I’ve got to hand it to the folks at the Lincoln Project. They are like pointer dogs on the hunt. They see the prey and they move in for the kill.

Donald Trump is a renowned misogynist. He insults women routinely, the more powerful and successful they are, the worse the insult. Thus we have “sick” Nancy Pelosi, “nasty” Hillary Clinton (an honor she shares with Megan Markle, by the way, who is also “nasty”) and my favorite, “low IQ” Maxine Waters. You haven’t heard Auntie Maxine bragging about passing a cognitive test lately, have you? Or calling herself a stable genius? Or marking up hurricane maps with a sharpie? We could go on.

In all events, curiously, the misogyny stops when it comes to Ghislaine Maxwell: which begs the question, “What does she have on Donald Trump?”

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    • Unfortunately even a photo of the thief in chief banging a 14 year old won’t sway tRump supporters, they probably would give him a thumbs up. And Moscow Mitch and the Senate would look the other way. A lack of moral character has never been a problem for the republican party.

  1. Some of you may recall my Kim Newman quote of a few days ago about how no one hates a degenerate worse than a person from the same group as the degenerate in question. Consider this ad the same principle in action with a different context. Few crimes against humans earn the “degenerate” label than sex trafficking.

    The Lincoln Project blames him for ruining their party (a laughable assertion, as Max proved yesterday when he tracked four generations of American conservatives giving into their worst instincts, but I say let them have their delusions…for now) and they’re now going to make him pay for such.

  2. My. God. This deserves the complimentary word “pastiche.” Simple, to the point, brilliant both visually and in words/captions.

  3. It’s obvious. He owned Miss Teen USA and constantly bragged about going into the dressing rooms while they were naked. He could do that with impunity because he owned the pageant. He has no moral compass so when he went South to Epstein’s island…well Maxwell knows.

  4. Yes, it’s a hard hitting ad. It’s tailored to the moment and will have an impact to be sure. That’s the case with most of these ads. However, while I like what this group is doing, I still think they are missing the mark. What we need is an ad that will go viral but also be aired on TV from now until the election. Something that even if not paid advertising such as happened with the despicable Willie Horton ad in 1988 will still get shown repeatedly on the news like the Swift Boat ad (which in reality got little play via paid advertising but ran over and over daily in the news) and get parked deep in people’s heads. THAT is the only way to have a chance of at least cracking open the minds of the hard core MAGA folks to at least question their support of him. I have no connection with anyone that I know of who would get the following in front of someone at Lincoln, or Meidas or RVAT but maybe someone will see this who does. Here’s the text I’d like to see narrated in a 30 second spot:

    Trump’s afraid to condemn Putin for paying bounties to kill our troops.
    He’s afraid to condemn Saudi ruler Mohammed Bin Salman for the murder of journalist Jamal Kashoggi.
    He’s afraid to condemn Turkey’s President when Erdogan’s goons assaulted Americans on a public street in DC.
    Dictators used to fear American Presidents. Now? Trump is afraid of the dictators.
    Maybe THEY know what’s in his taxes. But we know for sure Trump is afraid of people who’d be afraid of any other American President.

    That’s a lot for thirty seconds and would likely have to be whittled down a bit. But I think it would, if repeated over and over in the next few months would hit home with a fair amount of people that the usual stuff bounces off of.

    Of course, someone with more skill than me might use that as a starting point to create a narration that’s even more hard hitting but I think it’s a pretty good start.

  5. I’m sure Ms. Maxwell could share a lot about trump. I keep wondering when she will commit suicide, just like Jeffrey…….

  6. Well they better take better care of her than they did of Jeffery Epstein. There ain’t no way in hell he didn’t have an “assisted” suicide. He just couldn’t have broke his knack by himself. And for that kind of coverup you would have had to have big connections. You know like maybe people in the Russians mob which is big in New York. By the way, trump knows a lot of connected Russians. Just saying, first, could you do me a favor? Don’t you know!

  7. I ran the phones for an outcall escort service in the late 70s and we kept notes. We had books. Two sets, actually. Boy, I hope Maxwell was a record keeper. Nothing like contemporaneous bookkeeping.


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