The ranks of Trump World, capital “W” as they now speak of themselves, are dwindling and pronto. Sidney Powell is now following Corey Lewandowski out the door although for very different reasons. Apparently Powell is too embarrassing to be associated with and when you’re able to embarrass Donald Trump, you have achieved something very few people have, however dubious an accomplishment that may be. Daily Beast:

The “Kraken” queen long ago removed herself from acceptability among the more respectable GOP circles with a constant stream of bizarre election conspiracy theories. But knowledgeable sources tell The Daily Beast that the places she’s unwelcome now include Trump properties, where advisers look to keep the former president away from her.

Her unrelenting antics have put her on an informal list of people to intercept should they ever appear, or if they even just try to call the 45th U.S. president.

Powell is facing a number of legal headaches. She and her nonprofit, Defending the Republic, are both named as defendants in a billion-dollar defamation suit by Dominion Voting Systems. She’s been sanctioned by a Michigan judge for filing a frivolous election suit in the state, faces calls for her disbarment in Texas, and her nonprofit is still waiting to find out its punishment for running afoul of Florida’s rules for charity fundraising. Despite the mounting challenges, Powell was still posting new election conspiracy theories to her nonprofit’s website as recently as Wednesday. […]

Two lawyers who currently work for Trump or in the former president’s inner orbit say they want absolutely nothing to do with her and have cautioned others in MAGAland to do the same. One said they’d recently deleted her phone number.

Two other people familiar with the matter said that ever since he left office in January, certain advisers and longtime associates to Trump have kept an informal shortlist of people who they should look out for, including at Trump’s private clubs or offices in Florida, New Jersey, and New York. The point of this roster is to intercept and possibly rebuff attempted outreach,visits, or phone calls from a handful of conservative figures who could bring the ex-president more undesired headaches.

And if you question that Powell’s motives in all this have been of a pecuniary nature, take a look at the fact that her non profit is in major trouble and that’s unusual for non profits. They tend to be the good guys. Not here and not surprisingly.

Shortly before that sanctions [in Michigan] hearing, Powell’s nonprofit Defending the Republic announced that one of its attorneys would be stepping down from representing the group against Dominion Voting Systems’ billion-dollar defamation suit. Powell first created the group in the wake of the 2020 election to help fund her post-election crusade against Dominion, which prompted the company to list the organization as a defendant alongside her.

Jesse Binnall, a longtime colleague of Powell who once worked alongside her representing Mike Flynn, stepped down as counsel for Powell’s nonprofit in the Dominion’s lawsuit on Thursday. Binnall declined to comment when reached by The Daily Beast on Friday.

Nor is that the only headache looming for Powell’s nonprofit. In July, the group ran afoul of Florida’s rules for charitable organizations when it allegedly began fundraising as a charity in the state before registering with the department of agriculture, which has jurisdiction over nonprofits. Nikki Fried, a Democrat who serves as Florida’s agriculture commissioner, filed a complaint against the group and the department told the AP that it was negotiating with representatives for the group over what kind of punishment would be appropriate.

It’s an axiom of the law that “the law should always be used as a shield and never as a sword” but of course crooked lawyers are always looking for ways to exploit the laws to their advantage. Sidney Powell has traversed a very long, downhill slope. Right now she’s on a par with her true blue friend, Mike Lindell, with people asking, “Won’t anyone around her do an intervention and get her some help?”

Reportedly Powell was very hurt when Trump didn’t want to make her a special counsel in the White House to investigate voter fraud. There was even an insane rumor going around for a time that Trump was considering her for the post of attorney general. To Powell’s credit she said that she “hadn’t heard that” and that if it was true, “a lot of people would be calling laundry services right now,” meaning they would be shitting themselves. That was just a few years ago

The only thing that is certain is that in recent weeks she’s only been pouring gasoline on the Dominion fire with the nutty rhetoric about the Department of Defense, patents, and Dominion switching votes, and they will be coming to her for a reckoning. Soon. Very soon. Powell has only herself to blame for whatever befalls her. The fault lies not in our stars, dear Sidney, but in ourselves. You should have stopped when you were ahead.



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  1. Her theories just keep getting farther and farther from anything even remotely resembling reality. She’s claiming now that the government has patents on stuff that can predetermine election results.

    • (Lin Wood is even farther from reality. He’s claiming that the WTC was hit by missiles and the planes were “fake CGI”, whatever that is. 3000 dead people would like to speak with him….)

  2. “And if you question that Powell’s motives in all this have been of a pecuniary nature, take a look at the fact that her non profit is in major trouble and that’s unusual for non profits. They tend to be the good guys. Not here and not surprisingly.”

    Well, the non profits “tend to be the good guys” only applies to those which are formed under the strict guidelines for a non profit. Unfortunately, most groups establishing “non profits” that just happen to espouse conservative ideals also tend to be doing so to get around paying taxes (and also enjoying much cheaper postage rates) and ones that are established as a reaction to a political event (such as an election loss) have absolutely no intent in being a “good guy”; they’re out to make as much tax-free money as they can before they need to “ose-lay the am-scay” (to quote “Married . . . with Children”).


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