If there’s one character in Trump world who has risen to folk heroine status, through all this madness, it is Stormy Daniels — and deservedly so. Daniels has a keen perception for what really goes on with people and a killer wit.

The brief back information that you need is this. Hucky Boo Boo spoke at the Politico’s Women Rule summit where of course she defended Donald Trump and said what she wished her legacy to be. Newsweek:

When asked if Trump behaved appropriately toward the press in general, Sanders said: “I don’t always find the behavior of the press to be appropriate, either. I think that the president is somebody who’s a fighter. When he gets hit, he always hits back.”

Sanders was also asked how she hoped to be remembered, to which she replied: “I hope that it will be that I showed up every day and I did the very best job that I could to put forward the president’s message. To be transparent and honest throughout that process and do everything I could to make America a little better that day than it was the day before.”

Wherever you are when reading this, I hope that it’s cocktail hour, so that you can have a stiff one. My God. She said this, on a day where it’s all over the press how she admitted to Mueller’s investigators that she lied about “scores of FBI agents” calling the White House to commend Trump for firing Comey, and different outlets are printing stories about her biggest and most frequent lies.

In any event, here’s what Stormy Daniels had to say.

America, my beautiful country, how did we get to this?


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        • I confess, I washed them all down — with scotch. Jesus, the reality these people live in! Hucky Boo Boo is the High Priestess of bulls*it! I just blocked a moran on Twitter who told me that Melania’s coat was not an insult to the children and “everybody knows that but you.” So of course i mentioned NYT, WaPo, the Guardian, etc. You know what came back to me. It’s all fake news. So I told her go back and watch fake news and get more talking points and blocked her. They have chosen to live in the dark. What can you do?

          • These people seem to revel in their stupidity, and stupidity is a life sentence.

            I could no more flap my arms and fly to the Moon as change the mind of the willfully ignorant, so I avoid them.

            Like the old saying goes, you can’t teach old dog new tricks, and you can’t teach a dumb dog anything.

          • It all comes back to this double narrative that’s in this country now. Roger Ailes is Satan. I’m not joking. I never thought I would see people debating what facts are real. Opinion is one thing, but when you can’t even agree on the facts, on what’s real, it’s all over. There is no debate.

          • I feel for you…..while I can turn it all off and ignore the idiots, your writing keeps you on the front lines…..my girlfriend owns a site and she is in the same boat…..she is so tired of the idiots, but can’t get away.

            My advice to you both is what Sidney Friedman said to the people of the 4077th.

            “Ladies and gentlemen….take my advice…pull down your pants and slide on the ice.”

            *pours ursula a scotch*


          • You don’t know the half of it. I just got done with an email exchange between some ding a ling who wanted to be unsubscribed from the newsletter, but then told me she doesn’t get the newsletter. Near as I can tell, PolitiZoom just magically appears on her computer when she turns it on, and she thinks we’re doing something to her. I said, “Maybe it’s the work of the Devil.” Then I asked her if she was a troll, because while I appreciate that technology throws people for a loop (and I’ve had my own issues, believe me) if she’s this effing stupid then she’s got more issues than PZ appearing on her screen. Damn. Wingnuts to the right, idiots to the left, I’m going to go watch a movie. Screw it. Tomorrow is another day, as Scarlett O’Hara used to say.

          • Sounds like the classic case of a nut loose behind the computer……

            I saw a Grumpy Cat meme that said 70% of the Earth’s surface is covered by water….

            ….and the other 30% is covered by idiots.

          • There are worse things than PZ that this woman could be stumbling into on her computer, like Breitbart, American Renaissance (Nazi Site) all kinds of dreck I could name.

            Grumpy Cat crossed the rainbow bridge recently and departed from us. She was a sweet cat, I read, just had that strange face.

          • I saw that she has crossed…..I believe it said she was only 8, young for a cat…..I’m a big cat fan…..am helping advise a neighbor who found a 3 week old kitten in a parking lot…..the poor thing wasn’t even weened, so I am providing technical support on the finer points of cat nursing 🙂

          • I nursed a little pootie that wasn’t weaned with a doll bottle. Tiny little thing — the bottle. The pootie was, too. He grew up to be so neurotic, though, and then the coyotes got him when he was less than two years old.

          • My sister got to meet Grumpy Cat once, at a wingding for an animal shelter. She said Grumpy really was a nice cat. (I have a pic of them together.)

          • Actually, I have seen people debating what facts are real – just not in daily life or all the time. That is exactly what trials are for. But I can certainly agree I never expected to be living every minute of every day inside a courtroom, let alone one presided over by the Queen of Hearts in drag.

          • You make a solid point. Judges are the triers of fact when a fact is in dispute. But in the real world, if I put an apple pie on the table and you insist it’s peach, because Sean Hannity told you liberals only eat peach pies, and you don’t like peaches, we’re not going to have a good discussion about dessert. That’s about how basic it’s gotten.

            I love your line about the Queen of Hearts in drag. HA!

          • “Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but not to their own facts.”
            Daniel Patrick Moynihan. As quoted by B. Obama.

    • I don’t think that will happen. Of course, anything is possible in today’s climate. But I think if there was dirt on that level, that one of her enemies would have outed it by now.

    • I used to throw popcorn at the TV or computer screen. Good way to take out frustration. Maybe we should share it with Trump so that the TVs in the White House have a longer life span.

      • Nerf Darts are a great way to ease frustration, getting to point and shoot at the screen but not doing lasting damage. I used mine quite a bit during the Bush years. I didn’t need it last time as I refused to watch any of the repug primary debates in 2016, and could only stand brief parts of tRump’s abusive, stalker, creeper crap with Clinton. I think I may need a new one as it’s hard to get through Brian William’s show with him showing a plethora of tRump clips every night. Stop already!

  1. Sarah boo boo wasn’t worth a damn, she was always rude , which was not her job ” We the People” weren’t paying her to be a bitch ! Good Riddance !


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