An anti-government spiel makes perfect sense when there’s a Democrat in the White House, at least if you’re a Fox News host or a GOP troll House member. But to attack the U.S. Military? This is not only ill advised, it’s virtually guaranteed to blow up in their faces. Bear in mind that QAnon doctrine states that Trump is still commander in chief and the military is under his control. How are they going to square that idea with the concept that the military is a bunch of no-gooders?

Public discourse takes another dive, faith in our institutions is eroded once again, and the right-wing of this country makes it clear once more that their only policy is bread and circus as they continue to make America look like a banana republic.

It’s hard to know what the end game of this is, too. They can’t have their cake and eat it too. Either the military is a bunch of woke wusses, or it is the body that is going to restore King Donald to his rightful throne. Somebody in wingnuttia needs to make an executive decision on which.


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  1. Carlson is cunning…he knows his attack is a gamble. I think this illustrates how effective the general’s talking points were, and helps illuminate a rebuttal to their CRT nonsense. Carlson is snarling like a feral dog who just got beat…probably means we should keep beating him, lol.

  2. Would you waste your time with going to a dumpster and look at the garbage. That’s exactly what you are doing when you go to FOX and watch that gutless worm Carlson Pucker. Can’t wait until he gets what’s coming. He’s going to cry like a b….ch.


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