The Missing Link


Think while you still have me. Move while you still see me. You’ll be lost. And you’ll be  sorry. When I’m gone.   Jesus Christ Superstar   Everything’s all right

*News Flash!* Donald J Trump, 45th President of the United States, is batshit crazy! I know, that’s been old hat to anybody who even watches him passingly for a long time now, but what’s news is that everybody suddenly seems to be finding out just how batshit crazy Donald Trump actually is.

Look, it’s not like Trump hasn’t always been batshit crazy, not only for his presidency, but for almost all of his adult life. I mean, what sane man goes around pretending to be his own press flack, in order to call local reporters and brag about screwing around on his wife? But in the last 3-4 months, something has changed, and both the speed, as well as the intensity of Trump’s lunatic ravings seems to be increasing.

But has anything really changed? Hucky Boo-Boo, as our dear Ursula Faw likes to call her, was fond of stating that if Trump was hit, he was going to hit back, and twice as hard. But has Trump been getting hit any harder lately, or more often? Not that I can see, Trump has been the ultimate party pinata for the media since he took the oath of office. And Trump still faces all of the same challenges he has since day one, the economy, Democrats, his own struggling popularity, impeachment, his own overt racism and sexism. All of those have been around since day one. What has changed that has caused Trump to so suddenly and violently go out of control?

I think I’ve found the key. It isn’t a matter of Trump having any more shit dumped on his head, rather it is something he once had that has been taken away. Trump has lost his biggest supporter. And when I say supporter, I don’t mean like in financial supporter. I mean more like in athletic supporter. You know, that thing that keeps your balls from swinging back and forth until you give yourself a hernia? Trump has lost his one vanguard that protected what he values more than anything in the world.

And who or what was this mystery supporter? That’s easy. Robert S Mueller III. Think about it. Trump was elected in January of 2017, and Mueller was appointed in May of 2017. For all of Trump’s first term, Robert Mueller has been the one constant thing in Trump’s life. All the way up until July of 2019, when Mueller finally testified in front of congress, and then, like Cincinnatus, returned home to his farm and his plow.

Mueller was Trump’s secret talisman, he made Trump stronger, and braver. Trump says something stupid or racist? Rant about Mueller, the witch hunt! and the hoax! Have his personal moral vampire, Rudy Ghouliani, go on FOX to scream about Mueller and his 13 angry Democrats! Hell, Hannity, Carlson, Ingraham, and Limbaugh were always ready to fly some close air support with ammo like that.Sure, there were times when something really damaging would come out of the Mueller investigation, and for a day or so Trump would have to say or do something really stupid, and then let it stand by itself, just to take attention away from Mueller for a moment. But for two long years, Robert Mueller was the one man that Trump could turn to when things were coming down around his ears, his magic man.

But no more. You haven’t heard Mueller’s name uttered in the media since the week after he testified. And you haven’t heard Trump mention him since then either. Nothing has changed all that much for Trump.He still has the nuclear intransigence of Kim Dung Pun, a weakening economy, problems on the southern border, his own racism and sexism. and growing calls for his impeachment. But what Trump doesn’t have anymore is that tall, lean, silver haired, taciturn shiny object to point everybody to when they start to notice that there’s something seriously wrong with him.

Has Donald Trump been degenerating over the last three months? Of course he has, and sadly, it’s only going to get worse. But he’s not degenerating because there’s any more pressure or problems on him than there were all along, he’s degenerating because he has lost the one distraction that he could always call on to keep people from seeing just how seriously fucked up he has been since day one. At long last, after three long years, we can all finally see that the Emperor has no clothes. And a mushroom dick.

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