I don’t believe that Donald Trump has seen Nikki Haley’s latest post describing how he behaves around Vladimir Putin. I’ve been monitoring Truth Social diligently the past few hours, expecting an explosion when Trump reads how Haley has depicted him. On cue, after about an hour, when Haley’s latest treachery started going around social media, this was posted. It’s the January 24 post, which you probably remember.

I have no proof that Trump didn’t decide to post this, it’s just a hunch. I think that some response was needed immediately and so Team Trump provided one. I think that Donald is going to have to come up with something on his own and that’s going to be a bit more complicated. Because he’s going to have to say something along the lines of how he actually regards Putin, whether he’s in awe of him, whether he wishes to be like him, whether he considers them BFFs, what exactly. And that will be an interesting thing to see, how he chooses to deal with this.

Now this gives Trump two Putin-related issues to comment on: 1. Haley’s slur and 2. Aleksei Navalny’s death. It’s been a couple of days now and everybody in American politics has an opinion on this topic — with the exception of the Republican frontrunner.

Trump is squirming, make no mistake. He can only go so long without addressing these topics. Expect him to figure out some kind of a lie and a dodge. That’s his way.

Meanwhile, the South Carolina primary is in a few days and Haley says she intends to stay around through Super Tuesday. And then there’s that minor business of the management of the RNC, who’s going to be the two co-chairs. Since that involves money, which Trump desperately needs, I’m sure his attention is focused there and not on trivia like a dead Russian patriot or how Trump is going to spin the fact that he’s terrified of Putin into something positive.

The takeaway here is that Trump didn’t get on social media and start screaming at Haley. But Team Trump did, because otherwise it would have appeared weak on Trump’s part to say nothing. And so they resurrected this old post from late January.

Now sometimes less is more but this is not one of those times. The only thing that is going to satisfy MAGA is for Trump to come forward and lash out at Haley in a particularly cutting and vicious way. That’s what MAGA is dying to see. That’s the Trump behavior that they love.

And they would love it if Trump would take down Putin a notch or two, which will never happen, but MAGA doesn’t know that. MAGA knows they love the Trump that they donate to, the guy with the insult comic mentality and the big mouth, the iconoclast who burns it all down, live, every day on TV. This is political theater and that’s what they want.

MAGA knows nothing of the dark side of the Trump empire, and for that matter the rest of us are in the dark as well. We know Russia used to kick in plenty of money to the Trump Organization because Eric and Junior told us so. But why that was, what the payoff to Putin is, or was, we don’t know.

And that is a topic that Trump doesn’t want to go near with a ten foot pole. He just wants to figure out his money problems. That’s all he can think of. And who knows? Maybe Putin is planning to bail him out again.

The only thing that’s certain is that the Russian connection to Trump has always been worth keeping an eye on and that has been the case since the very beginning. The bear is holding the smoking gun. That will never change.


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  1. Yep…just like we’ll never know what he agreed to help putin with in those secret conversations in Helsinki, breaking all protocol as the traitor he is.

    • October Surprise Revealed Here on PZ!!!:::

      President Biden has just released the transcript of the meeting between then-president trump and Vlad Putin in Helsinki just a month before voters will head to the polls.

      The transcript is devastating to the republicon party. In the meeting, TFG agreed with Putin to defund NATO, create chaos in the US in states and in Congress by having republicons gum up the works, and to threaten the American judiciary system. In return, Putin agreed to fund trump and his family and to allow the construction of a trump tower in Moscow. The transcript has been verified as accurate by American intelligence agencies.

  2. I don’t think Pootie can afford to bail the “Whale” out this time. All of his assets outside Russia have been frozen for at least two years now. In fact NATO and other allies are contemplating seizing these assets and giving them to Ukraine. The Saudis are the only ones with the ability to aid the Orange Blob and I assume are weighing the pros and cons. If they are looking at this situation rationally, they should come down on the con side.

  3. Can Biden declassify that transcript, if there even was one? I thought others wasn’t one, just a translated who took notes and was told she could never speak about it –with strongly implied menace.


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