This is interesting, and may well end up having a significant impact on the 2022 Midterm elections. It was reported today in the media that the Republican National Committee may have just shit in its own mess kit. Big time.

The Washington Post reported today that the RNC had reached an agreement with former President Donald Trump to pitch in to help ease his pain with his legal fees. I’m not talking about any court cases, investigations, or disputes stemming from His Lowness’ time in office. I’m talking about his legal fees for the ongoing New York Attorney General and Manhattan DA investigations against his company for sins committed before he even got elected! The RNC has already cut a check for more than $120,000 to one of the firms representing Trump in his personal legal matters.

This is going to be a real problem for the RNC. The RNC has long been the party of Big Business, and most of its operating funds stem from large contributions from major corporations, businesses, and rich donors. The GOP incumbents and candidates couldn’t grassroots fundraise to save their mothers souls. Their personality is so bad that a third world country wouldn’t take free missiles from them. Reference Democratic House challengers in 2019 out raising entrenched GOP incumbents 3 or 4 to 1.

But in the era of Trump, it has been a tortured relationship. Corporate America is ruled by social media, like most people, but it’s a twin edged sword. They love marketing their brand, but Trump and the subservient GOP mantra of the last 5 years has been problematic. North Carolina’s dumb ass trans bathroom law a few years ago led to the NCAA pulling all collegiate tournament events from the state, costing it tens of millions. Resistance to Georgia’s racist election law led to MLB pulling the All Star game from Atlanta.  And online activists have organized boycott threats against US and even foreign companies that support the RNC over racist policies, forcing them to make public statements condemning GOP policies that they would much rather not have had to do.

Trump isn’t even in office anymore, he has no official connection to the RNC. But not only has Trump developed a stranglehold on the GOP, he has extended it to the RNC as well. RNC Chair Ronna Romney McDaniel is Trump’s personal lap poodle. And it is placing the RNC in a perilous position.

Trump is still wildly unpopular with the vast majority of the American population with anything above a room temperature IQ. And there are plenty of social media activists out there that track business political contributions. If these activists decide that a political contribution to the RNC is the same as a cash bail out to Trump  An that could once again lead to the dread prospect of boycotts if these companies keep subsidizing the RNC.

Let’s be clear here. Even out of office and banished from social media, Trump is a money printing machine. The sheeple have no limits to their gullibility. But while Trump is free with his time when it comes to jetting off somewhere to hold a rally for a candidate, and spending an hour talking about himself to an adoring audience, he isn’t going to part with a punt for a GOP candidate.

The district, county and state GOP organizations all hold their own annual fundraising events, corned beef dinners, golf outings and such. But it’s the RNC that is the national clearinghouse for major donations. And they use those donations to lend support to local and statewide candidates, as well as things like basic ground support for campaigns. If social media pressure forces major corporations to shit off the funski valve for the RNC, it is the local, statewide, and US House candidates that are going to suffer from the lack of monetary and logistical support.

Il Douche is the gift that just keeps on giving. Like an abused partner that just can’t seem to grasp the fact that he has no redeeming values, and slam the door, the GOP just can’t boot Trump to the curb. But the problem is that nobody else is going to give them sympathy for continuing to get abused. Don’t touch that dial.

Follow me on Twitter at @RealMurfster35

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  1. Not since Teddy Roosevelt has a former president played such a role in politics after being out of office. trump is setting precedents that will have reverberations into the future. Pinochet supporters are winning in Chile in the new elections, that is the road we are heading down.

  2. I used to be the publicist for Vincent Bugliosi’s last two books, and who wrote the bestselling crime book of all time, Helter Skelter, based on Charlie Manson’s goal of creating a war between black and whites. The GOP has adopted Manson’s philosophy and should be addressed now as THE GENOCIDAL OLD PARTY1

    • Let me guess…And The Sea Will Tell, and The Phoenix Project??? If you read me, you know that my admiration for Vincent Bugliosi knows no bounds…I have read everything he read, except the Phoenix Project so many times that the pages started falling out!!! lol Helter Skelter and Outrage, and Til Death Do Us Part was Fascinating…And you’re right, I can easily see comparisons between the current GOP party and the scruffy Family members holding a vigil outside of the Hall of Justice waiting for Manson to get out again…

  3. Enlightening and entertaining in the Ursula style. I loved “anything above room temperature IQ” and other phrasing that makes the reader want to keep reading.
    William Wallace

  4. Well look at the NRA. They stuck their nose up trumps ace and you can see the outcome. They are falling all over themselves. I’m sure, that with a good push here and there we can “fix” the GOP as well.


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