A brief history lesson. Back in the mid to late 1930’s, failed painter and budding dictator never won a majority in a German general election. Not only that, but his political organization, the NSDAP, or German National Socialist Party never snagged a majority in the Reichstag, of German parliament.

Hitler ran a neat bait and switch to become German President, second only to the German Chancellor, von Hindenburg. A frail and doddering Hindenburg named Hitler as his successor, and Hitler quickly turned to ending the Reichstag as a legislative stopper, and consolidated power.

But while Hitler was busy running this political Ponzi scheme, you know who wasn’t buying what he was selling? The German elite and industrialists. They immediately saw Hitler for what he was, a gauche, petit bourgeois ass clown, who left unattended could crash the economy. So they got together to set up a plan so that they secretly controlled his economic policies instead.

Which went over like a lead balloon. The elites and industrialists somehow or other missed the basic sadistic cruelty of Hitler’s rule. It was only after Hitler threatened to confiscate their assets for the people, and followed that stick with the carrot of cheap Jewish labor from concentration camps that they all lined up and started wearing swastikas and chanting Heil Hitler!

Sound vaguely familiar? Traitor Tot himself has never won a popular vote in a general election. Not only that, but after crawling into power in 2017 with a GOP majority in both the House and Senate, giving him carte blanch to do what he wanted, he lost 40 seats in the House in 2018, lost the Senate in 2020, and had such a miserable Biden midterm that he barely managed to scrape out an ungovernable GOP House majority in 2022.

Now, cast your mind back to 2017. You know who wasn’t buying what Trump was selling? The GOP uber donors and the conservative oligarchs of US based multinational corporations. They saw him immediately for what he was, a populist demagogue who was an economic imbecile. So they did what uber rich oligarchs always do. Which was to set up a secret cabal with mainstream GOP legislative power players like Reince Priebus, John Boehner and Mitch McConnell to keep him under their expert thumbs. German Reichstag v2.

But here’s the McGuffin. I’ve been writing off and on for almost a year now that the GOP uber donors and corporate rich sh*tpokes were so over Trump. They were refusing to fund the RNC as long as Trump was on a ballot, not donating to Trump, and even hatching a plan to throw their kaboodle around themselves to what they felt were winnable races in the House and Senate. As I’ve written, since Trump has a nipple clamp on the small donor base of the GOP, the only ones this would hurt were the RNC and the down ballot candidates.

But His Lowness needs cash now! Trump’s legal bills are crippling him, and there’s a limit as to what he can pull from his campaign fund for legal bills if he wants to run a national campaign. Much easier would be to nail his Leadership PAC, but there are no deep pocket GOP super donors contributing to that fund.

So what does El Pendejo Presidente do? He pulls a Hitler. MSNBC reported that the Trump reelection campaign has sent out a letter to the uber rich GOP donor base. The letter noted that these same sniveling cowards, who had profited the most from the Trump tax cuts were now sitting on their wallets when it mattered the most.

The letter gave them 45 days to step up and do the right thing. If they didn’t pony up in the next 45 days, than It would be increasingly more difficult to do business with a future Trump administration. And since Trump’s vengeful ego must be massaged, they can’t just put up and shut up! Oh, no. They have to Put up and sing Trump’s praises.

And you know what? The spineless sh*ts are trampling all over each other like a South American soccer crowd to open their checkbooks while publicly singing The Mango Messiah’s praises. However well intentioned, the GOP super donor revolt is now as dead as Paddy’s pig.

History doesn’t repeat itself, but it dure does rhyme. On the late 1930’s, Hitler immediately understood the threat of the industrialists trying to manipulate him for their own purposes, and with brute force threatened not only their safety, but the safety of their families as well. Fortunately, thanks to Biden 2020, the United States doesn’t have concentration camps. And so instead, Hair Twitler had to make adjustments and threaten their bottom line profit instead. Same pig, different lipstick.

Hi waitress! Look, I’ll have the lunch plate of crow, barbequed, and the humble pie with caramel praline ice cream for dessert. I actually thought that with all of their millions and billions, these rich sh*tpokes had the stones to stand up to a few Scruffy Guru insults in order to ensure their long term better interests. Which just goes to show how thick I can be when I set my mind to it.

