Yes, yesterdays raise in the interest rate was small – 25 basis points or a quarter-point in regular person (instead of bankers/economists) language.  Still, it’s been bugging the hell out of me.  Unemployment is down at or near historic lows and has been for a while.  For what seems like my entire adult life the Fed has reacted in horror to significant drops in unemployment and raised interest rates reflexively.  Sort of a “My god!  People have jobs and regular folks will have money to spend and even save!  OMFG we rich folks won’t be the only ones free of financial worry!  That’s a rather strange thing, because from its creation one of the core missions of the Fed has been to maximize employment  – and we are about as close as can be expected.

So what started with a few governing principles wasn’t so simple in practice.  Things never are.  The Fed is also supposed to smooth out economic swings.  Keep the highs from getting too high or the lows from getting too low.  One could say a big part of the job is keeping us in or very near a “Goldilocks” Zone.  A major tool in their box is interest rates – as in setting the prime rate at which banks and other borrowers can obtain money.  It’s a rather blunt tool but it gets the job done, but being blunt it doesn’t do the job “neatly.”

I should also note that over time the various functions the Federal Reserve have expanded.  The job of the Board of Governors is a complicated one to be sure and there are a lot of things they have to factor into their decision making.  They have to set priorities, and maximizing employment might have been part of their mandate from day one, for a long time now the organizing principle has been keep inflation low.  That’s not necessarily a bad thing.  For sure, the jump in prices as a result of COVID have hurt most of us.  But it’s also worth noting something I truly believe the Fed refused to take into consideration – actual prices of goods increased only by half of what the rate of higher inflation was as things got (and stayed) bad.  The other half was corporate America and even smaller businesses taking advantage of the situation!

In any case keeping inflation low, say around two percent (or less) has been the Fed’s goal for an awful lot of decades.   So here’s what bugs me: Inflation HAS gone down and noticeably so.  I saw a figure of three percent recently.  Even if it’s closer to four, it’s still way down from what it was.

But for way over a year we’ve heard talk from the Fed about a looming recession.  And also constant talk about inflation.  So a steady series of rate hikes began with each meeting of the Board of Governors.  At the meeting prior to yesterday’s there was no increase.  As I recall the talking heads were slightly startled but felt like the Fed wanted to do a spot-check of sorts to see where things stood.  Had they gotten us back to or near that Goldilocks Zone and if the latter were we heading into it.

Well, unemployment remained really low and inflation dropped even more!

So WHY raise interest rates?

It’s true that wage earners are gaining, winding up with income increasing faster than the rate of inflation.  But that’s been the case for a while now as a look back at unemployment and wage data has shown.  Job growth has been great and should continue as the Investment Recovery Act kicks in.  Problems in the supply chain have been identified and some changes for the better have been made with more to come.  And as things have returned to the new normal post COVID workers are able to be more choosy about who they work for.  Including their wages and benefits.  Also, more have started their own businesses.  This isn’t all out of the blue.  It’s been increasingly evident as this year has progressed.  Despite all this, as I noted after a meeting where they left interest rates alone inflation dropped some more!

Yet the Fed seems to be back on a rate increase strategy again.  WFT?

I see two possibilities.  For all their (for well over a year, closer to two) predictions of doom and gloom and us being in a recession by now the economy is improving and a recession seems not all that likely.  Maybe they feel stupid, or think people view them that way and they’re all defensive about not turning out to be the geniuses they want us all to believe they are.  So, if things are going well enough a recession is unlikely then by god they will jack up interest rates to the point where they DO get  high enough to force us into one!

Yes, I know I venture into tinfoil hat territory with that one.  Still…

Another possibility is that these ARE after all bankers.  Not all are Republicans, but even the Democrats think like bankers and as big bankers.  Rich people.  Like really, really rich people.  Let’s start with something I heard a pundit say yesterday in response to a question of why consumer confidence is low.  She noted all this constant talk about recession is coming for over a year.  People hear/read it everywhere from every news outlet.  If not daily then multiple times a week.  The suggestion she said in so many words is that the media might be creating a self-fulfilling prophecy, but at the very least has been whether meaning to or not tanking President Biden’s approval rating on the economy.

