couple years older than me) and some health issues of her own I can’t help but wonder if she’s become more inclined to go ahead and get the vaccine. There’s also the J&J vaccine which unlike Pfizer (the one I got – my immunity should be fully developed come this Sunday!) or Moderna Johnson and Johnson’s vaccine isn’t RNA based. It might not have the same level of protection but it’s also pretty effective in reducing the severity of the disease in people who’ve gotten it yet still contract Covid.

    So, I think we will see the snowball effect continue. Pair that up with what you talk about in your article and I think by the end of May the only way we don’t have 70% or more of folks 16 and over vaccinated will be a combination of the MAGAts and having enough people to actually administer the shots. Logistics to get out to spots where it’s tough for people to get to bigger vaccination sites has been in the works and since we have competent people in government now that actually want to get shit done and even more importantly are passionate about getting shit done refinements will be ongoing. For example, I live in an over 55 building and while many of us have cars (although quite a few are like mine pretty old) an awful lot of people use the bus and public transit system. Since I live in a pretty nice suburb I can easily see an announcement put in our doors (we get a flyer about something or other at least one day a week) of a couple of days when folks will arrive to administer vaccines in the common area for those who haven’t yet had their shots. The real trick will be doing this kind of thing in places that are far less upscale than the suburb in which I live. However I’m confident the Biden administration will figure it out.

    I will still practice stuff I’ve been doing this past year like wearing a mask, washing my hands all the time and keeping my distance when I’m out and about but overall I can see things turning into a new normal by early summer. And THAT will help bring the economy back. My only worry at this point is that we are so close to being out of the woods that people are already blowing off taking still necessary precautions and the data shows new cases are on the uptick. But I’m still hopeful.

  2. The great thing about the truth is it’s consistency. Because it IS reality, one tiny fact over there ties up and agrees with some obscure fact over here. These all tie together in an intricate tapestry of interlocking facts that all support each other, far too complex together over time to make coherent reality a fake, it has to be the real thing. And conspiracy theories and made up ‘facts’ can’t do this, they always have to be ‘adjusted’ as they collide their fantasies and ‘what-if’ with actual reality.
    That’s the strength of our side. Telling the truth is easy and consistent and self reinforcing. The lies and fabrications of the other side are always catching and cancelling each other out.
    The truth will always out. It’s easier to tell than lies. We have the truth and they have lies.

    • When I was growing up my mom would remind us that a lie was just that and a white lie was the same. But what really stuck was once you lie you have to remember it in full details and that the punishment would be more severe so it was simple just tell the truth.

    • The truth… hmmm… I seem to recall Biden and Harris both saying they wouldn’t trust Trump’s vaccine. I remember the media scoffing and laughter at Trump’s promise to have a vaccine in under a year. I remember when Andrew Cuomo was essentially being drafted to run for president, was even given awards, and lauded for how well he was handling the pandemic, meanwhile Ron DeSantis was accused of being in a death cult. Gavin Newsom was similarly feted, he is now being recalled, Cuomo pressured to resign. I remember the “inhumanity” of Trump’s border policies.

      Truth. Right. Maybe start reading past headlines and using some critical thinking, as well as having a memory longer than a goldfish. This legacy media can say whatever they want with no accountability, because no one seems to have a memory that goes back longer than a month.

  3. A recent poll showed that nearly half of Trump-supporting men have no intention of getting the vaccine. It amazes me that Trump voter want Trump to get credit for “cutting vaccine development red tape.” and at th4e same time, claim they won’t get the shot because they say the cutting of all that red tape means the vaccines are unsafe. They have zero consistency and long ago gave up the privilege of ever being taken seriously.

  4. In 2008 Dr. Anthony Fauci wrote a report on people who died from the swine flu claiming they did not die from the swine flu but died from a bacterial infection of the lungs caused from constantly wearing masks. In 2020 Dr. Fauci told Doctors around the world to not autopsy people who died from COVID as it was deadly to do so to dispose of those who died from COVID immediately. Doctors in Italy ignored those demands and did autopsies on 20 people who died from COVID and discovered they did not die from COVID but from a bacterial infection of the lungs caused from constantly wearing masks. The Government of Italy has filed charges of crimes against humanity for the WHO, Dr Fauci and Bill Gates. Dr Fauci and Bill Gates knew if they could create enough fear and deaths they could easily get people around the world to wear masks causing more deaths they could make billions off of their vaccines all the while causing depopulation which the globalists have planned for years. Several years ago Bill Gates in a interview claimed that the world was over populated and need to figure out how to eliminate 5 billion people. They along with THE WHO, George Soros and the Rothschilds started the research into the virus in the USA but then President Obama said it was too dangerous and to stop but Dr Fauci said that it was too important and so they moved the research to China while those listed above continued to finance their plan. Also their plan to depopulate would be helped along with their vaccine knowing that it would slowly destroy peoples immune systems and they would still blame those deaths on COVID as well. Now they are saying that if you don’t get the vaccine you will not be able to travel abroad, take a cruise or board a plane. More scare tactics. 1 1/2 years ago I got a passport wanting to go on a cruise. Looks like I won’t be going on a cruise. Not once have I worn a mask and I will never wear one, nor will I take their vaccine. I’m 69 YO. with high BP. COPD, and AFIB and not once sheltered in place or stopped shaking hands or giving hugs and not once have I been slightly ill. COVID is the greatest Hoax ever pulled off by the Deep state Globalists


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