But that being said, there’s still a nice glug of lemonade for me to wash down that crow and humble pie with. Trump doesn’t give a sh*t about the RNC, or the down ballot candidates. His extortionist demands are for big bucks to be delivered to his campaign and Leadership PAC. And that isn’t going to help either the RNC nor the down ballot candidates, especially in the state legislative races. You lie down with wolves, you wake up with teeth marks. Don’t touch that dial.

I thank you for the privilege of your time.

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  1. Keep banging the drum Murf. Being raised in a culture with so many myths of white, rich men knowing what’s best for us unwashed masses…it’s easy to underestimate the love of money. It’s as Emerson said: men are more protective of their pocketbooks than their principles. We are no safer from an evil and disastrous downfall than were the Germans in the 30s. Thanks for the reminder.

  2. The greed of these idiots has blinded them to the point of STUPID. Trump will not forget, much less forgive having to threaten them into coughing up the money he desperately needs. If he gets back into power and worse has GOP majorities in Congress (likely if he’s able to bully and cheat his way to a win in Nov.) Trump will turn around and fuck every last one of them raw. For those that don’t pay up enough and fast enough or worse hold out Trump, with the backing of a submissive GOP Congress nationalize their businesses and seize their assets. Is there anyone who thinks at that point SCOTUS is going to say “Hey, you can’t do that!” to Trump?

    They have a way out of course. They can continue to withhold funds and not just from the RNC but a host of MAGA type GOP candidates. Yes, it would mean Democratic rule for at least one Presidential cycle and the poor babies would have to pay more taxes for as much as say ten years. Money they are so fucking rich they will never notice in pracitcal terms it’s gone to the government. And the fact that under Democratic control government will create a better and stronger economy which will STILL make them a fuckton on money and substantially offset their tax losses won’t matter. It’s the principle of the thing to them.

    The remaining Koch brother SHOULD get together with cronies and organize a conference of American business leaders who know in their hearts Trump will crash the U.S. and world economies. Invite the press to the panel discussions with the top dogs browbeating everyone to get in line. NO money for Trump or his supporters on Capitol Hill this year. ONLY if the GOP flushes Trump down its fake gold toilet and for good will they open their checkbooks again. And those top dogs would have the clout to do some fucking over of their own with hostile takeovers of businesses who’s owners/executives refuse to get in line.

    Once the GOP is sufficiently purged of Trump/MAGA the saner, still evil and greedy to the point of mean can re-emerge but at least then we can go back to something resembling what used to be. And there would be a measure of stability which every last one of them craves.

    • The only GOP who could stop Trump now is the Anericans For Prosperity. Exactly right. At least they still have enough gonads to say it out loud. Trump IS vulnerable. And I’m all for his ass kicking while he’s down. The Iowa vote was a TINY, weak, paltry vote from the total Republican electorate there. From a whitebread state that went for Obama in that cycle’s caucus. Kick him to the ash heap of history now, while we still can. And show no mercy. He sure af wouldn’t.

  3. I don’t really get why the superdonors would worry about backing Trump. They GOT their PERMANENT tax cuts back in 2017. The media didn’t do a good job of explaining the nature of the tax cuts; they made it seem like everything was just fine. The truth, though? For the average folks, those tax cuts expire in 2025, but for corporations and the uber-rich, the tax cuts were made permanent (and, you’ll notice that the Dems, upon regaining control of Congress, were either unable to undo that permanency or more pressed in undoing Trump’s worse actions). Personally, I believe that was done with the full intent on Trump’s plan to win reelection in 2020 (after all, announcing his reelection plan was pretty much the first thing he did after being inaugurate) so that he would actually leave office and leave the impending tax increase on the middle and lower classes to be handled by his successor. (Trump’s more openly authoritarian behavior, I feel, is more a response to his having been impeached twice and all the lawsuits brought against him. Trump’s always been a narcissist and felt above the law, yes, but I honestly believe he would have stepped down after a second term, and relished the role of “kingmaker” with *his* choice for the 2024 GOP nomination sliding to an easy nomination, as long as said nominee remembered who got him to that place.)


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