This calls for a new category of classification. Next to the You Can’t Make This Shit Up file, we’re going to have a You Won’t Believe it Even When You See It cabinet. That is the reaction that legal scholars are having today after Sidney “Kraken” Powell, who was a little too weird even for Donald Trump, but he hired her anyway, filed a motion to dismiss the Dominion Voting Systems suit, claiming not that she was insane, but that if anybody believed her nonsense, then they were.

Let’s see if we understand this here: “My sources were off the walls and so was I. Only a crazy person would have believed anything I was saying, so if you did, you’re crazy and that’s not my fault, can’t hold me liable if you’re nuts.” Close?

I can’t wait to see Dominion’s response. OMG, this is going to be good.


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  1. The thing is she is not wrong. No reasonable person believed her or Giuliani or Lin Wood. Nevertheless, it is no defense for her actions. I expect this motion to be dismissed.

  2. She swore to the truth of those statements in her lawsuits. The courts can – and should – sanction her now. (FRCP Rule 11, for those who know lawyers.)

    • In what state or states is she qualified to practice law? She should certainly face a disciplinary hearing (or hearings, if multiple states) over her actions with the potential loss of her license as a consequence.

      At the very lease, she shouldn’t be allowed EVER to appear before any Federal court–except as a defendant in a case.

  3. Maybe Powell is angling for a career as a “Sea Lawyer” by which I don’t mean someone specializing in Maritime law. No, in the Naval Service a “Sea Lawyer” is someone who interjects themselves into situation spouting “expertise” they don’t possess and making things worse for people already in trouble. It’s a variation on the concept of a “Sea Story.” For those who aren’t old-school the concept of a Sea Story is: The difference between a fairy tale and a sea story is that fairy tales begin with “Once upon a time” while a sea story begins with “You’re not gonna believe this shit!” In other words sea stories, while sometimes containing some truth (sometimes quite a bit even) tend to be crazy ass tales and any actual facts or truth gets so distorted with embellishments as to make the whole thing unbelievable. And yes, some are purely made up bullshit like Powell’s “kraken” legal filings.

    What I find interesting is that she appeared in court and signed her name to lawsuits that alleged documentation and witness testimony to support her claims. She made factual representations in court to judges that she’s now saying weren’t factual at all. Just bullshit. It’s not like ambulance chasing personal injury lawyers or defense lawyers don’t make up shit but there are limits to what a judge will let them get away with. So, the question becomes whether the level of the representations she made that she now says were made up rises to the level of warranting formal judicial sanctions and even disbarment. At the very least I hope some of the judges she appeared to issue summons’ for her to come back and explain herself. Is it too much to hope that she’ll be cited for contempt and even have to spend a night or two in jail to drive home the point about how pissed a given judge was to have their time wasted by her?


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