Remember when you were back in school, and they’d show you those nature films? In one sequence, it showed ants. Some ants were busy cutting leaves into pieces, and other ants would rush up to grab those pieces and take them back to the hill, with soldier ants maintaining order. And then they’d show like a mob scene of beetles, running around in circles and constantly crashing into each other, getting nothing done, looking for all the world like a cross between a rock mosh pit and an English football punch up. Today’s Trump GOP is the second one.

For most of my life, the Republican party has been widely acknowledged, by choice, as the party of big business. They championed lower taxes for the rich and businesses, fewer regulations, free markets, and squashing the unions. For which they were rewarded with massive campaign contributions from big business. Which gave the GOP the edge in almost every campaign money wise.

The flip side of this is that with their monolithic dependence on corporate donors, the GOP writ large has basically ignored the shit out of their constituents. Their character is so bad that a constituent wouldn’t donate a loaf of moldy bread to their food bank. This was shown in stark detail in 2018, when insurgent Democratic House candidates accepting only small personal donations outraised their GOP opponents by 2 or 3 to one. And won.

And now, a group of GOPtard Governors, especially Abbot in Texas and DeathSantis in Florida are hell bent to get large corporations to turn off the campaign funski valve just in time for the midterms. I’ll explain.

The GOP, especially southern state GOP Governors have been pissing off Big Business all year. A lethal combination of social media, along with social activism on the parts of both employees as well as consumers has forced corporate America to become much more socially responsible than it wants to be. Droves of companies had to come out publicly to back the George Floyd police reform bill, slam Georgia and Texas for insanely restrictive voting rights laws, and at the moment AT&T is undergoing what seems to be a pretty effective national boycott over being the main cash cow for One America Network.

Biden recently ordered OSHA to put out a new regulation, mandating full vaccine compliance for any company with more than 100 employees, with restrictive testing protocols for holdouts. Corporate America was ready to throw rose petals at Biden’s feet. They know that the vaccines work, and the OSHA regulation gave them free rein to enforce it without being corporately responsible for it. Many large corporations started putting the mandate into effect even before it was published.

Not to worry, here come Abbott and DeathSantis riding to the rescue. Both have signed executive orders barring companies operating in the state from having vaccine mandates. And in doing so, they are placing their largest contributors between a rock and a very hard nother rock. Florida has companies such as Disney Cruises, Disney Resorts, and Fidelity Financial National there. And Texas has American Airlines, Dell computers, and Home Depot. And what about corporations that are headquartered elsewhere, but have operations in those states. What do they do?

It goes without saying that the DOJ will take these states to federal court under federal domain laws. But that will take until after the first Tuesday after hell freezes over to wind their way through the courts and the nine national nags in black muumuus. But in the meantime, who do these companies follow, OSHA, or state executive orders that they hate?

Here’s the McGuffin. The very party that left their asses twisting in the wind over a crocodile pit is the very same party that is going to be coming to them, hat-in-hand, and ask them for mucho mucho dinero to help them take back the US House and the US Senate in 2022. What major corporation in America would want a bunch of drooling MAGAheads that make their lives a living hell in charge of the US government? What could go wrong?

Follow me on Twitter at @RealMurfster35

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    • As should any others that fall under the vaccine mandate(s). OSHA is an agency of the federal government. Therefore the vaccine mandates cannot be overridden or contravened by any state laws.


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