Heading into the last 14 days, the advertising and messaging strategies for the two sides deem fairly well set. For the GOP it’s inflation, gas prices, and crime. And for the Democrats it’s their accomplishments, reproductive rights, and GOP extremism. All basically a wash, polling wise.

But it turns out that the GOP may be playing a dangerous game going into the last 2 weeks in their blind obedience to Trump. In a poll shown on MSNBC today, in the reddest of the swing states, Ohio, the number one turnoff in messaging for Ohio voters was the contention that President Joe Biden wasn’t the duly elected President. And bless his soul, Democrat Tim Ryan hammered Hillbilly JD Vance on that in their last debate.

I have long had a gut feeling that this was coming, and that the GOP was pissiing up a rope. For 246 years now, the American people have decided that We the People choose the representatives of our government who will speak for us. Democracy is slow, it’s messy, it’s contentious, at times it’s gridlocked, it’s loud, but for all of that, at least for the American people, it works! And for 246byears, it’s the only system of government we’ve known.

But in every battleground state, thanks to Traitor Tot, there are election deniers on every ballot. Not just for Senate, but for Governor, Attorney General, and Secretary of State. And emboldened by His lowness, and the abject surrender of the GOP, they’re waving that banner proudly on the campaign trail. There’s just one small problem.

We the People don’t like that shit. While Trumpenstein whipped his Q-Anon crowd into a frenzy, pretty much everybody else took the election results for what they were, the definitive word. And as the Trump court challenges played out, and were shot down, that only reinforced the feeling. As Lawrence O’Donnell said on MSNBC, 71 million people voted for Trump in the election. And when the race was called for Biden, did those 71 million people take to the streets in protest? No! They went to work instead.

This maniacal GOP reliance on Trump’s Big Steal! may well be the downfall of the GOP in 2022.  Because once you get out of the Trump inspired FUX News bubblesphere, nobody else is buying this bullshit! And while th races may be tight, I honestly believe that the majority of Americans believe firmly in democracy, and not bullshit.

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  1. If Ohio goes purplish, dare we hope that Jordan goes down? I’ll keep my fingers crossed.

    Riddle me this, Batman? What has he done for that state? He’s never nudged the economy by buying a frigging sport coat.

    • I’m from Ohio. The only thing he’s done as an elected official is the same thing he did for wrestlers at Ohio State…..nothing. Oh, wait, he’s good at following the Red Cult. That’s about it. He’s an embarrassment.

      • You forgot his major contribution to OH–protecting a sodomizing athletic M.D. at the expense of the student athletes. That’s not nothing you know. Granted, it’s not anything someone wants to be known for but it’s still not nothing.

    • I still think the reason he didn’t say anything might be he had a close relationship with the story. He did go from assistant coach to member of congress. He did start out at the state level first but went on to national fame. And he just ain’t that smart. He got a boost to get the hell out of coaching to go on to regularly pissing us off. Nancy Pelosi bouncing him off the J6 committee is in the top five good things in politics since the century stated.

  2. It also cuts another way, Murf. As noted by Bill Palmer, if you keep telling your jealous sheep followers that the whole election is rigged, it 1) tells them that the only way to win is to cheat better (and the people they prefer obviously can’t) and 2) there’s no point in showing up because it’s rigged anyway. You may recall this was the exact opposite of what old-school GOP used to do for their voters, the yang to the yin of their voter suppression and gerrymandering. That’s why the latter two practices alone are insufficient here.

  3. Hey GOP voters…no use in wasting your time with these elections. Stay home. God’s will be done. The end time is here.

  4. That’s right, GOP voters, maybe there’s A FOOTBALL GAME GOING ON THEN. We’re “coming for your guns”™️, anyway, so, go guard them.


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