This won’t take long, but it gave me such a rush that I just had to share it. Earlier today, before Teri and I went out, I had MSNBC on, and they went into a break teasing an update on Trombie douchebag Madison Cawthorn. Well, that was all I needed to suffer through 3 minutes of male enhancement and dietary supplement ads.

It was well worth it. It appears that Madison Cowflop may be in trouble back home in North Carolina. First, the NC legislature diddled with his fiefdom, making it more difficult for him to get reelected. I wrote at the time that it wouldn’t surprise me if the GOP legislature purposely cut him off at the knees so that he couldn’t damage local state candidates with his antics anymore.

It gets worse for Li’l Maddie. He isn’t getting a free ride to reelection. Cawthorne took a look at the map, figured out what district he now lived in, and filed his papers. And has more challengers than Carter’s has little pills. Politically, nothing says weak incumbent more than the size of a primary field. Every piranha wants a chomp at the weakened cow.

But MSNBC backed it up. They talked to a GOP strategist who hails from North Carolina, who told them that he had been talking to sources in the party back in NC who indicated that GOP internal polling showed that Cawthorn was in deep, deep shit in his primary race. One poll he saw indicated that if the primary were run tomorrow, Cawthorn wouldn’t survive to the runoff!

But here’s the McGuffin. What’s killing Cawthorn isn’t so much what he’s done, as it is what he hasn’t done. It turns out that Cawthorn has one of the worst voting records in all of the House. It seems that he shows up to cast a vote only about 38% of the time. And the main reason that constituents send somebody to congress is to actually vote on issues that affect them. They may well be willing to forgive him for being a young, brash, impulsive bigmouth, but they at least want him to show up for work!

Look, let’s be honest. Madison Cawthorn is a young, spoiled, privileged manchild with the IQ of a locker room jock. He let his fame and notoriety go to his head, and is using it to impress his worthless frat buddies, not his constituents. But the simple fact is that he couldn’t hold a job at Walmart with an attendance record like his. Time to pay the check, kid.


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  1. I can’t help but think the wheelchair is simply a prop for standing out in the crowd and sympathy. Nothing is legitimate about this shitstained assclown.


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