The GOP’s 2022 Strategy. 1) Dig Grave 2) Jump Into Grave 3) Fill In Grave


This is deteriorating even faster than I thought it would. It was more than a week ago, when this whole Marjorie Taylor Greene kerfuffle boiled over that I flat out predicted that if she wasn’t reined in, the Democrats would win back a larger House majority in 2022.

And it was only a few days ago when I marveled as to what a total, incompetent moron House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy was. He had the chance to put his big boy pants on, strip Greene of her committee assignments, as he did to Steve King a couple of years ago, that the momentary heat, and minimize the amount of damage she could do to the party going forward. And instead, he punted, and forced every GOP House member to cast a public ballot that they will be accountable for with their constituents.

And then he fucked that up too. In his floor debate speech before the sanctions vote, McCarthy made it  crystal clear to his caucus that he fully expected a totally partisan, party line vote, with no defections. McCarthy made it clear that he viewed this vote as a test of party loyalty, and party unity.

And 11 GOP incumbents told him to shove it up his ass, one more than voted to impeach Trump. That included southern Florida incumbents, who had no intention of having to go home and explain to Parkland parents and survivors why they sided with Greene. Which only goes to prove that McCarthy’s leadership pose is nothing but a total sham. He is incapable of making hard, management decisions, and he can’t control his caucus.

Which is why yesterday, the day after the vote to strip her of her assignments, when she stepped up in front of a microphone and said that the was laughing her ass off at the Democrats, what she really meant was that she was laughing her ass of at McCarthy and the rest of the GOP leadership team. And why shouldn’t she? After all, she had 199 members in her corner, not McCarthy’s.

And then she said something that should have had Kevin McCarthy screaming off to a cardiac care ICU in an ambulance. She said that she was glad that she didn’t have to waste any of her time in stupid  committee meetings, where her strong conservative voice would have no say. Because having no assignments meant that she was free to go around the country for the next two years, meeting so many new people, and solidifying the base of support she already has! Hey, Kevin McCarthy, can you hear her now? Whether you and Mitch McConnell like it or not, Marjorie Taylor Greene is about to become the face of the GOP going into 2022, and there isn’t a goddamn thing you can do about it. Smooth moves, Ex-Lax!

But when I heard that announcement, it set of an air raid siren in my ears, and flashing red lights in front of my eyes. Because it told me something. Marjorie Taylor Greene is going to spend the next two years be-bopping around America? Looking to shore up her support? Umm, her support for what exactly.

Let’s face it, Greene is now a useless congressman. Committee assignments serve two values to a member. They give you a chance to affect legislation that will bring positive effects to your district, giving you something to go home and brag to your constituents about. And it also gives your votes some punch with lobbyists with business before, or potentially before the committee, ensuring a steady flow of reelection campaign cash. And now Greene has neither of those.

So, why go on a cross country hegira to consolidate your support? Because, while you may have been a total flop in the House, you’re still the rising star darling of the wingnut fringe movement of the party. And Trump loves you. There are bigger fish to fry.

Because Senator Raphael Warnock has to run for reelection again in 2022. And it is going to take a shit load of out of state cash to run against an entrenched incumbent, especially when mainstream big money donors might be squeamish about having their good name attached to you. Maybe you’re persona non grata in the House, but who cares, when you’re the rising star, and face of the Trump GOP? Run for the Senate, and you can play footsies with other ignorant redneck assholes like Tommy Tuberville.

This would be a nightmare scenario for the GOP. In looking at the 2022 map, one of the very few Democratic seats I was worried about was the Warnock seat in Georgia, simply because the state GOP would be so desperate to get that seat back that they would put voter suppression into hyperdrive.

But if Marjorie Taylor Greene jumps into the race? Personally, with her ego, her entitlement, and her pure stupidity, I cannot imagine her resisting the opportunity. And there is no upside here for the GOP. If she wins, she further enrages black voters who turned out in droves for the special election, when Trombies sat home, and enrages white suburban women voters who thought they said goom-bye to this shit  in 2020. And if she loses, she still fractures the party, and ensures that devoted Trump idiots stay home in November.

This is only half of the equation. Tomorrow I’ll look at how the second trial of Trump in the Senate is going to place McConnell and the Senate GOP behind the 8-ball. But this is exactly why I was so totally flabbergasted at McCarthy’s craven cowardice. When will morons like McCarthy and McConnell finally get the memo? You can’t control these idjits. They aren’t team players, they don’t respond to discipline, and the swear an oath to nothing but their twisted ideology. And if this keeps up, then the second two years of Biden’s first term are going to be a helluva lot more comfortable than the first two.

If you enjoyed this article, you might also like to check out President Evil, and the sequel, President Evil II, A Clodwork Orange . They comprise a pretty much daily report from the front of the 2016 GOP primaries, as well as the general election

Follow me on Twitter at @RealMurfster35


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  1. Once again you’ve recognized something that I completely missed – that MTG is almost certainly going to make a run at Warnock’s seat. The running around the country doing a Sarah Palin redux was a given. Palin is probably pissed that MGT will steal her playbook and use her celebrity status to cash in. It’s only a form or two that allows someone to convert SUPER PAC money into an untraceable black hole. But in the meantime she can and I’m sure will do a number on Georgia politics and the GOP’s national chances for taking back either chamber of Congress in the process. Thanks for cluing us in on something important to keep an eye on.

    • She certainly is revealing the real reason she’s in Congress: not to work for the people who elected her, but to troll Democrats and be a female Trump impersonator.

  2. So Georgia 2022 is going to be a … what did that CNN commentator say? Just can’t remember her words.

    LOL. Hahahahhahahhahaha. Then again, need to be sure to laugh and scorn. But GOTV. Again. And maybe some spotlights on R’s state vote efforts (suppression) all over the country.

  3. I wonder what Georgia’s Illegitimate Governor Kemp has to say on the matter. He’s already had to put his foot down during the last election. Having to relive a replay of that race, only with the Reverend as an incumbent (and thus more advantages than when he got the seat), is going to be a nightmare for him. He didn’t put up all those voter restrictions just so Gangrene could make them less useful. And any other races that are happening in Georgia at that time? Gonna make those hardee too.


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