There are certain sects in right-wingnuttia that I think of as the Shock Troops. They take to the airwaves to spew the worst sociopathic garbage that one can conceive of. They are virulent women haters, and anti-Semitism is high on the list as well. I think what’s really going on with these people is a certain amount of self hate. The guy you’re going to hear rave really has it in for the Jews today and story is that he has a Jewish great-great-grandmother. So maybe that’s his issue, is he’s one of the breed of Jews (and I’ve been told by Jews that these people exist) who hate themselves and so they hate other Jews. I wonder if this guy ever looked up the statistics on how many Jews have won the Nobel prize? I’m going to bet that would blow his mind.

But we’ll give this person some credit, he seems most democratic in his hatred. He hates everybody. And I guess there is an audience for this, right?

I like the bit about “the only creators are white Xian men.” Oh, puh-leeeze. I could regale you with tales of women I have known my entire life who have built businesses, who have done charitable work, been the pillars of their churches and communities. And the ethnic crack, that only whites are creators, c’mon man, as Joe Biden would say. That simply is not the case. If you look at the performing arts in particular, the contributions by people of all ethnicities are obvious.

But we’re not dealing with logic or facts, here, so why bother? We’re dealing with a couple of snickering incel punks who are saying bad things to shock the grown ups. The truly shocking thing about all this is that these are the types of people who end up at dinner at Mar-a-Lago with Donald Trump. That’s the horrifying part, not the fact that they managed to get on the airwaves somewhere. In this technical world in which we live, anybody can start a YouTube channel.

This piece got 33K views on Twitter/X before I posted it. I doubt that a huge number of people will see it, but that’s not really the point. The point, as I see it, is that there are people in the world who believe that hatemongering on this basic of a level is somehow a proper use of time. I assume that this is primarily an attention getting device.

I remember hearing, when I was growing up, “it takes all kinds.” I guess so.

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    • Charles R.Drew blood banks, first director of American Red Cross

      Katherine Johnson “Hidden Figures,mathematician)

      Lonnie Johnson’s NASA engineer, also created Nerd Gun and Supersoakers

      Gladys West–GPS

      Percy Julian– add-on foam to extinguish fires, synthesized cortisone,

      Patricia,Bath laser system for removal.if cataracts

      Garret Morgan’s gas mask

      James West–47 patents 5minutes to find these people

      I would add

      Simon Biles GOAT gymnast

      Jackie Robinson
      Althea,Gibson (11Grand Slam wins in tennis)
      Venus and Serena Williams
      Wilma Rudolph

  1. Bobby Fischer was probably the king of Jewish self-hate. He didn’t go down that road until about 20 years after he won his championship.

  2. That’s just another self delusional paradigm, or just another racist lie…take your pick. Guess I’ll go have a peanut butter sandwich. Thanks Mr. Washington! No, not the white man…the black one. God…these people are the cancer in our species.

  3. MAGA is an incel haven. It’s the ONLY place where they aren’t STILL on the receiving end of the contempt of decent folk. The reason they WERE & ARE STILL bullied is their abhorrent views. The reason they live Trump is because his schtick is identical to theirs, white grievance. Playing the victim. Ripping off those around him. Cheating on taxes while bellyaching about others ‘freeloading’. Face it, without daddys fortune Tantrumthinskin would be an incel.

  4. Contributions of Jews:

    Inventions: safety razor,printed circuit board, computer mouse, transister, defibrillator, videotape, cotton swab,latex condom, ballpoint pen

    Also: Disraeli,,Oppenheimer, Einstein,Freud, Benjamin Disraeli

    How ignorant are these bozo incels?

  5. That old saying: “Behind every good man stands a woman.” is partly true. Women stood behind their men to keep them from falling over and banging their pretty little heads.


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