I was bummed by the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict today, but I wasn’t surprised. After all, I was born and raised in Chicago, at a time when City Hall had a whole department that did nothing more than “fix” traffic tickets for good Democrats. A popular slogan at the time was that Chicago has the best judges that money can buy!

I wasn’t born yesterday. Hell, I’m now fond of telling people that I was born before the turn of the century. I know, it was only 21 years ago, but it makes me sound really old and wise. But what I wasn’t surprised by the verdict, I was absolutely amazed At the response from the GOP.

And no, I don’t mean those shitwits at FUX News. Hell, they have turned Rittenhouse into a cause to celebrate as a poster child for pampered rich white racists who get in over their head. I’m talking about the death eater cult that is now commonly referred to as the Republican party.

After the verdict, like a bunch of retarded groundhogs popping up on every day but Groundhogs day, several GOP House members immediately took to Twitter to congratulate their new Baby Face Nelson, and to offer some serious bonding time. Some offered him a no questions asked internship in their offices. Others offered to have him flown down to the Capitol to spend a day of some serious chill time. Come on down! Maybe some more far right white supremacist insurgent assholes will show up, and you can shoot Capitol cops this time! 

You know, there was a cautionary tale in the Virginia 2021 election for Governor. If you can keep Trump out of the spotlight, then statewide GOP candidates can win, even in Democratic leaning states. But with the GOP’s insane response to the Rittenhouse verdict, it is clear that the GOP is bound and determined to make Trumpism front and center in the 2022 midterm campaign. Which is a grave tactical error.

There were hundreds of thousands, if not millions of white GOP women, college educated as well as non college educated, along with independent women, who took to the streets to peacefully protest Trump’s election on January 21st, 2017. Many of them brought their young children, some of them pushing strollers as they availed themselves of their First Amendment rights to protest peacefully. There was no hint of violence.

In 2020, more of these women took to the streets to protest police violence against unarmed minorities. And if they didn’t, at least some of them had sons and daughters who took to the streets in solidarity. The daytime protests in which they all took part were peaceful, with only a scattering of arrests. They were all home and tucked in by the time that the nighttime violence kicked in.

Now the GOP, fueled by several radical members loyal to Trump, are glorifying the idea that far right racists are free to pack semi automatic heat, go to a peaceful protest, provoke an incident, and when opposed, open fire and murder peaceful protesters. And then go to court and whine and piss their pants on demand, and claim that they were in fear for their lives from a confrontation they provoked against unarmed protesters.

The Democrats really need to hammer home this base hypocrisy from the GOP, especially in the House. As much as people love their Second Amendment rights, they love their First Amendment rights even more. People of all stripes have taken to the streets in mass protests over issues they feel passionate about. Hell, when the national guard opened fire on unarmed anti Vietnam war protesters on the grounds of Kent State University, it fueled a scandal that almost toppled a government. And now the GOP wants to give its blessings on goose steppers and bedsheet banditos to open fire at will. This won’t go over well.

Follow me on Twitter at @RealMurfster35

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  1. I suggest everyone required to vote at polling places bring their firearms. I’m sorry but at this point the revolution has begun and we’ll need to actually fight to win it. Hoping the “side rails” of our democratic institutions will save us is asinine. Those side rails have been dismantled. Since all of these RWNJ states wish to play with fire, I say we give them their wish. Always remember-we are considerably more intelligent than these yahoos: time to prove it and when you’re involved in a gun fight, you DON’T bring a knife….or words of some document that has been eviscerated as our constitution has been over the past 4+ decades.

    • So you recommend that people voting in person arm themselves so that Kyle Rittenhouse wannabes can shoot you in self defense because they are afraid for their lives simply by your being there armed? Vote early or drop off your mail delivered ballot.


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