What an amazing week it’s been and it’s only Wednesday. We had yet another serial killing, this time in Tennessee and the GOP has made its stance in the matter crystal clear. That stance is, “we give up.” They can’t come up with any answers to the gun crisis, because the logical answer, take the assault weapons off the street, is something that they can’t bear to do.

So without being able to take a common sense approach to an actual solution to the problem, the proclamation is that there is no solution. Human nature is here to stay. “Human violence kills people, not guns,” is one sentence that rang out in Congress today.

And of course the GOPers have to go for both siderism and they do. Here is Clay Higgins here to tell you that it’s not true that guns have superseded auto accidents as the cause of childrens’ deaths. No, it’s abortion. Once again, the Republicans are all for you when you’re in vitro. The minute you’re born, hey, good luck.

They’re in terror of banning the AR-15. And make no mistake, it is the AR-15.

Forget about the GOP reps. We might as well just have the NRA get up and speak in Congress, and cut out the middleman.

Sophistry at its finest, here.

Higgins has no decency and no shame to get up and sell this.

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    • Shameless hypocrisy is the gop calling card. Has been for decades.

      This guy, and all republican/con pols, are sub-moronic shills for wealthy individuals and craporations. When we are rid of all of this garbage, this country might finally have a chance to be that beacon on the hill. Unless we rid ourselves of such filth we will sink lower into the sewage lagoon. As a country and as thinking people we cannot allow this to continue.

  1. Well, for starters a fetus isn’t a child. Until 24 week’s gestation it can’t live outside the womb and for several more weeks beyond that even with the most advanced care it’s a dicey proposition. But let’s say for the sake of argument this asshat that professes to loooooove his Jeebus says “thoughts and prayers?” Why? After all GOD is the biggest abortionist of all!

    At a minimum 30% of fertilized eggs never result in pregnancy. They pass right on out without implanting in the uterine wall. Or implant but become dislodged. And pass right on out before a woman ever knows she’s pregnant. Then there are miscarriages, and ectopic pregnancies. Lot’s of stuff needs to go just right for an fertlized egg to turn into a full blown pregnancy that’s happened. That can eventually result in a birth. Many estimates place that thirty percent figure closer to forty percent and some even higher.

    Now consider there are eight billion people on our planet. LOTS of sex going on to say the least. And a large portion of the people, including and especially the women face longer odds of a pregnancy lasting to giving birth than in developed countries like ours. Poor nutrition and physical (hard physical) labor and other factors help increase that rate of fertilized eggs not becoming viable pregnancies that last.

    So, our all knowing and all wise & supposedly benevolent God who demands religious fanatics (so they say) to treat every fertilized egg as a human being from the moment of conception “kills” off literally tens of millions of “babies” EVERY FUCKING DAY!

    If human heads could actually explode I would have caused it to happen sometimes when I have had a chat about this with religious nutjobs.

    • Don’t forget that that God the religious nuts (claim to) worship is also responsible for the deaths of countless LIVING children.

      For starters, there was that whole “Flood” business. How many thousands/millions of helpless innocent children died during that? (And we’ll go into the possible trillions if you include all the “baby animals”–at all levels–that would’ve been flooded as well.)

      Then, we can skip to the final plague of Egypt: The DEATHS of the first-born. Oh, it really gets completely glossed over but the plague which was sent by God–after having “hardened Pharaoh’s heart” for the sole purpose of killing all those innocents–had to have killed off likely millions of completely innocent “first-born” children and animals. And, again, none of these people bore ANY responsibility in keeping the “children of Israel in bondage.”

      Then, there’s the conquest of Canaan after the death of Moses. GOD directed the Israelites to slaughter EVERYONE–in some towns/cities, the command was to leave NO trace that anyone had even existed there.

      And, we’ll end God’s mass-murder history with the “Slaughter of the Innocents.” Herod had received the news that the “King of the Jews” had been born so he decided to kill off every male infant under the age of two while Joseph and Mary escaped to Egypt with Jesus. Did God intervene by giving Herod a massive heart attack before he could issue that command? Nope. He let the massacre take place, and while scholars don’t agree on how many casualties happened (or if it actually happened at all–some scholars believe it was just some anti-Herod propaganda to add some “oomph” to the narrative), but that’s still pretty damn complacent for an “all-powerful” deity.


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