The clip you’re about to see is from a documentary that Taylor Swift did. I haven’t seen the documentary and just came upon this clip, which is making the rounds on Twitter. If I was Marsha Blackburn this would worry me bigly. Taylor Swift has the ear of an enormous amount of people, needless to say, and she’s using her platform to comment on the political situation in this country.

Kudos. I take my hat off totally.

If I find more clips like this I’ll post them here. I see this as a very positive thing.


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  1. It’s the best thing she could do. Our young people, rising up and taking charge, would be what saves us as a nation. That, and moderate voters of every stripe, getting involved and voting in EVERY ELECTION.

  2. I couldn’t sing (yes, I can sing – even opera once upon a time) a single Taylor Swift lyric. Like so many current stars I’m not familiar with her music. However, despite being an old-fart and headed towards curmudgeon territory, and admittedly damned near clueless when it comes to what “in” and not (not a new thing for me!) I know quite well that she’s got a HUGE following. And that one doesn’t mess with Taylor Swift because that following WILL rise up on her behalf. Hell, she put freaking Ticketmaster on the spot! From the clip it seems like she’s got advisors telling her to shut up. To stay out of things. Guys who are TERRIFIED of offending MAGA world. What they are actually terrified of is her revenues taking a hit, and there will be cutbacks in her entourage that include them! However, it seems that she’s running out of f##ks to give because she long ago was set for life monetarily and as a music star. No one can take away all those platinum records on her wall.

    One thing I know about her that gets overlooked is she started out in Country Music. MAGA types are big country fans. But she’s got much wider appeal and like I said losing a chunk of them won’t send her or anyone she truly cares about in her life to the poorhouse. Hell, fellow Tennessean Dolly Parton has never hid her own disdain for the homophopbia and frankly UN-Christian actions of conservatives and Dolly has done just fine. She’s a National Treasure. I can easily see the two of them teaming up in the years ahead and knocking MAGA and MAGA politicians upside the head over and over.

  3. True Denis but it appeared she was trying to allay her dad’s legitimate fear. As a legal father of two, the defacto father of a seven year old, and the father figure for three other children, I understand his worry. All my girls are black but my oldest. All I can say is I never followed her career, but I am suddenly a big fan. Her parents should be proud their daughter has CHARACTER, and isn’t a narcissist like so many celebrities are.



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