So let’s get back to the bankers by which I mean the ones at the Federal Reserve.  These are people who have continued what those before them started, which is to help transfer wealth from the masses to the few.  In less than fifty years their policies played a key role in transferring staggering amounts of wealth from the strongest middle class the world has ever known (as well as from the working/lower middle class and of course poor people) into the hands of a very few.  Even before Trump more wealth was in the hands of fewer people than in the 1920s, which not at all coincidentally led to the worldwide Great Depression!

I’ll also say this, while it’s not true of all of them for the bulk of very rich people the idea of money in someone else’s bank account, especially money in the hands of working and poor Americans is HATEFUL.  It drives them f**king insane!

One thing about financial bad times including recessions that’s always been true is that those with a LOT make out like bandits.  There’s a reason bankers and other financial conservatives fought tooth and nail against the New Deal reforms enacted by FDR.  And that they’ve fought tooth and nail ever since to undo them.  (Sadly with a fair amount of success)  The regular, wild financial instabilities that preceded those New Deal reforms were of great benefit to a very few rich Americans.   There are those who want things back to the pre-New Deal days.  Both in the financial system and in other ways – a return to the Lochnar era of labor law and regulation.

Just as The Federalist Society was a group of people who created and implemented a plan they knew would take decades to remake the federal courts, I believe that even though there’s no formal group (at least that we know of) there’s a group of hard core rich people who want to turn back the clock a hundred years.  Or more.  A would be new “Robber Barron” class.

Am I crazy to suggest that a second Biden term, which would quite possibly include Democratic majorities in both the House and Senate would be a major setback for these people?  And that a recession next year is exactly what they not only want but need to give Trump or some other GOPer the White House?

Don’t tell me the Board of Governors of the fed are immune from outside pressures.  The Great Recession that began in 2008 (thanks to the kind of people I’ve just written about) wound up causing the Fed to drop the prime rate to historic lows.  Zero even for a while.  But Obama somehow not only got us through that awful time but had us on a good path when he left office.  Trump was handed a good economy with solid underpinnings that was on autopilot to getting better still, and finally including working class and poor Americans in the benefits.

However, financial wheelers and dealers which included Trump wanted to keep certain things, like the Fed’s rate for borrowing low, low LOW.  And he browbeat them into doing so which meant when he pushed through his own “supply side” tax cut rich people and especially corporate American could borrow all they wanted a zero or little interest to buy up stock.  I wonder how many of the bankers in the Federal Reserve system (or their relatives) made a tidy sum for themselves out of that?  Since corporate America includes major news outlets it’s not like they’d want their investigative journalists that understand finance digging into stuff like that!

The Fed should have increased interest rates back then but didn’t.  It wouldn’t have stung much, and would have given a little room in case it was needed to drop rates to respond to a problem, or worse a crisis.  But my point is they DID respond to political pressure led by Trump to not do that.

Now?  Well, I already laid out two reasons why despite no indicators they needed to do so they increased interest rates again.  And seem poised to continue doing so.  No, I don’t think they want a “deep” recession, just enough of one to take the shine off the success President Biden has done so much to create.  Just enough to give GOPers a good shot at using RECESSION! BIDEN’S/DEMOCRATS FAULT!!!!! as a campaign tool to keep us from finally dispensing with Reagan’s “Supply Side” economics and maybe even Milton Friedman’s “Board’s have no public good duty – only a duty to maximize shareholder’s return on investment” way of running our economy.

Think about it.

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    • Yup, the bastards have been milking us, sucking us dry like the predatory leeches they are. Ticks, living off the blood of their victims.

