Man, if you doubt for one nano second that the Republican party has totally lost it, take a look at this. You read about Donald Trump fleecing his supporters with recurring donations and money bombs. He didn’t dream it up himself. He had help from the NRCC.

“And if you disavow Trump and go join the radical lefties, we’ll come sit on your doorstep and wear Halloween masks and terrify your children until you give us all your money — or better yet, give us the children and the money. We’ll know what to do with both.”

And this crap was coming five times a day — or more, at the end.

The GOP has become a cult with a mobster mentality. Dear God help us. Eisenhower, Reagan, all of them are rolling in their graves. Even Nixon is looking up from Hell and somewhat bemused, I speculate.

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  1. Yes…I think I commented a couple of times about the Trump emails I signed up for on a firmer email account. All political donation emails are a little PT Barnum, but theirs were worse.

    I remember one day they told a little story of how Trump was turning it around, but I myself let him down. The emails came in a series:

    1. (Early morning) we just got new polls and we need your help.
    2. We’re still short, help!
    3. We just had lunch with Trump and he was looking at the lists and he saw Rory’s name and asked why you hadn’t donated because you’re one of his favorite donors. (Oh brother)
    4. (Later afternoon) We still didn’t get your donation, did we miss it?
    5. Trump said he will match whatever you send to win you back. (Oh brother x1000)
    6. (Evening) we can’t do this if we aren’t all in and all together. We need you back, or else…
    7. Looks like we missed an important filing deadline, but we’ll count on you next time.

    That’s all in a day. It’s very psychologically manipulative, or if you’re like me it has the psychosomatic effect of causing a gag reflex, lol.

  2. I thought the DCCC emails were bad with their multiple times per day ALL IS LOST!!!!! and all-caps messages. (It took way, way too much effort to finally get off their email list!) but this takes it to a new level. I say that because I think they are serious about tattling to Team Trump if someone unchecks the box. Or does what I did with the DCCC and engages in the arduous process of getting off their list. And that they will in fact be targeted for some form of harassment.


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