I think I mentioned once or twice that Teri and I don’t really celebrate Christmas as a holiday. My kids are all grown, and live in other states, nobody ever needs anything when you ask them what they want, shipping the shit requires taking out a 2nd mortgage, and they want to return half of what you got. So we all agreed to just drop the whole thing. When we get our income tax refund, we pick a couple gift we both settle on.

That being said, it doesn’t mean that I don’t recognize a big, fat Christmas present sitting on my dining room table. And this one came in shiny paper and a big silver bow. It came courtesy of the moron GOP voters of Long Island, and Kreepy Kevin McCarthy. And when I opened it, it was everything I had asked for. A nice big, soft, comical political squeaky toy to start chewing on in the new year.

Yeah, you guessed it. George Santos. This clown is the last the thing that the GOP House needed, and every gift that the House and national Democrats could have asked for. He is literally the gift that keeps on giving, at least well into the first year of GOP House rule. And because he’s the Clown Prince of American politics, he’s already ensured that he continues to garner national media coverage.

Have you actually listened to this mental midget? Because if you do, you quickly realize that this shitheels is the perfect Mini-Me for Traitor Tot. Santos literally is Trump, just without the dead muskrat on his head, and with Allan Sherman glasses. Both of them are pathological liars, and both of them are arrogant enough to believe that they can get away with any lie, because their audience is so goddamn stupid. But that’s where the similarities end.

When His Lowness is called out on an obvious and provable lie, his immediate knee jerk response is to double down on the lie, and call the reporter a Partisan hack engaged on a witch hunt! But when Santos gets called out in an obvious and provable lie, his immediate knee jerk reaction is to make up some lame bullshit excuse. And when he gets called out on the lame bullshit excuse, he trots out more lame bullshit, tripping himself up in his own lies. Personally, I prefer Santos. Going up against FrankenTrump is like banging your head against a wall. Santos keeps giving you new and fresh ammo to plink him with.

Which creates a serious problem for the RNC and the GOP House caucus. What do you do with a pathological serial liar who never knows when to STFU!, and just keeps digging the hole deeper for himself? I mean other than to put him in the White House in 2016 of course. Santos is now a national story, and with his big mouth, he’s going to keep right on being a national story. And not the one a major political organization wants their nose being rubbed in every day.

And Santos has the potential to become a major headache for the GOP, and not just for his lying. After all, lying to voters is not a crime, if they’re too stupid to catch on, then shame on you. But the simple fact is that it’s starting to appear as though Santos may have crossed over criminal lines with his bullshit. And that’s a whole other kettle of fish.

Both New York Attorney General Letitia James, as well as the local county DA have announced investigations into Santos. And not for his campaign trail lying. They’re doing what every proficient, qualified prosecutor does, they’re following the money. And Santos’s financial paper trail is like a plate of spaghetti Bolognese dropped from a 20th story window.

In his campaign rhetoric Santos likes to liken himself to a Hispanic Bill Gates, or better yet, Donald Trump. He started small and built this uber successful investment consulting firm. There’s just one problem. There’s no paper trail to back it up. Santos never actually worked for any of the companies he said he did, and his companies were private concerns that filed no paperwork. Santos has claimed that his net worth is anywhere between $2.5 million and
$121 million, depending on which bullshit you’re listening to. But he can produce no supporting evidence.

Instead, in a campaign financial filing statement, Santos said that he had made $55,000 the year before. But on another filing, he claimed that he had personally lent his campaign $700,000 to run for office. But as former federal prosecutor Glenn Kirschner pointed out today, at $55,000 a year, Santos would have to save every penny of his salary for 13 years in order to loan his campaign $700,000. Where did that money come from?

This is the nightmare scenario for the RNC and the GOP House. This is going to go on for months, and Santos has already made himself such a media darling that he has already ensured it will remain national news all the way through. He’s like the Mango Messiah, but without the presidential immunity.

The standard solution for this would be for the Speaker to grab the miscreant by the scruff of the neck, tell him to get into his office and keep his damn mouth shut until somebody tells him to slither out. But that doesn’t work in the MAGA GOP. There is no shame to be found there, and no penitence. Just look at misfit toys like Laborious MTG, Sugar Daddy Matt Gaetz, Goose Stepper Gosar and wingnut Lauren Boebert. All were publicly shamed, and all of them took their disgrace on national road trips to stuff their campaign coffers at the expense of like minded mental midgets. And if you don’t think that Santos is going to do the same thing, you’re sorely mistaken.

And so My Little Chickadees, Happy New Year! But if you’re going into it already sick and tired of George Santos, then I hate to tell you that B-b-b-aby you ain’t seen n-n-nothin; yet. because this pathetic saga is going to go on for months yet, minimum. And Santos himself will make sure that it remains in the national headlines. Because secretly you like all of the attention, don’t you George. Huh, don’t you?

