Sweet Jesus. We’re still almost five months away from the Iowa caucuses, and already almost every GOP incumbent or strategist without a shrine to Traitor Tot on top of the bedroom dresser, including votive candles, is bathed in flop sweat. But as I always like to say, when the Devil makes deals, he collects souls for interest.

Not that it matters to The Clueless Wonder. The worse his legal problems get, the more imbecilic he becomes. When the indictments were unsealed earlier this week, Trump proudly took to his flagship loser social media platform, Bullshit Social to proudly proclaim, Just one more indictment is all I need to guarantee victory in November! Oy, what a putz!

I think I know, at least in part, what Traitor Tot is talking about. Whenever His Lowness gets slapped with an indictment, both The Mango Messiah, as well as the brainless sycophants in the House GOP point to an explosive surge in both popularity as well as fundraising immediately following indictments being unsealed.

But like everything else Trump, it’s just another short term con. True, when Trump got hit with the Manhattan DA hit Trump with the Stormy Daniels indictments, it was easy for Trump to fob that off as a politically motivated hit job, he got a bump in the polls and proudly touted a single day donation boost of some $3 million. But after His Lowness got nicked with federal charges by Special Counsel Jack Smith, the poll bump was smaller, and the fundraising bonanza was down to $1.;5 million. Suddenly the sh*t wasn’t so funny anymore. And while the DC indictments were unsealed on Tuesday, the Trump campaign has yet to come out with an announcement bragging about his latest 24 hour donation miracle. Could it be that the bloom is off of that particular rose?

But however much Trump’s constant drumbeat of indictments and court dates might elevate his mongoloid base to new martyr frenzies, sane Republicans know that it’s just pissing everybody else off. In a recent poll, 45% of GOP voters would vote for Trump even if he were indicted, with 35% saying no, if Trump were to be convicted before election day, 45% were no, with only 35% yes. And a candidate must be over 90% yes going into a general election if they hope to have a prayer of success.

But at this late date, the GOP can’t change. Lap dog Ronna Romney McDaniel at the RNC is totally subservient to Traitor Tot in order to cling to her job. And the Freedom Caucus in the House has ridden the Trump train to individual personal and political wealth, they can’t jump off now. And so much of the silent majority of the House GOP have either idly stood silently by, or grudgingly supported The Trumpster Fire through so many outrages that to turn on him now would leave their voters wondering what the f*ck is going on? So they’re all locked in.

Which is dire news for the RNC and the GOP. Since El Pendejo Presidente already has a nipple clamo on GOP small money donors, and most deep pocket GOP super and mega donors are refusing to chip in on any enterprise that has the name Trump attached to it, the RNC and GOP have had to get creative.

Which is where we come to the GOP’s Secret Master Plan. And that master plan is coming to us courtesy of one Jennifer Horn, the former Chair of the New Hampshire GOP, former board member of the RNC, and founding member of The Lincoln Project. If anybody knows their onions, and has feelers in both camps of the GOP spectrum, it’s Jennifer Horn.

And in an interview earlier this week on MSNBC, Horn spilled the beans. She said that the sane portion of the GOP, that actually wants to succeed and win elections has come to a difficult decision. Trump is a suitcase with a broken handle, he ain’t going anywhere. But the GOP can’t win with him, and they can’t win without him. He’s the only one who can win the primaries, but he can’t win in a general election.

Which leads to the moderate GOP secret plan. And here it is. The mainstream wing of the GOP is ready to very quietly and subliminally jettison Trump for the 2024 election. They are not going to mention Trump at all. Instead, they’ll contact deep pocket super and mega donors, and ask them to contribute directly to the campaigns of critical swing district candidates, as well as promising GOP Senate candidates in critical swing states. The object is to forget about the White House in 2024, and instead strengthen the GOP majority in the House, and retake the Senate, making Biden a toothless tiger for four years, and setting up a glorious, Trump free election in 2028. Hell, it’s nice to have dreams.

But in reality, there’s just one simple problem. It. Won’t Work. Because Trump is like the shadow of Mordor, his presence casts a toxic cloud over everything. Trump is already broadcasting and campaigning on relitigating the Big Steal of 2020, which is the last thing the GOP wants, since it was already badly spanked down in 2022. And no matter how quietly and effectively GOP mega donors spend money on local races, Trump’s campaign rhetoric and criminal trials are going to spread out like a cancer over the entire campaign. And there’s no way that any GOP incumbent or challenger in a critical swing district or senatorial state can campaign on the platform that Trump has nothing to do with them! Trump is like bad weather, he’s everywhere.

You lay down with dogs, you wake up with fleas. The GOP plighted their troth to this Pocket Hitler, and now, just like Traitor Tot in federal court, they’re just going to have to sit there and take their medicine. Bitter wormwood from where I’m sitting. Don’t touch that dial.

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  1. It gravitating to, in an ideal rational sense: ‘Jesus take the wheel’ and dispense the medicine both he and they so deserve.

  2. I’ll only believe the Republicans
    are following the “plan” if they not only boycott the GOP convention and any Trump-related events, but denounce him publicly. Merely staying silent about the party nominee is not only awkward, but extremely cowardly.

  3. Of course it’s cowardly. Look who “leads” them in the House — Kev, the cowardly Ly’in… wait til Chris Christie tears Trump a new a$$hole in the debates. Wait til Fani Willis comes back with RICO indictments — a sh*tload of them. Watch this orange pig squirm. Gonna be a hoot… like that squealing scene in “Deliverance.” Hope they draw real blood. Delish!


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