I was among those who believed that the sale of Twitter to Elon Musk would have to proceed as planned because of the fiduciary responsibility the publicity owned company owed to it’s stockholders especially after Musk offered a financial windfall of profit at a greatly inflated rate per share earlier this year.

But I also was convinced that Musk wanted out of the deal after he lost a ton of net worth when Tesla stock tanked at the news of the proposed buy out.

But, it turns out, at some point, Little Elon deep pockets didn’t have to worry about paying out almost two billion dollars of the total needed to acquire the bird, because there was one investor who was happy to forgo the potential windfall for reasons we can only suspect, but nonetheless fear have little to do with turning a profit…

Yeah, me too🙄

Ain’t it tho…

They’re not looking for your info, Tara.


Might wanna watch your tweets.


🤷‍♂️ 🤷‍♂️ 🤷‍♂️


Blue Sky looking better all the time.

That would be a yes.



9-11 by other means.

Thanks, Elon.

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  1. It’s up to the users of this worthless platform to prove how worthless it is. The loss of a significant portion of its users as well as its advertisers might put it under. Hard to say tho’ since trust-fund baby and the saudi bum-boy likely have reasons other than profit. Surely both have watched our nation start circling the toilet bowl and both see advantages to such a thing-trust-fund sees the nation become a white supremacist hell-hole and bum-boy sees a nation so busy dealing with internal terrorists it will no longer have the time nor inclination to get the world off of fossil fuels. Such possibilities would be attractive to the likes of those two and the money spent would be considered well spent.


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