Sean Hannity Will Be Put Under Oath In ‘Devastating’ Stormy Daniels Lawsuit, Predicts Journalist Kurt Eichenwald


Stormy Daniels filed yet another lawsuit today, her third in as many months, this one targeting the unethical and unprofessional conduct of Michael Cohen and Daniels’ former attorney, Keith Davidson. The lawsuit refers to Davidson as a “puppet” of Trump and Cohen and says that Cohen and Davidson “hatched a plan” and “colluded” to get Daniels to go on Fox News in January and falsely deny the affair with Trump. Kurt Eichenwald weighed in on Twitter:

Michael Avenatti said that Michael Cohen was “radioactive” and that everybody associated with him should be worried. The text messages between Cohen and Davidson cited in the lawsuit are damning. NBC News:

Attached to the lawsuits are text messages exchanged between Cohen and Davidson on Jan. 17, 2018, the same day that In Touch Magazine resurrected an interview Clifford had done years before about Trump that was not published at the time.

“I have her tentatively scheduled for Hannity tonight,” Cohen allegedly texted Davidson, referring to the Fox News program helmed by Trump ally Sean Hannity.

Davidson, according to the suit, responded that “she cannot don’t [sic] today. She is flying to LA tomorrow. I’m trying to get her to commit for tomorrow.”

Over the next several hours, texts went back and forth. At one point, the suit said, Cohen complained the delay was “no good.”

“By doing tomorrow you just create another news cycle instead of putting an end to this one,” he wrote, the suit alleges.

Later that evening, another text from Cohen to Davidson said: “The wise men all believe the story is dying and don’t think it’s smart for her to do any interviews.”

Davidson replied “100%.” Cohen’s response: “Thanks pal.”

Scholars of legal ethics and people with common sense should find it interesting that Cohen and Davidson were purportedly adversaries, with Cohen representing Trump’s interests and Davidson representing Daniels’. Yet, they’re clearly “pals,” working together to book Stormy Daniels on Sean Hannity’s show to lie to protect Trump (Hannity conveniently being another client of Cohen’s.)

“Devastating” about sums it up. Hannity’s testimony promises to be quite entertaining. As to Cohen, he’s a fixer, all right. He’s managed to fix his own wagon, but good.


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