  1. I’ve had this same thought since hearing about this rate increase. There was no need for it. Larry Summers and all his oligarch buddies want a recession so bad, just so they can say they were right. None of it makes any sense to me. If they are trying to tank the economy to get rethugs elected, I don’t think it will work. The economy wasn’t the major factor during the mid-terms, when inflation was high, and I don’t think it will be the major factor in ’24. Gun safety, abortion and democracy are more important than any temporary economic downturn.

  2. Regan’s let’s give the rich all the money and they will take care of the rest of us continues to play out. What a lie. When you give the middle class and downward money, IT GETS CIRCULATED, and the economy and job creation soars. FACT. Another great wheel set in motion by a rich ahole who should have gone to jail over Iran/Contra. Instead he locked up 700k citizens for smoking pot. These phuckers ARE EVIL!!!! No way around it. Of course, if they can continue to get the support of our stupid fellow citizens, who vote against their own interests, I wouldn’t count on anything.
    “Do I understand your question man, is it hopeless and forlorn?…come in she said…I’ll give you shelter from the storm.” Bob Dylan
    If only there was shelter…

  3. When I was in school, Nixon tried to put a freeze on wages and prices. Guess which onr got done and which didn’t.

    Raising interest rates just makes it harder for small business and increases the cost of housing. What we desperately need at this point is some form of equitable rent control and tax policies that encourage the building of affordable housing and the restoration of current housing, while penalizing the McMansions.

    • Ah, yes, the Nixon wage and price controls. I was working for the telephone company, we lived in an apartment in Queens with our 3-year-old son, and inflation had been seriously outpacing the 3.2% annual raises agreed to in the union contracts negotiated while I was in the Army in response to requests by the LBJ White House. Negotiations were going nowhere, and a strike was called. Within days, Nixon put the “freeze” in effect; the company hid behind it for months, refus9ing to negotiate. Meanwhile, one business after another successfully made their case for exemption from the freeze’s terms to the administration, with prices rising accordingly.

      Serious negotiations resumed after the freeze ended, and got back on the job in late February, after over seven months on strike.

      THOSE were the days (insert snarky emoji here).

      • My dad worked for the telephone company during that time. That strike was horrible for our family. And of course, in the end, the gains never did make up for all of the loss. Yeah, those were the days….

    • Ah, yes, the Nixon wage and price controls. I was working for the telephone company, we lived in an apartment in Queens with our 3-year-old son, and inflation had been seriously outpacing the 3.2% annual raises agreed to in the union contracts negotiated while I was in the Army in response to requests by the LBJ White House. Negotiations were going nowhere, and a strike was called. Within days, Nixon put the “freeze” in effect; the company hid behind it for months, refusing to negotiate. Meanwhile, one business after another successfully made their case for exemption from the freeze’s terms to the administration, with prices rising accordingly.

      Serious negotiations resumed after the freeze ended, and got back on the job in late February, after over seven months on strike.

      THOSE were the days (insert snarky emoji here).

      • Between the two oil embargos by OPEC, and the inevitable fallout that would eventually come from those wage and price controls of Nixon’s Carter was doomed to have to deal with an economic mess and he sure as hell did. If people think COVID created inflation was bad, those of us who were at least teenagers during the 1970s can tell folks a thing or two! For my fellow old farts who’ve forgotten think back to THEN. Carter picked Paul Volker to be head of the Federal Reserve because he’d hammer inflation down and he did. Reagan of course took all the credit for what Carter initiated, which became a standard practice for him. Take credit for what Carter had been the one who deserved it which is why Carter has never been given credit for actually being a pretty good President. It didn’t help that the Democratic Party and the rest of “Official Washington DC” turned up their noses at the “southern Yokel.” Well, their lack of support gave us Reagan. I hope those a-holes were proud of themselves once the damage Reagan did eventually became apparent!

    • Sure but if we go into a recession between now and next November, I suspect Bidenomics will no longer be in play. The fed does not want a democrat in the w.h. because they are corporate shills.


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