So far the GOP presidential primaries are a joke. In bad taste. News Flash! for the GOP field. You want to beat Trump? Pussyfooting around timidly talking about a bold new direction for the GOP while you espouse pointless policy positions isn’t going to do it. It hasn’t so far, and it never will.

So far the only two who have gotten the memo and are driving right at Traitor Tot are former NJ Governor Chris Christie, and former Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson. And right now Christie looks like Mad Max with a beer gut, a shotgun in one hand, and a club in the other. Hutchinson mostly looks like the creepy undertaker in that horror movie from decades ago. But they share the same common difficulty. Their messaging is for sh*t.

If you’re going to attack Trump frontally, you can’t attack him on his personal weaknesses, his legal troubles, or his failed leadership. Nobody in Trumpmenistan gives a sh*t about that. Trump’s cult of personality is all they see and know. He’s the Cheeto Jesus. You’re not going to peel off votes with personal insults, that’s Trump’s specialty.

If you want to weaken Trump, there’s only one way to do it, and it has to be a concerted, universal effort. Trump has an Achille’s Heel, and you have to hammer it ceaselessly. Trump is a loser. Not just a loser, but a 3-time loser! He got his fat, spray tanned ass smoked for 40 seats in the 2018 midterms. He got his own ass smoked in the 2020 presidential election as well, and lost the Senate to boot. And in 2022, he lost another Senate seat due to his penchant for promoting MAGA sewer rats for Senate seats in highly competitive races.

This is a pure Psy-Op. Because El Pendejo Presidente’s fatal flaw is his ego and vanity. Trump sees himself as the Ultimate Winner! And when all of the other candidates start publicly branding him The Biggest Loser, Trump will have no choice but to respond. Because this hits him where he lives. And because he is at heart monolithic, he’ll rant for hours in his rallies about the blatant lies. And the more he does, he runs the risk of having his base starting to think, The Lady doth protest too much, methinks.

The best part is that this is a reversal of The Big Lie. After all, what was the secret of The Big Lie? Tell the same lame lie over and over again with no dissenting views or opinions until it becomes as widely believed as possible. But what happens if Trump sits there spouting his same lame sh*t at rallies, and suddenly 11 other candidates are all calling Trump a loser, and bringing receipts to prove it? It won’t move The Trumpster Fire’s hard core base. But how long before some of the sheeple at the far fringes of Trump’s herd start nibbling different clover. Especially the independent voters Il Douche is trying to hold on to start smelling the coffee.

The secret to beating Trump is his psyche. Every time Trump’s ego or self-image is threatened or attacked, he becomes unhinged. And while his rabid 27-32% base will love dem some unhinged Trump, it’s the weak sister 12-15% that he can’t afford to lose, especially for a general election. Besides. The 2024 field has nothing to lose. Nothing else will work.

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