What was that that Einstein said, “There are two infinite things, the universe and stupidity and I’m not sure about the universe?”  Donald Trump saw a news story about Georgia purging voters off the rolls and the gears of his tiny brain locked and smoked, as he figured out how what that story really meant was that he, the Great Pumpkin, had won Georgia in 2020. Wrong.

Here’s a quote from Sidney Powell’s lawsuit, where she says in essence, that nobody sane should listen to her. It seems appropriate here, since Powell is one of the stars of this meme.

This is what got Trump all excited.

It’s a sad fact of life that anybody who had ever run for the highest office in the land would be this much of a child and carry on a conspiracy theory about a stolen election this long. What is even sadder is that 1/3 of the country and most of the Republican party believes it.

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  1. The former Toddler-in-chief is still throwing his tantrump even after he slipped a few days ago and admitted that he didn’t win the election.

  2. Can they explain to the former guy, in simple enough words that he can understand, that this is *normal* for registrars? That they have to remove people who are dead or who moved out of state?

  3. I wonder if he has realised that if the fantasy were to come to pass that Mike Pence would be the vice-president?

    Always be very, VERY careful what you wish for


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