The Most Eloquent Filibuster Reform Idea I’ve Heard Yet!


This is a shining example of how my life goes sometimes. I was sitting here in front of the keyboard, fat, dumb, and happy, polishing off an article about how Mitch McConnell, Ron Johnson, and the rest of the GOPasaurs were making Chuck Schumer’s life easier in convincing recalcitrant caucus members to reform the filibuster, and Lawrence O’Donnell blew me out of the water.

I’m sorry, I didn’t get the name, I was busy putting the final touches on my article, but O’Donnell had a Senate historian on his show. And he came up with a solution to the filibuster reform problem that was so simple and elegant, I almost wept. Because even a turn coat prick like Joe Manchin can support it, simply because it used to be the Senate rule for the filibuster!

Here’s how it goes. Before the last major filibuster reform in 1975, the current filibuster rule was one I would consider damn near perfect. It gave the minority their rights, but also placed responsibilities on them in order to exercise them.

The minority party could call a filibuster at any time. A Senator of the minority party went behind the rostrum in the well of the Senate. But it was a trip, talking filibuster. The Senator had to keep talking. Changes in speakers was allowed, one Senator could hand off to another Senator of the same party when he got to the floor. But here’s the kicker.

The minority party had to show good faith. From the time that the filibuster began, it was required for the minority party to maintain a minimum of 40 minority Senate asses in Senate seats. Obviously, the entire Senate majority wanted to be there, since the second the minority attendance in the chamber dipped below 40, the Majority Leader could declare the filibuster at an end, and call the bill to the floor for a vote.

This is what majority democracy rule in the Senate looks like. They get to to oppose and delay the bill, but they also have to put up the sweat equity to maintain it. Even a mental troglodyte like Manchin should be able to het behind a change that only takes the Senate back to the way that the rule used to be! Don’t touch that dial.

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  1. Add to it that they can’t play on their PHONES while their party is filibustering. If they want to filibuster, they must not only BE there physically, but they MUST pay attention to it!

  2. Sounds like a plan, I am ready to support this. I am afraid that if it is only 40 butts in seats they could gum things up for a long time. There is a lot of legislation that gets done in committee, the flor is not always where the works get sausaged.

  3. They WILL do some form of filibuster…bet that. What’s happening right now is that they’re letting the other side give them all the excuses they need to do it to satisfy folks in the middle. It’s like a hip throw in martial arts: not a question of strength but momentum and leverage. Let us please refrain from applying Trump ideas of power to the situation.

  4. I hope it does, and hope they have to sit through the drone if they want to call a filibuster. Ever see footage of one? One guy read the phone book. Snark.

  5. And the talking part MUST be structured that the minority may only talk about items specifically covered by the proposed legislation. No reading nursery rhymes, Dr. Seuss, etc.

  6. This is a great idea. Between Rachael & Lawrence last night, they nailed the options.
    Add to this the “disappearance” of Senator (R-Dumphuck) Johnson last night after the 10+ hour reading of the Bill, when Senator van Holen simply cut the 20 hours of debate to 3 !!! .
    What it proves is the Rs are so stupid they don’t know the how to use the rules they’re trying to take advantage of.
    And proves that they can’t even keep their own asses in their own seats.
    Putting the filibuster burden back where it belongs is simple logic, not genius.
    It should be done.
    Please keep on top of this, Murf. Your posts on this are excellent.


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