I can’t take this anymore. I swear to God, these GOP morons are so totally stupid and feckless that they can’t even negotiate with each other! And the ensuing insanity is as hilarious as it is pure GOP.

As I wrote in my last article, all hell broke loose when Matt Gaetz cast his vote as Present. But as reporters dug in and tried to get more information, it became clear that what happened was a normal GOP communications fuck up.

Here’s how it plays out. From what MSNBC uncovered, when world class ditz Lauren Boebert heard her name called, she answered Present. And that was the vote that put the screw firmly in the middle of Matt Geatz’e back.

Because Matt Gaetz wasn’t about to vote for Kevin McCarthy. He has raked him over the coals at every opportunity, he would never sell his vote. The object was for Voebert to vote YES, which meant that Geatz’s Present vote would put McCarthy over the top without Gaetz sacrificing his principles.

But that dim bulb Boebert couldn’t manage to keep her lines straight. And Gaetz wasn’t going to dent his dignity to get her chestnuts out of the fire.

We’re into round 15 now. And Biggs and Boebert seem to have gotten their shit together. Once again it’s all going to come down to Matt Gaetz. If he wants to twist McCarthy’s tail some more, he can vote NO and force another round. But if he votes Present again, then it should be in the bag. I have never seen anything so fucked up in my life as today’s GOP.

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  1. We’re also assuming other GOP votes don’t change their mind over the weekend. Oh well…in the meantime, I would like to take this opportunity to say “Toldja!” on this not getting done before the weekend. Any of you doubters out there? Maybe next time, you’d be better off listening to what I’ve got to say, yeah?

  2. Am I the only person to suspect that this whole debacle was an elaborately pre-planned piece of theater, designed to suppress any attempt by the Democrats (or anyone else) to recognize the anniversary of J6.
    Although President Biden did a good job with his awards ceremony.


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