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    • members of Congress are privileged to having information the general public does not get. national security, what bills are moving, etc. this guy is clearly a security clearance nightmare. will the GOP, macarthy wall him off from sensitive information? he has links to Russians. what will he share with them if he is seated?

  1. The democrats need to play hardball, and, at every turn, force the gop members to go public with their support & votes where this clown is involved. It won’t change what they do but the emperor needs to have his nakedness exposed. You can’t shame the shameless but you can expose them to the rational voters. The democrats in that district dropped the ball on this one.

    • And you know what Scott??? Tat is what has impressed me the most of all about the Democrats since Schumer took over the Senate…The days of Lucy-and-the-football are over…Schumer has beenkicking McConnell’s ass all over the Senate…These new, yung Democrats have fire in their bellies, and blood in their eyes…

      • To say nothing of Nancy Pelosi’s heir apparent Hakeem Jeffries, who is showing signs that he will rule his caucus with the same iron but fair hand.

    • The Dems in NY-03 did not drop the ball at all. They’re the ones who exposed all the evidence on Santos you’re hearing about now – months before the elections and obtained additional resources form national Ds. They submitted 80+ pages of evidence to the New York Times and Newsday – the 2 main news sources for voters in that district and both papers completely sat on the information. Some of the info. was pushed on social media before the election – I retweeted it – but it all got lost or covered up – completely overshadowed by other “news”. Notice how the New York Times conveniently waited until a few weeks after the election to run the dirt it received from the Ds? That was deliberate. Notice how leading up to the election NYT ran whatever “news” that Zeldin and Santos – both Trumplicans wanted to be pushed: Primarily – Crime after violent crime hits NYC and how the Dems including Kathy Hochul and NY Mayor Eric Adams are to blame! Notice how as soon as the election ended, not a peep about crime anymore from the NYT? The only local newspaper that attempted to expose anything pre-election on Santos was the small local The North Shore Leader, who after discovering some of Santos’ lies, for the first time in decades, endorsed a Democrat – Robert Zimmerman over Santos. Zimmerman lost to Santos by only 20,000 votes in the newly gerrymandered NY-03 House District after a crooked GOP judge appointed a crooked Special Master to redraw the boundaries to favor the GOP in multiple House Districts in NY, including NY-03. This whole fiasco was set up by the NYC MSM, Putin, Trump, and the NY GOP for Santos to sleaze his way in when Tom Suozzi – D, who held NY-03 as the popular incumbent, decided not to run for another term and instead challenge Kathy Hochul in the D Primary for Governor of New York. Trump is directly involved because he personally made sure the NYC area lost a House seat by deliberately shortening the 2020 census months early during the pandemic. As a result the Census got undercounted just enough so the count came up 89 people short of holding the same number of house seats to make sure NY State lost a House seat which set in motion the need to redraw (& gerrymander) the NY House district lines for the 2022 election. Remember also that Trump heavily supported Santos and that Judge Justice Patrick F. McAllister of State Supreme Court, who ruled on the redistricting matter is also a Trumplican.

      Regarding Santos, he’s bought & sold by Putin, just like Trumplethinskin. Guaranteed between Trump & Putin that’s where the bulk his sudden $700,000 came from that he “loaned” from himself to his campaign. Before then he was working as a telemarketer and had gotten booted out of an apartment he was living in, in Queens for failure to pay rent. He’s almost certainly committed several federal crimes of fraud when he signed FEC papers to run for the House attesting to the truth & accuracy of his financial disclosures each of which is punishable up to 5 years in prison. Also since he’s lied about everything else, it’s likely he also lied about being born in the US. He currently has dual citizenship with Brazil & the US so would not be surprised he also lied in his FEC filings about being a citizen of the US for at least 7 years – the minimum time required to be able to run for a federal office.

      Santos currently has at least 2 outstanding Court penalty Judgments against him that he’s skipped out on. One in New York City and one in Rio de Janeiro. Expecting more to be uncovered as he’s used multiple aliases in his many years as a crimin’ Con Artist.

      All the federal and state investigations just begun need to move fast so he can be arrested & removed ASAP from Congress and deported back to Brazil to face charges there. He will no doubt use his position there to perpetrate a crime spree of much greater magnitude that ends up hurting all of us Americans.

  2. I don’t know if like me you had older siblings when we were kids (in the 1960s for the rest of you) and heard any Beyond the Fringe stuff. FYI folks Dudley Moore got his start with them. Anyway Santos reminds me of the simple-minded idiot coal miner in the “I Could Have Been A Judge” skit. (Folks, it’s humor from a different time but funny and worth a few minutes to listen to)

    • Well done Denis, but I’m more of a mind of the Peter Cook-Dudley Moore classic, remade by
      Brandon Fraser and Elizabeth Hurley, Bedazzled. Santos was so desperate to get into congress that he’d sell his soul to the devil to get there…But in true Bedazzled tradition, the ultimate prize doesn’t turn out to be all he thought it would be…


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