This is intriguing. If a staffer and a maintenance worker, both employed at Mar-a-Lago, also get indicted along with Donald Trump tomorrow (if indeed that deadline is accurate) then that could be interesting for a variety of reasons. At first blush, it would indicate a criminal conspiracy.

It isn’t usual that peoples’ routine employees get indicted along with them. Even Al Capone had people working for him who were doing normal tasks, watering the garden, answering the phone and so forth and they did not get gathered up and taken away when he did. In Trump’s case — because, after all, everything Trump touches dies — a few other people may go along with him. And that raises the spectre of them doing what Mark Meadows did and testifying against Trump in exchange for partial or total immunity. Interesting.

It would be interesting to hear why, exactly, Trump wanted boxes moved the day before the DOJ official showed up at the door.

It could hit the fan tomorrow, bigly. And if not tomorrow, then soon.


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    • Very probably. Maybe he just figured that if he moved them from Closet A to Closet B they would go away. Beats the hell out of me.

  1. Capone was sent up for tax evasion–doubt the gardener’s moonlighted as hia accountant, and even if he did he couldn’t be held responsible for not filing.

    • My point exactly. It will be intriguing to see what Trump managed to rope “normal” people into. I wonder if his Diet Coke valet is the staffer in question. He did move the boxes or he had knowledge of the boxes being moved.


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