The Hidden “Incumbent” On The Ballot In November. The Filibuster.


There are a lot of vulnerable GOP Senators on the ballot in 2020, some with better prospects than others. But on the 2020 ballot, there is a Senate “incumbent” whose name will not appear on the ballot that has been there longer than any of the other names on the ballot. The filibuster.

If Joe Biden is elected on November 3rd, it will be two things at once. One, it will have been a referendum on the leadership, or lack thereof, of Donald John Trump. And two, it will be a change election. If the voters not only choose to let Joe Biden take over the leadership of this country, but also choose to give the Democrats control of the Senate back, that will be a mandate. And the larger the margin of victory, and the more seats in the Senate the Democrats can flip, then the more powerful the mandate. Which means that the American people will expect action, and they will expect it quickly.

If Biden wins the White House in November, and Chuck Schumer becomes the new Senate Majority Leader, it really doesn’t matter whether or not Yertl the Turtle wins or loses his reelection bid. Either way, as long as the GOP can stop any effective Democratic attempt at governance through the legislative process with the filibuster, than like Obama before him, Biden will effectively be neutered as to what he can accomplish. And that’s why it is inconceivable to me that  Chuck Schumer, immediately after swearing in the new class of Senators, will not move to nuke the filibuster, once and for all, on the topic of legislation, its only remaining format.

This is  nothing radical, in fact it would be the last step in what has so far been an orderly progression. Harry Reid nuked the filibuster for non SCOTUS judicial appointments, as well as cabinet appointments, in order to frustrate McConnell’s attempt to make the Obama administration functionally impotent. Moscow Mitch swore bitter revenge, and when in power nuked the filibuster rule for SCOTUS appointments, making it possible for him and El Pendejo Presidente to elevate a serial sexual predator to the Supreme Court. This would just be the natural last step in sending an arcane, useless Senate rule to the legislative tar pits.

If the people elect Joe Biden the President of the United States, and give the Democrats the Senate, it will be because they want action, quickly, and plenty of it. If Biden wants to keep his promise of a comprehensive immigration reform act that gives 11 million people a path to citizenship in his first 100 days, you gotta nuke the filibuster. If Biden wants to enact his Medicare for all who want it plan, the first step towards universal medical coverage, you gotta nuke the filibuster. If Biden wants to enact a real infrastructure plan, dragging rural America kicking and screaming into the digital age, and repairing critical infrastructure, you gotta nuke the filibuster. If Biden wants to return to The Paris Climate Accord, repair the Iran nuclear agreement, and make the United States a 21st century leader in the green energy and technology arena, you gotta nuke the filibuster.

If Joe Biden wins the White House in November, and if the Democrats retake the Senate, it will be so much more than just a national repudiation of the idiotic policies and behavior of The Clown Prince, it will be a clarions call to return the United States to greatness again. And it will be due to a belief that the Biden administration can deliver on its promises. And to accomplish any of that, you gotta nuke the filibuster. It really is that simple.

To know the future, look to the past.before the insanity of the 2020 election, relive the insanity of the 2016 GOP primary campaign, and the general election, to see how we got to where we are. Copies of President Evil, and the sequel, President Evil II, A Clodwork Orange are available as e-books on Amazon, at the links above. Catch up before the upcoming release of the third book in the trilogy, President Evil III: All The Presidents Fen

Follow me on Twitter at @RealMurfster35

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  1. Yes. It may be ten years if then before we have a super majority. What do we need to give everyone from Quam to DC statehood. That would help, too. The fascist need to be exposed and treated like what they are, traitors wishing to destroy our Constitution and thus our country.

    For too long Republicans have been the party of business and thus the economy in the minds of the fools that populate this country. Truth even more deap than the Lincoln Project needs to be pounded into the heads of these slow learners.

    I guess what I am saying is the MSM must not be allowed to act like Republicans are a similar organization to Democrats. When I joined the service, the first questions on the security clearance forms were “Are you now or have you ever been a member of the communist part?” I hope to some day see that question changed to “Are you now or have you ever been a member of the Republican party”.

  2. Well I guess we need to get rid of the filibuster. But it has had such a rich history. But I guess change is needed. Change is needed on many fronts.

  3. I say if a Senator wants to filibuster then by grab let them do so the old-school way – stand on their feet and keep talking to hold the floor. Few could last 24 hours, much less a couple of days. But if they really want to make a point and generate public pressure on something in today’s media environment it will get attention and the various other members will get all the input they need on whether to support whatever the filibustering Senator wants or not.

    The current system has been so badly abused it needs to be destroyed. Hell, if we do wind up taking the Senate in November I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if McConnell nukes the filibuster himself to pass a raft of legislation during the lame duck session. He’s probably already planning for that possibility with stuff that has cleverly concealed “poison pills” buried deep in the fine print of important legislation and knowing there will be a rush to conclude important business before the holidays and the adjournment of this Congress he will hope he can slip some stuff through. It’s not like it hasn’t happened before, especially with the way the Hill works these days where “Regular Order” of debating bills in Committee before sending them to the floor of the House or Senate has been replaced by leadership hammering out something and shoving it in front of their respective chambers for a quick vote before people have a chance to really go through it with a fine tooth comb.

    I have to trust that Pelosi (I have NO faith in Schumer. NONE) will be ready for this and have a team assembled over on the House side to ID this stuff and strip it from anything passed by the House – and clobbers McConnell over the head with it during the reconciliation negotiations. McConnell is a wily s.o.b. and will probably have a contingency plan so it should be an interesting time and a helluva chess match.

  4. Aren’t we really talking about the cloture rule, not filibuster? The cloture rule must have come about for a reason. What is that reason? What is the catch?


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