You don’t have to be a professional photographer to know what images are going to make it into the history books. You’re looking at one. This is the scene in Austin, Texas, where people are dumpster diving to get perishable food thrown out by grocery stores, after four days of going without power in the middle of an ice storm.

Greg Abbott is still in the governor’s mansion and we still keep seeing the same stories, winter or summer. The man simply cannot get a grip on the power grid. In all seriousness, maybe he should put through a call to Gavin Newsom or Kathy Hochul. Those two know how to keep California and New York online and not without facing substantial challenges.

As well you know, California has had drought followed by flooding and the Northeast is facing record breaking cold. But somehow these governors manage to keep the lights and the heat on and that is beyond the ability of Commissar Abbott. He’s good at going on Fox News, while his constituents are driven by desperation to animal behavior.

I guess that’s a call you have to make, to throw out the food before it actually spoils or wait until it does. Maybe this will become a new fad in America, getting to the dumpster at just the right moment. We could make this into a contest and have prizes.

As you see, there are differing opinions as to the value of the food. I guess we’ll know when the ptomaine cases start being reported. I know how horribly cynical that sounds, but look at the situation here. The same Texas governor can’t keep the grid up except in relatively temperate weather. It gets too hot or too cold and that’s it. Third world country time.

Friends, stop for a minute: did you ever think that we would even be HAVING this conversation, about whether Texans should eat the food in the dumpsters or not? Yet, here we are, and it seems quite normal now, doesn’t it? And on Greg Abbott’s watch, it is normal.

Texas, you need to take care of business. You need to throw the bum out.

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    • It’s like clockwork, Abbott’s incompetence. It never fails. The summer temperatures soar, BOOM, the grid goes down. It gets into the winter, same damn thing. People roasting, freezing, now dumpster diving. Children froze to death in their beds in 2021, during a particularly awful spell in the winter.

  1. I’m not knocking Newsome because he didn’t create the problem but Northern CA is getting screwed by Pacific Gas & Electric. They spent years giving profits to shareholders while letting their equipment and infrastructure go to hell. That’s what caused several fires a few years back and when they got sued, they raised prices to pay the lawsuits. They’re still raising prices to pay for what should have been upgraded years ago. I don’t know about other states but in CA and Texas, utilities are not publicly owned so profits to shareholders takes precedence over all else.

    • You make a good point. I lived in California for 40 years and we had slight problems with rolling blackouts, but nothing like Texas puts up with. I mean nothing. We got power back in a reasonable time when we had major earthquakes, even.

      • Enron. The little gobshites boasted about making $$$$$ from.grandmothers dying. The more things change.
        I live in Western MA. We lost power for 1-2 hours,on Friday. And we are using 3space heaters because my landlord declined to fix the baseboard heaters. He use a smart guy: a,PoC who.thought Rick.Perry was brilliant and Abbott is a better governor than Charlie Baker our R governor (as GOPers go, Baker is competent if boring; in TX he would be considered a wild meter radical).

  2. This is different then the past storms. This was ice that took down trees that took down power lines. The power grid was never in question. Maybe know what you’re talking about before mouthing off about it. Yes Abbott has failed but this is a simple trees downing lines and not a grid failure.

    • And the good governor had no actual or constructive notice of this possibility before it took place? And that is a well run government, in your view?

    • Bullshit. I have lived in New England for years,Connecticut, Maine, and MA. Ice storms happen every single year here. Power lines go down or trees falling on them. If there is an outage it may last a day, and the governor,,a Republican, opens up.warming spaces and shelters. This isn’t rocket science. Abbott doesn’t give a damn about Texans. He cares more about profits than people.


    • Stop licking his ass snowflake you look stupid, this shit happens yearly even bi-annually under hot wheels. One would think you were white trash


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